Crotalaria tetragona

Crotalaria tetragona Andrews (syn: Crotalaria esquirolii H.Lev.; Crotalaria esquirolii H. Lév.; Crotalaria grandiflora Zoll.);   Common name: Eastern Rattlepod • Nepali: भुगन Bhugan  Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Crotalaria ?:: Shimla :: NS OCT 27/27 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) I am not sure if this is a Crotalara sp. or otherwise.. Was recorded […]

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Crotalaria obtecta

Crotalaria obtecta Wight & Arn. (Syn: Crotalaria obtecta var. glabrescens (Benth.) Baker);    Woody undershrubs. Leaves 3.5-7 x 2-4 cm, elliptic ovate to obovate, obtuse at apex, cuneate at base, velvetty below when young, sparsely hairy on ageing. Stipules 0.5-0.7 cm long, subulate, deciduous. Racemes many-flowered. Calyx 2-2.5 cm long, lobes 5, densely brown hairy. Corolla […]

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Swertia angustifolia var. pulchella

Swertia angustifolia var. pulchella (D. Don) Burkill, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 2: 375 1906. (Syn: Ophelia pulchella D. Don; Swertia affinis C.B. Clarke; Swertia esquirolii H. Lév.; Swertia vacillans Maxim.); Branched herb; stem 4-angled, angles narrowly winged. Leaves lanceolate, 4 x 1.5 cm, estipulate, sessile, chartaceous, glabrous, 3-ribbed, base acute-cuneate, apex acutely acuminate. Panicles to […]

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Sapling from western ghat

    Hello to everybody on this group! : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) I came across this egroup and decided to join because I need help in identification of several species of trees that I have planted for an NGO. They are not necessarily common and that is why I need help. […]

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Ceropegia elegans

Ceropegia elegans Wall., Bot. Mag. 57: t. 3015 1830. (syn: .; Ceropegia elegans var. walkerae (Wight) Trimen; .; Ceropegia ledgeri N.E.Br.; Ceropegia mysorensis Wight; Ceropegia similis N.E.Br.; Ceropegia sphenanantha Wight & Arn.; Ceropegia sphenanthera Decne.; Ceropegia walkerae Wight);   Images by tspkumar  Twiners. Leaves to 4 x 3 cm, ovate, lanceolate, apex acute, base slightly […]

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  Felicia amelloides (L.) Voss (Cultivated- USA) (Images by Aarti Khale (ID by Usha Desai) (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh))                                               

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Wolfgang Theuerkauf- German who created Noah’s Ark for the Western Ghats

    Fwd: German who created Noah’s Ark for the Western Ghats is dead : 3 posts by 3 authors. German who created Noah’s Ark for the Western Ghats is dead Wolfgang Theuerkauf, a German who dedicated over 30 years of his life to the conservation of plants of southern India, passed away in […]

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Explore Gir & Mt. Girnar Trekking Expedition – 2014

    Fwd: Explore Gir & Mt.Girnar Trekking Expedition – 2014 : 1 post by 1 author. THIS YEAR ALSO THE GUJARAT STATE HAS ORGANISED A WONDERFUL NATIONAL LEVEL PROGRAMME IN GUJARAT. EXPLORE GIR AND GIRNAR .                                      […]

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Sambucus species- California

      Tree For ID : California : 24OCT14 : AK-27 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Tree seen in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30th Sept,14.  A large tree, with a lot of small black fruits. reminds me of elderberry…if bluish black, most likely sambucus canadensis… but if it is, […]

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Pinus species ?- California

    Pine Tree For ID : California : 23OCT14 : AK-24 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) Pine tree seen in a park on 29th Sept,14.   A huge tree with larger cones.        

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Photinia glabra (Cultivated- USA)

Photinia glabra (Thunb.) Maxim., 1873 178 1873. (syn: Crataegus glabra Thunb.; Mespilus glabra (Thunb.) Poir. (Unresolved); Photinia glabra (Thunb.) Franch. & Sav. (Unresolved); Photinia glabra var. typica Maxim.; Sorbus glabra Zabel);          Tree For ID : White Flowers : California : 22OCT14 : AK-23 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Small tree […]

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Yucca species- Delhi

      Ornamental Plant for ID : Delhi : 181212 : AK-1: A cultivated, ornamental plant seen in a garden in Delhi on 6/12/12. Dracaena species? looks like yucca If the leaf end is not needle sharp and is soft to touch, its Yucca desmetiana best pics and discussions is at: the […]

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Justicia species- Indonesia

      A Red Herb of Indonesia : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)  Could you help me to id our plant please. Thank you. It appears like a justicia species (Acanthaceae). May be Strobilathes sp. ? Certainly Acanthaceae; not Strobilanthes, very probably a species of Justicia. In the absence of flowers and […]

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Coleus argenteus

Coleus argenteus (Gamble) A.J.Paton, PhytoKeys 129: 20 (2019) (syn: Anisochilus argenteus Gamble, Fl. Madras 1127 1924.); S. India as per WCSP;   Stout herbs to 30 cm high; stem silvery white tomentose. Leaves to 1.5 x 1 cm, obovate, acute at apex, entire, densely hairy, closely packed on stem, sessile. Spikes to 8 cm long, […]

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Best Flora photograph​ers

    Sh. Pankaj Kumar & Sh. Dinesh Valke- All time Best Flora photograph​ers : 14 posts by 11 authors. It gives me great pleasure to announce that Sh. Pankaj Kumar & Sh. Dinesh Valke have been ‘All time Best Flora photograph​ers’ on efloraofindia, which has more than 2400 members & has completed around seven & […]

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