Cynoglossum species- Jim Corbett, Uttarakhand

      Wild Plant For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 240614 : AK-47 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Wild plants seen deep inside the jungle on 18/5/14. No flowers seen. Please put information across to all members that the pics which are sent in for  Identification purpose should contain at least […]

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Persicaria species- Dhaka City

      Persicaria lapanthifolia ? ID from Bangladesh SM096 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Habit: ShrubHabitat: WildLocation: Dhaka City efi page on Persicaria lapathifolia Persicaria for sure. More details are required to confirm the species.        

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Jataka tales with illustrations

    Plants related to Buddha and Bharhut : 2 posts by 2 authors. Came across this site: which narrates Jataka tales with illustrations: stone sculptures mainly from Bharhut and mural paintings from Ajanta/Ellora. Most stories revolve around plants, trees, and the stone sculptures do show them.        

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Amphilophium buccinatorium (Cultivated- USA)

Amphilophium buccinatorium (DC.) L.G.Lohmann, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. (2010) in press. (syn: Bignonia buccinatoria (DC.) Mairet ex Hemsl.; Bignonia cherere Lindl. [Illegitimate]; Bignonia giesbreghtii C.Heller ex Peyr; Distictis buccinatoria (DC.) A.H.Gentry; Phaedranthus buccinatorius (DC.) Miers; Phaedranthus exsertus (DC.) Miers; Phaedranthus lindleyanus Miers [Invalid]; Pithecoctenium buccinatorium DC.; Pithecoctenium buccinatorium var. exsertum DC.; Pithecoctenium buccinatorium var. subinclusum […]

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Amphilophium buccinatorium (DC.) L.G.Lohmann (Images by Usha Desai and Gurcharan Singh, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images)) Amphilophium (‎‎‎‎‎‎Bignoniaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Amphilophium (‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Bignoniaceae‎) page  with images of species (done by Gurcharan Singh ji) in efloraofindia. If you find any incorrect identification, […]

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Leucoagaricus species- Assam

  Fungus sp-2 from Assam : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5). Attached images are Fungus sp, Please ID the Sp.   Date :04.06.2014 Location: Assam A kind of Agaricus or Leucoagaricus? Conocybe? but need to see the underside. This is Leucoagaricus sp. It looks like Leucoagaricus      

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41. Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st May14

    Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st May14- more than 9500 species : 2 posts by 2 authors. It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group/forum in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with more than 1,90,000 messages so far & […]

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Herb in Bangalore University

      Herb for ID xviii : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). It is a small plant found in Bangalore University, Bangalorethe leaf shape looked curious to me        

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Pogostemon nilagiricus

Pogostemon nilagiricus Gamble, Fl. Madras 1134 1924. (Syn: Pogostemon rotundatus Wight [Illegitimate]);       Pogostemon nilagiricus Gamble SN June21 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Pogostemon nilagiricus Gamble, Lamiaceae, wild herb near shola in Nilgiri hills at an altitude of 1500m Is it the same species discovered after 97 years, as per details […]

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Saxifraga stolonifera

Saxifraga stolonifera Curtis, Philos. Trans. 64(1): 308 1774. (syn: Adenogyna sarmentosa (L.f.) Raf.; Aphomonix hederacea Raf.; Diptera cuscutiformis (Lodd.) Heynh.; Diptera sarmentosa (L.f.) Borkh.; Diptera sarmentosa (L. f.) Losinsk.; Ligularia sarmentosa (L.f.) Duval; Ligularia sarmentosa (L. f.) Haw.; Robertsonia sarmentosa (L.f.) Link; Rupifraga cuscutiformis (Lodd.) Raf.; Rupifraga sarmentosa (L.f.) Raf.; Saxifraga chaffanjonii H. Lév.; Saxifraga […]

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Decalepidanthus racemosus

Decalepidanthus racemosus (Royle ex Benth.) Dickoré & Hilger, comb. nov. (Basionym:—Myosotis racemosa Royle ex Benth. in Royle (1836: 305). ≡ Anchusa racemosa (Royle ex Benth.) Candolle (1846: 50). ≡ Mertensia racemosa (Royle ex Benth.) Clarke (1883: 171). ≡ Pseudomertensia racemosa (Royle ex Benth.) Kazmi (1970: 379). Syn: = Myosotis longiflora Wall. ex Don (1837: 344), […]

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Nothopegia colebrookiana

Nothopegia colebrookiana (Wight) Blume, Mus. Bot. 203 1850. (Syn:Pegia colebrookiana Wight);   Images by P. Santhan (Inserted by J.M.Garg)        Nothopegia colebrookiana (Wight) Blume SN June 41 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Nothopegia colebrookiana (Wight) Blume, Anacardiaceae, wild tree from Kunda area of Nilgiri hills, Tamilnadu Thanks for this interesting […]

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Plectranthus glabratus

Plectranthus glabratus (Benth.) Alston, Handb. Fl. Ceylon 6(Suppl.): 236 1931. (Syn: Coleus glabratus Benth.; Coleus paniculatus Benth.; Coleus wightii Benth.; Majana paniculata (Benth.) Kuntze; Plectranthus bernardii Doan [Invalid]; Plectranthus coleoides Benth.; Solenostemon paniculatus (Benth.) Guillaumet & Cornet); Image by Santhan P   Fleshy subshrubs, pubescent. Leaves to 18 x 12 cm, ovate-elliptic, membranous, puberulus, acuminate, […]

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Amorphophallus species- Murbad forest, Maharastra

      IS it arisaema? : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).   Please id is this arisaema or amorphophallus? Found in Murbad forest 2014 june Amorphophallus. You can always recognize an Amorphophallus shoot by the fact it has 3 distinct but equal leaf sections. Each section will be divided again into several leaflets. […]

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Lipocarpha chinensis

Lipocarpha chinensis (Osbeck) J.Kern, Blumea, Suppl. 4: 167 1958. (syn: Cyperus lipocarpha T.Koyama; Cyperus submaculatus T.Koyama; Hypaelyptum argenteum Vahl [Illegitimate]; Hypaelyptum senegalense (Lam.) K.Schum.; Hypolytrum albidum Willd. ex Kunth; Hypolytrum argenteum Kunth; Hypolytrum laevigatum (Roxb.) Spreng.; Kyllinga albescens Steud.; Lipocarpha argentea (Kunth) R.Br. [Illegitimate]; Lipocarpha bawangensis R.H.Miau; Lipocarpha debilis Ridl.; Lipocarpha humboldtiana Nees [Illegitimate]; Lipocarpha […]

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Cyperus articulatus

Cyperus articulatus L., Sp. Pl. 44 1753. (Syn: Chlorocyperus articulatus (L.) Rikli; Chlorocyperus cordobensis Palla; Cyperus articulatus Benth. [Illegitimate]; Cyperus articulatus var. conglomeratus Britton; Cyperus articulatus var. erythrostachys Graebn.; Cyperus articulatus var. fistulosus Kük.; Cyperus articulatus f. longispiculosus Kük.; Cyperus articulatus var. multiflorus Kük.; Cyperus articulatus var. nodosus (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Kük.; Cyperus […]

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Hoya carnosa (Cultivated)

Hoya carnosa (L.f.) R.Br., Asclepiadeae 16 1810. (syn: Asclepias carnosa L.f.; Cynanchum carnosum Decne.; Hoya chinensis (Lour.) Traill; Hoya intermedia A.C.Sm.; Schollia carnosa (L. f.) Schrank ex Steud.; Schollia chinensis (Lour.) J. Jacq.; Stapelia chinensis Lour.); Hoya carnosa, the wax plant, is an Asclepiad species in the dogbane family (Apocynaceae). It is one of the […]

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Indian Pandanaceae: an overview

Indian Pandanaceae: an overview : Nadaf A B & Zanan R L (2012), Springer, 163 pp, Germany (ISBN 978-81-322-0752-8): Indian screw pine family Pandanaceae represents three genera, in which genus Pandanus and Benstonea are distributed in two hotspots in India – the Western Ghats and the Northeast Himalayan region. For the first time, Indian Pandanaceae has […]

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