Chamaecrista nictitans

Chamaecrista nictitans (L.) Moench (syn: Cassia aeschinomene Collad.; Cassia aspera var. mohrii Pollard; Cassia chamaecrista var. nictitans Kuntze; Cassia mimosoides subsp. leschenaultiana (DC.) H.Ohashi; Cassia multipinnata Pollard; Cassia multipinnata var. nashii Pollard; Cassia nictidans L.; Cassia nictitans L.; Cassia nictitans var. conmixta (Pollard & Maxon) Millsp.; Cassia nictitans var. hebecarpa Fernald; Cassia nictitans var. leiocarpa […]

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Order Agaricales member- Kakani, Nuwakot, Nepal

  SK 2608 12 April 2020 – Mycophyta : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Location: Kakani, NuwakotDate: 20 June 2018Elevation: 2000 m. Habit : Wild Not sure if I have posted it earlier. I could not find in the mailing is! Marasmiaceae ? Impossible to Identify with a single picture. It is OK …! I have completed posting […]

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Crinipellis scabella

Crinipellis scabella (Alb. & Schwein.) Murrill, 1915 (syn: Agaricus caulicinalis Bull., 1786; Agaricus corticalis Desm.; Agaricus graminealis Lasch; Agaricus scabellus Alb. & Schwein., 1805; Agaricus stipitarius Fr., 1821; Agaricus stipitarius var. caulicinalis (Bull.) Fr., 1821; Agaricus stipitarius var. graminealis Lasch, 1828; Agaricus stipitarius var. stipitarius Fr., 1821; Androsaceus epichloe (Fr.) Rea, 1922; Chamaeceras epichloe (Fr.) Kuntze, […]

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Marasmius maximus ?

Marasmius maximus Hongo, 1962 ?;   SK1840 16 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- around 900 kb each.  Location: Kakani, NuwakotDate: 20 June 2018Elevation: 2000 m. Habit : Wild What was the size as to me these appears to be of very small sizes ? Can it be from Psathyrellaceae‎ based […]

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Suillus bovinus ?

Suillus bovinus (L.) Roussel, 1796 (syn: Agaricus bovinus (L.) Lam., 1783; Boletus aestivus Schlotterb., 1760; Boletus bovinus L., 1753; Boletus bovinus var. aestivus (Schlotterb.) J.F.Gmel., 1792; Boletus bovinus var. bovinus L., 1753; Boletus bovinus var. congoensis Beeli, 1926; Boletus bovinus var. luteoporus Beneš, 1942; Boletus bovinus var. moravicus Beneš, 1942; Boletus bovinus var. viridocaerulescens A.Pearson, 1950; […]

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Bulbophyllum corolliferum (Cultivated- USA)

Bulbophyllum corolliferum J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg II, 25: 80 1917. (syn: Bulbophyllum corolliferum var. purpureum (Ridl.) J.J.Sm.; Bulbophyllum curtisii (Hook.f.) J.J.Sm. [Illegitimate]; Bulbophyllum curtisii var. purpureum (Ridl.) J.J.Sm.; Cirrhopetalum concinnum var. purpureum Ridl.; Cirrhopetalum curtisii Hook.f.; Cirrhopetalum curtisii var. lutescens Garay; Cirrhopetalum curtisii var. purpureum (Ridl.) Garay); Pen. Thailand to W. Malesia as per […]

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Pleurothallis species- Atlanta, USA

Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 20APR20 : AK-73 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018.  Not sure if this is an Orchid. This should be a Pleurothallis but cant confirm without open flowers.

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Phalaenopsis hybrids- Atlanta, USA

  Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 18APR20 : AK-70 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018.  Unfortunately, I have only one picture. Phalaenopsis Species? Yes this is a Phalaenopsis may be a hybrid.

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Pholidota convallariae ?

Pholidota convallariae (E.C.Parish & Rchb.f.) Hook.f., Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 19: t. 1880 1889. (Syn: Coelogyne convallariae E.C.Parish & Rchb.f.; Pholidota convallariae var. breviscapa Deori & J.Joseph; Pholidota fragrans Ridl.)?; E. Himalaya to China (SW. Yunnan) and W. Malesia as per WCSP; Assam; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Jawa; Myanmar; Sumatera; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of […]

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Lepiota species- Chethalayam, Wayanad, Kerala

3 pictures for you – efloraofindia | Google Groups (mixed thread): 3 images. Date & Time        30 June 2010Location: Place, Altitude, GPS        Chethalayam, Wayanad, Kerala, India.Habitat: Garden, Urban, Wild Type:        WildCould someone identify and let me have the botanical name of this mushroom please? It may not be Lepiota cristata as per Wikipedia  Mushroom Expert  First Nature  iNaturalist  […]

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Interesting articles on trees

Interesting articles on trees in today”s Times of India 18 April 2010 : 1 post by 1 author. Other recipients:

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Leucoagaricus species- Nagarkot, Bhaktapur, Nepal

  SK 2605 10 April 2020 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Location: Nagarkot, Bhaktapur, Nepal Date: 13 August 2016 Elevation: 1500 m. Habit: Wild Amanita ? Could be Leucoagaricus, but need to see the underside to be sure. Yes agree with …, not Amanita and can be Leucoagaricus but can’t confirm without gills and […]

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Dendrobium rhodostictum (Cultivated- USA)

Dendrobium rhodostictum F.Muell. & Kraenzl., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 44: 300 1894. (syn: Dendrobium madonnae Rolfe; Sayeria rhodosticta (F.Muell. & Kraenzl.) Rauschert); Papua New Guinea to Solomon Is. as per WCSP; Bismarck Archipelago; New Guinea; Solomon Is. as per Catalogue of Life;   Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 18APR20 : AK-66 […]

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Anguloa clowesii (Cultivated- USA)

Anguloa clowesii Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 30(Misc.): 26 1844. (syn: Anguloa clowesii var. flava A.DC.; Anguloa clowesii var. aurea A.DC. ex Oakeley) Colombia to NW. & N. Venezuela as per WCSP;   Anguloa clowesii : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 17APR20 : AK-69 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Orchids seen at the […]

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Vanda hybrids- Atlanta, USA

Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, USA : 17APR20 : AK-63 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018. This is a hybrid of Vanda. usually go by name Ascocenda but now both Ascocentrum and Vanda are Vanda, so it should […]

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Seringia integrifolia (Australia)

Seringia integrifolia (Steud.) F.Müll., Fragm. 2: 5 1860. (syn: Keraudrenia integrifolia Steud. (ambiguous synonym); Keraudrenia velutina Steetz; Seringia grandiflora F.Müll.; Seringia velutina (Steetz) F.Müll.);   Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales) as per Catalogue of Life;   Plants From Australia 2018:: Seringia integrifolia-NS April 2020-48 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments […]

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