Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’

  Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: August 1 to 14, 2014 : Araceae : Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ : Nasik : AK-93 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Seen at a plant nursery in Nasik. Cultivated, ornamental plant. Posted earlier, identified by … Kindly validate. Thanks for sharing

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Indian Bot. Garden, Kolkata- Fees & entry restrictions

IBG today : Thank You All : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). They charge you Rs.10/- to enter the garden. Another Rs.20/- for using still camera. -ok, no problem! They will check your cellphone if it has a lens! They won’t allow you to carry cigarette or matches, polypack, food-packets etc inside – […]

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Aphananthe cuspidata

Aphananthe cuspidata (Blume) Planch., Prodr. 17: 209 1873. (Syn: Aphananthe lissophylla Gagnep.; Aphananthe lucida (Kurz) J.-F.Leroy; Aphananthe yunnanensis (Hu) Grudz.; Celtis reticulata Hook.f. & Thomson ex Planch. [Illegitimate]; Cyclostemon cuspidatus Blume; Galumpita cuspidata Blume; Gironniera curranii Merr.; Gironniera cuspidata (Blume) Kurz; Gironniera lucida Kurz; Gironniera nitida Benth.; Gironniera reticulata Thwaites; Gironniera thompsonii King ex A.M.Cowan & […]

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Chlorophytum species- Connoor

  Lily like plant in Nilgiri of 10-8-14 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2). Connoor, Nilgiris, 1600-1700 MSL. Lily like leaf structure. Could have been planted as an ornamental plant. Chlorophytum sp.? Though the flowers resemble Chlorophytm, leaves do not support Chlorophytum.  In chlorophytum the leaves are sessile. In this case leaves look like […]

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Desmodiastrum racemosum

Desmodiastrum racemosum (Benth.) A.Pramanik & Thoth. (syn: Alysicarpus belgaumensis var. racemosus (Benth.) Baker; Alysicarpus racemosus Benth.; Desmodiastrum racemosum var. racemosum );  Common name: Ritchie’s Desmodium  India (N); Andhra Pradesh; Goa ; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra ; Orissa ; Rajasthan ; Tamil Nadu as per ILDIS ;   identification no 030814sn1 : 8 posts […]

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Amorphophallus species- Diveagar, Konkan

  AAZ Fortnight :: Araceae :: SMP5 Sauromatum sp. Diveagar. Konkan : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Sauromatum species. Total height of the plant was 3-4 feet This looks like a species of Amorphophallus to me.

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Lycoris radiata

Lycoris radiata (L’Hér.) Herb., Bot. Mag. 47: t. 2113, p. 5 1819. (syn: Amaryllis radiata L’Hér.; Lycoris radiata f. bicolor N.Yonez.; Lycoris radiata var. kazukoana N.Yonez.; Lycoris radiata var. pumila Grey; Lycoris radiata var. radiata ; Lycoris radiata var. terraccianii Dammann; Lycoris terracianii Dammann; Nerine japonica Miq.; Nerine radiata (L’Hér.) Sweet; Orexis radiata (L’Hér.) Salisb. […]

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Psychotria species- Chinnar, Tamil Nadu

  Flowering Tree for ID : 270614 + AGB + Sl.No. 1 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). I kindly request you to share the ams of the tree as per the two photographs. Observed on the higher reaches of Chinnar, Tamil Nadu. Its a magnet for the butterflies! there were more than […]

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Sahayadri Water Falls Trekking

  Fwd: Programme of Sahayadri Water Fall Trekking 2015 : Attachments (1) – SAHYADRI WATER FALLS TREKKING-2015.pdf Youth Hostel Association of India, Vadodara Unit is pleased to announce the programme of Sahayadri Water Fall Expedition 2015 on Gujarat Maharastra border. Please find herein the details in the attachments. The programme is going to be in […]

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Photographs required

Photographs required :  1 post by 1 author. we are developing commercial website to promote Indigenous plants, ornamental plants, palms and bamboos hence we required quality photographs  shows  its  Habitat, habit, Flowers etc, Relation of Birds & Plant sp, Insect & Plants species, Avenue or roadside plantation, Plantation at Garden etc. of following species  with permission […]

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Barleria noctiflora

Barleria noctiflora L.f., Suppl. Pl. 290 1782. (syn: Barleria cristata Lam. [Invalid]; Barleria ramosa Buch.-Ham.; Barleria ruellioides Rottler ex Nees [Invalid]; Barleriacanthus noctiflora (L.f.) Oerst.; Justicia lanceolata Nees [Invalid]);   Images by P. Santhan & S M Kasim (Inserted by J.M.Garg)   Barleria noctiflora L.f SN Aug 38 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).   Barleria […]

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  Archontophoenix alexandrae (F.Muell.) H.Wendl. & Drude (Images by Alka Khare (Validation by Andrew Henderson) & Aarti S Khale (Id by John Dransfield) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) ‎Archontophoenix page (‎‎‎‎‎‎Arecaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through ‎Archontophoenix page (‎‎‎‎‎Arecaceae) with […]

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Tree in Solan, HP

      Tree ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Please help me ID this tree. Himachal Pradesh; between 1000-1500 msl; A friend took this photo and he says that he has noticed this as often associated with Lyonia ovalifolia. Thanks, …, Pl. send the close ups. This is the best I have. […]

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Caladium ‘Freida Hemple’

     Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: August 1 to 14, 2014 : Araceae : Caladium bicolor : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 310814 : AK-131 :  4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Would like to know the Cultivar name for this bright pink & green Caladium. At the Lalbagh Nursery in Nov,2013. This looks like Caladium ‘Freida […]

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Goeppertia ecuadoriana (USA)

Goeppertia ecuadoriana (H.Kenn.) Borchs. & S.Suárez, Syst. Bot. 37: 630 (2012). (syn: Calathea ecuadoriana H.A.Kenn.) as per WCSP ; Image by Dr.Gurcharan Singh (Validation by Prof. A.H.Munshi) (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: Araceae- Calathea ecuadorina from California-GSAUG30 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).   Calathea ecuadoriana H.A.Kenn. Photographed from Sunnyvale, Caliornia, pl. validate […]

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Chambeyronia macrocarpa (Cultivated)

Chambeyronia macrocarpa (Brongn.) Vieill. ex Becc., Palme Nuova Caledonia 13 1920. (Syn: Chambeyronia hookeri Becc.; Cyphokentia macrocarpa (Brongn.) auct.; Kentia lindenii Linden ex André; Kentia lucianii Linden ex Rodigas; Kentia macrocarpa Vieill. ex Brongn.; Kentia rubricaulis Linden ex Salomon; Kentiopsis lucianii (Linden ex Rodigas) Rodigas; Kentiopsis macrocarpa Brongn.);   Images by Alka Khare (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For […]

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