Cotoneaster pannosus (Introduced)

Cotoneaster pannosus Franch., Plantae delavayanae 223 1890. (Syn: Pyrus pannosa (Franch.) M. F. Fay & Christenh.); China (Sichuan, Yunnan), ?Tibet, South Africa (I) (Transvaal (I), KwaZulu-Natal (I)), Australia (I) (New South Wales (I)), Peru (I), Mexico (I), Colombia (I), Southern Marianas (I) (Guam (I)), Hawaii (I) (Kauai (I) (Waimea District (I)), East Maui (I) (Keokea) […]

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Cinnamomum malabatrum

Cinnamomum malabatrum (Burm.f.) J.Presl, Prir. Rostlin 2: 36 1825. (Syn: Cinnamomum malabathricum Lukman.; Cinnamomum malabatrum var. rheedei Lukman.; Cinnamomum malabatrum var. smithii Lukman.; Cinnamomum ochraceum Blume; Cinnamomum rheedii Lukman.;                     Laurus malabatrum Burm.f. ; Cinnamomum iners Reinw.);   Tamil: Kattukaruvappattai Kannada: Adavulavangapatte Habit– Trees up to 15 m tall. Trunk & Bark–Bark smooth, brown, pustular with […]

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Convolvulaceae member ?- Sangli

      ID this grass sp please : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).   ID This Poaceae Member. Collected this small hirsute grass near Sangli, Aug,2014. Experts please help  It is not Poaceae member Not Poaceae. not a poaceae member. look in tiliaceae family either.  Check for Convolvulaceae member.          […]

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Tree from Dandeli

      A tree from Dandeli : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). Id please. The tree was photographed on way to Dandeli Tiger Reserve. Celastraceae. Images are very distant. Thanks … I will try to do justice with the camera and the objects.          

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Galactia tenuiflora

Galactia tenuiflora (Willd.) Wight & Arn. (Syn: Dolichos repens “sensu Blanco, non L.”; Galactia elliptifoliola Merr.; Galactia lanceolata Hayata; Galactia obcordata (Baill.) Verdc.; Galactia sericea var. phrynoides DC.; Galactia tenuiflora var. tenuiflora ; Glycine dubia DC.; Glycine tenuiflora Willd.; Teramnus obcordatus Baill.);   Species with a wide pantropical distribution. Galactia tenuiflora is a perennial climbing herb […]

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Rubus rosifolius var. coronarius

Rubus rosifolius var. coronarius (Sims) Focke, Biblioth. Bot. 17(Heft 72): 155. 1911. (Syn: Rubus coronarius (Sims) Sweet; Rubus coronarius Sims; Rubus rosifolius (ambiguous synonym); Rubus rosifolius f. coronarius (Sims) Focke; Rubus rosifolius f. coronarius (Sims) Kuntze; Rubus rosifolius var. wuyishanensis Z. X. Yu);   China (I) (Jiangxi, Shaanxi (I), Yunnan (I), and likely elsewhere), India (I), […]

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SOMA plant

      Identity of a Tree in a Sculpture : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 3 MB. The Rigvedic sacrificial cult in India was centered on SOMA, plant, its juice and its personified god. It was the choice drink of the gods and priests to whom it gave strength and immortality. In ancient […]

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Stellaria decumbens

Stellaria decumbens Edgew., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 20: 35 1846. (syn: Stellaria cherleriae var. minor (Edgew.) Majumdar; Stellaria decumbens var. decumbens ; Stellaria decumbens var. edgeworthii Edgew.; Stellaria decumbens var. minor Edgew.);        Stellaria decumbens from Uttarakhand: Sep. 2014_DSR_4 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Stellaria decumbens Edgew. (Caryophyllaceae) is a frequest […]

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Eurya nitida

Eurya nitida Korth., Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bezitt., Bot. 115 1841. (syn; Eurya elliptica Gardn.; Eurya fasciculata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Eurya japonica var. nitida (Korth.) This.-Dyer; Eurya japonica var. thunbergii Thw. (ambiguous synonym); Eurya ladronica Hosokawa; Eurya ponapensis Hosokawa; Eurya rapensis Forest Brown; Eurya systyla Miq. ex Dyer; Eurya virens Bl.; Eurya wallichiana Steud. (ambiguous […]

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Pegaeophyton purii

Pegaeophyton purii (D.S.Rawat, L.R.Dangwal & R.D. Gaur) Al-Shehbaz, Novon 14(2): 157 2004. (Syn: Dilophia purii D.S.Rawat, L.R.Dangwal & R.D.Gaur);     First ever photo of Pegaeophyton purii (Brassicaceae) from Uttarakhand: Sep. 2014_DSR_1 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).    First ever photo of live specimens of Pegaeophyton purii (D.S.Rawat, L.R.Dangwal & R.D.Gaur) Al Shehbaz [basionym […]

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Pegaeophyton minutum H. Hara   Pegaeophyton purii (D.S.Rawat, L.R.Dangwal & R.D. Gaur) Al-Shehbaz

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Dr. C. K. Manilal

    A+life’s+mission+-+The+Hindu : 2 posts by 2 authors. Link Thanks for introducing Dr.M.Sabu of Calicut University to Eflora members .As Secretary. of Indian Association of Anigiosperm taxonomy and as Executive Editor of ‘Rheedea’ his contributions to the cause of Botany are remarkable. My good wishes to him.On a related note I would like to […]

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Cycas species- Bot. Garden, Kolkata

      IBG today : Cycas sp. 03 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7).   Another one from another place. It may be Cycas pectinata. Thank you …, but it appears to me that it does not look like the plants in other posts in eFI page – /species/a—l/cl/cycadaceae/cycas/cycas-pectinata. Instead, megasporophyll looks somewhat […]

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Perotis indica ?

Perotis indica ?;           Grass for ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Trying to get the correct ID of this grass which is supposed to have medicinal uses. Please provide the image of spike, then only identifation is easier and reliable. need inflorescence and spikelet for identification Thank […]

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Global Leadership Awards 2014

    ..Kindly nominate/send delegates from your Organization. : 1 post by 1 author. Be part of Global Leadership Awards 2014 on 20th December, 2014 by Federation of Industries. Request you to kindly nominate/send delegates from your Organization or send nominations for awards. Also contact us if you are interested in tie-up/collaboration or sponsorship. Thank you […]

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