Encephalartos trispinosus (Cultivated- USA)

Encephalartos trispinosus (Hook.) R.A.Dyer, J. S. African Bot. 31: 112 1965. ;             Gymnosperms Fortnight-Zamiaceae-Encephalartos trispinosus from California-GS-19 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Encephalartos trispinosus, another Cycad from South Africa known as Bushman’s River Cycad. Photographed from University of California Botanical Garden.           […]

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Dacrydium cupressinum (Cultivated- USA)

Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. ex G.Forst., Pl. Esc. 80 1786. (Syn: Dacrydium cupressiforme Carrière [Spelling variant]; Thalamia cupressina (Sol. ex G.Forst.) Spreng.); New Zealand, distributed widely on all main islands as per Catalogue of Life;   Dacrydium cupressinum, commonly known as rimu, is a large evergreen coniferous tree endemic to the forests of New Zealand. It […]

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Dacrydium;         Indian trees, an account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers, bamboos and palms indigenous or commonly cultivated in the British Indian empire : By Sir Dietrich Brandis (1911- Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook.– cultivated)          

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Sequoia sempervirens (USA)

Sequoia sempervirens (D.Don) Endl., Syn. Conif. 198 1847. (Syn: Condylocarpus sempervirens Salisb. ex Carrière; Gigantabies taxifolia J. Nelson; Schubertia sempervirens (Lamb.) Spach; Sequoia pyramidata Carrière; Sequoia religiosa C.Presl; Sequoia sempervirens var. nana-pendula Hornibr.; Sequoia taxifolia K.Koch; Steinhauera sempervirens (D.Don) Voss; Taxodium nutkaense Lamb. ex Endl.; Taxodium sempervirens D.Don);   Sequoia sempervirens /sɨˈkɔɪ.ə sɛmpərˈvaɪərənz/[2] is the […]

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Now it is very easy to see large sized files in gmail

    Now it is very easy to see large sized files in gmail : 2 posts by 2 authors. Pl. see 5.5. MB attached picture in this mail.It opens as easily as any small sized picture in my gmail. It appears that uploaded picture is automatically re-sized by gmail for easy viewing. At the […]

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Justicia species- Sri Lanka

      SL 101 061213 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please ID this creeping herbaceous plant with small pink flowers and medicinal values. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012. Justicia sp          

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  Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Cultivated- Himachal) Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993- Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Lindl.) Britton syn. of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco)   Encyclopaedia of World Medicinal Plants, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah (2006)- Pseudotsuga menziesii (Cultivated) in Himachal)        

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Larix kaempferi (Cultivated)

Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière, Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 11: 97 1856. (Syn: Abies kaempferi (Lamb.) Lindl.; Abies leptolepis Siebold & Zucc.; Laricopsis kaempferi (Lamb.) A.H.Kent; Larix japonica Carrière; Larix japonica A.Murray [Illegitimate]; Larix kaempferi f. pendula (Beissn.) Yonek. ..; Larix leptolepis (Siebold & Zucc.) Gordon …; Larix orientalis Thunb.; Pinus japonica Thunb.; Pinus kaempferi Lamb.; Pinus larix […]

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Larix griffithii Hook.f. (E Himalayas from E Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan to Arunachal Pradesh (NE India), in the Chumbi Valley it reaches into Xizang [Tibet], China as Catalogue of Life)    Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière (Cultivated)   Species with distribution in annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal : Larix griffithiana Carriere (syn. of Larix griffithii Hook.f.) […]

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BSI Flora of India with details & keys (Volume 3- 1993) (S.N. Biswas): Cratoxylum Blume                      Hypericum  L.   Section 1. Adenosepalum Spach                         Section 2. Ascyreia Choisy                         Section 3. Brathys (Mutis ex L.f.) Choisy     Subsection 1. Brathys      Subsection 2. Spachium R. Keller                         Section 4. Hypericum  Triadenum Rafin.

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Afrocarpus gracilior (Pilg.) C.N.Page (Cultivated) (Ethiopia, Kenya, S Sudan (Equatoria), Tanzania, Uganda, E Congo Republic (Kiva), Rwanda, Burundi as per Catalogue of Life)            

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Mallotus rhamnifolius

Mallotus rhamnifolius (Willd.) Müll.Arg., Linnaea 34: 196 1865. (Syn: Croton nervosus Rottler; Croton reticulatus Willd.; Croton rhamnifolius Willd.; Mallotus micranthus Müll.Arg.; Mallotus rhamnifolius var. ovatifolius Hook.f.; Mallotus zeylanicus Müll.Arg.; Oxydectes reticulata (Willd.) Kuntze);   Common name: Buckthorn-Leaved Kamala • Malayalam: pee-tsjerou-ponnagam • Tamil: Marai-Yirdiyam • Telugu: Konda-Kunkumu     Large shrubs; young parts densely brown tomentose. […]

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Pinus gerardiana

Pinus gerardiana Wall. ex D.Don, Descr. Pinus ed. 3, 2: 144 bis 1832. (Syn: Pinus aucklandii Lodd. ex Gordon [Invalid]; Pinus chilghoza Knight [Invalid]; Pinus gerardii J.Forbes [Spelling variant]; Pinus neosa Gouan ex W.H.Baxter [Invalid]); E. Afghanistan to WC. Himalaya as per WCSP; Afghanistan; China, S Xizang (Tibet); India, Jammu-Kashmir; N Pakistan as per Catalogue […]

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Taxus contorta

Taxus contorta Griff., Itin. Pl. Khasyah Mts. 351 1848. (Syn: Taxus fuana Nan Li & R.R.Mill, Novon 7: 263 (1997). ; Taxus wallichiana subsp. contorta (Griff.) Silba, J. Int. Conifer Preserv. Soc. 17: 24 (2010).) as per WCSP; N. Afghanistan to C. Himalaya as per WCSP;   In most of the literature referring to Taxus […]

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Senna macranthera (Cultivated)

Senna macranthera (Collad.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 35:181. 1982 (Syn: Cassia macranthera Collad.; Cassia macranthera var. quadrifoliata H.S. Irwin & Barneby; Cassia monaden Vell.; Cassia multiflora Vogel; Cassia prominens G.Don); Indian Ocean: Reunion (I);  South America: Brazil (U); Colombia (U); Ecuador (U) ; Peru (U) ; Venezuela (U) as per ILDIS; Image by […]

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Ophiorrhiza species- Kamrup district, Assam

  unknown sp.-2 from Assam : Attachments (6). 5 posts by 4 authors. Attached images are unknown sp. from Assam. Please ID the plant.   Date :06.11.2013 Location: Kamrup district, Assam Family : Unknown Genus & species : ?? Habitat: Grows wild on hilly slopes Habit :Herb     Ophiorrhiza sp Please refer to Ophiorrhiza revision published in […]

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Passiflora species- California

    Passiflora for ID – California – 241113 – RK : Attachments (5).  2 posts by 2 authors. Was delighted to come across this. Los Altos, California- 12/07/13 – evening. Not sure if it is a garden flower. It blended with the background. It’s a dull shade actually. Pped to make flower more prominent. Would […]

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Connarus semidecandrus

Connarus semidecandrus Jack, Malayan Misc. 2(7): 39 1822. (Syn: Connarus amplifolius Pierre; Connarus balsahanensis Elmer; Connarus borneensis Merr.; Connarus ellipticus Schellenb. [Illegitimate]; Connarus floribundus Wall. ex Hook.f.; Connarus furfuraceus Blume; Connarus gaudichaudii (DC.) Planch.; Connarus gibbosus Wall. ex Planch.; Connarus gracilis Bakh.f.; Connarus griffithii Hook.f.; Connarus jackianus Schellenb.; Connarus mekongensis Pierre; Connarus moluccanus Zipp. ex […]

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Podocarpus elongatus (Cultivated)

Podocarpus elongatus (Aiton) L’Hér. ex Pers., Syn. Pl. 2: 580 1807. (Syn: Nageia elongata (Aiton) F.Muell.; Podocarpus linearis Van Houtte ex Gordon [Invalid]; Podocarpus pruinosus Eckl. & Zeyh. ex T.Durand & Schinz; Podocarpus thunbergii var. angustifolius Sim; Taxus capensis Lam.; Taxus elongata Aiton); S. Trop. Africa, Cape Prov. as per WCSP; South Africa: Eastern, Northern […]

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