Tetrastigma sulcatum

Tetrastigma sulcatum (P. Lawson) Gamble, Fl. Madras 229 1918. (syn: Vitis lanceolaria Wight (ambiguous synonym); Vitis sulcata P. Lawson); India (Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala) as per Catalogue of life; Small climbers or creepers; stem thick, tuberculate. Leaves 3-5-foliolate; leaflets ovate-elliptic, acuminate, crenate-serrate, nerves 13-15 pairs; rachis 4 cm long. Peduncle 1-2 cm […]

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Paraserianthes lophantha (Introduced)

Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen (syn: Acacia lophantha Willd.; Albizia lophantha (Willd.) Benth.; Feuilleea distachya (Vent.) Kuntze; Mimosa distachya Vent.; Mimosa elegans Andrews; Mimosa lophantha (Willd.) Pers.; Mimosa lophantha Vent.;  Paraserianthes lophantha subsp. lophantha );   As per ILDIS, in other places & India (I): Tamil Nadu  Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C. Nielsen SN 15April11 : 1 post […]

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Ixora notoniana

Ixora notoniana Wall. ex G.Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 571 1834. (Syn: Ixora grandiflora Schltdl. ex Hook.f.; Ixora wightiana Wall. [Invalid]); Images by Anurag N Sharma (Id by Navendu Page) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)     Tamil: Kalilambili Malayalam: Iramburippi   Habit- Large shrubs or small trees […]

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Sharma Eklabya

    List of Publication       (1) Peer reviewed journal papers:     Molden, D and E. Sharma (2013) ICIMOD’s Strategy for Delivering High-quality Research and Achieving Impact for Sustainable Mountain Development. Mountain Research and Development, Vol. 33 (2): 179-183. Switzerland   Chettri, N., K. Uddin, S. Chaudhary and E. Sharma (2013) Linking […]

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Ficus rubiginosa (Introduced)

Ficus rubiginosa Desf. ex Vent., Jard. Malmaison 144 1805. (Syn: Ficus australis Willd.; Ficus baileyana Domin; Ficus ferruginea Desf.; Ficus ferruginea Miq.; Ficus fulva Kunth & C.D.Bouché [Illegitimate]; Ficus leichhardtii (Miq.) Miq. ..; Ficus muelleri Miq.; Ficus novae-walliae Dum.Cours.; Ficus obliqua var. petiolaris (Benth.) Corner; Ficus platypoda var. leichhardtii (Miq.) R.J.F.Hend. ….; Ficus rubiginosa var. glabrescens F.M.Bailey ..; Ficus […]

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Rhodo Trek to Sikkim

    Rhodo Trek to Sikkim : 4 posts by 2 authors. I am looking for company of 3 more persons to go on a Rhodo trek to Varse Kalijar Uttarey in Sikkim. Journey is for 5 days ex Bagdogra. Dates to suit But before 15th May. Please communicate I am just back from a […]

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Nath Subhan C.

    PUBLICATIONS OF DR. SUBHAN C NATH   A. Book:   1.   Nath S C (Authored) 2011: Plant Folk-Medicines and Medicinal Plants of North-East India. CSIR-North East Institute of Science &Technology (Formerly RRL), Jorhat. Assam. Pages (A4 Size) 166   2.  Baruah A and Nath S. C (Edited) 2011: Aromatic and Spice Plants: Utilization […]

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Callicarpa species ?- Java

  Flower of Java 2 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) An unknown Verbenaceae needs to be identified.  beauty berry ? callicarpa, sp … PS … a little more of the leaves and their sizes, and season of this picture?

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Mushroom in square foot garden in Bangalore

  Mushroom in our garden : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) We discovered this mushroom in our square foot garden in Bangalore.   Could someone confirm it is is edible and also identify? Pl. show us the lower side.

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Phate Preeeti V.

    Sagar H. Chavan, Aditya P. Kamble, Pratik V. Phate and *Preeti V. Phate – FIRST REPORT OF CEROPEGIA BULBOSA ROXB. FROM COASTAL HABITAT OF KULABA FORT, ALIBAG, MAHARASHTRA-  Indian Journal of Plant Sciences ISSN: 2319–3824(Online) 2014 Vol. 4 (4) October-December, pp.23-27/Sagar et al.

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Mao Ashiho A.

    DR. A. A. MAO’S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: 96     PLANT TISSUE CULTURE 1. MAO, A.A. ‘Morphogenetic responses of various tissue and organs of Coriandrum sativum L. in tissue culture’. M.Phil. Thesis, Delhi University. 1990. 2. SINGH, D.K., A.A. MAO, R.K. GUPTA & G.P. SINHA, 1992. Axenic seed germination of some rare, threatened […]

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Singh Deo Siddhartha

    PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED: Chapter in a book – 1   Acharya, K., Sarkar, J. and Singh Deo, S. 2009. Mycosynthesis of Nanoparticles. In: Advances in Biotechnology, (eds.) Bhowmik, P. K., Basu, S. K. and Goyal, A. Bentham eBooks, pp. 204 – 215. ISBN: 978-1-60805-090-1   Research papers – 7   Sarkar, J., Chattopadhyay, D., […]

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Bawa Kamal S.

List of Publications (excluding published abstracts and book reviews)   Books and Monographs   1.   Bawa, K. S., P. S. Ashton, R. B. Primack, J. Terborgh, F. Ng, S. M. Nor and M. Hadley. 1989.  Reproduction Ecology of Tropical Forest Plants:  Research Insights and Management Implication.  Biology International Special Issue, Vol. 21. 56 pp.   […]

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Erythrodes blumei

Erythrodes blumei (Lindl.) Schltr., Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee Nachtr.: 87 1905. (Syn: Erythrodes blumei var. aggregatus T.P.Lin & W.M.Lin; Erythrodes brevicalcar J.J.Sm.; Erythrodes chinensis (Rolfe) Schltr.; Erythrodes formosana Schltr.; Erythrodes henryi Schltr.; Erythrodes triantherae C.L.Yeh & C.S.Leou; Microchilus blumei (Lindl.) D.Dietr.; Physurus blumei Lindl.; Physurus chinensis Rolfe; Physurus henryi Schltr.);   PK2015041802: Erythrodes blumei (Lindl.) Schltr. […]

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