Luisia macrotis

Luisia macrotis Rchb.f., Gard. Chron. 1869: 110 1869. ; Assam to China (W. Yunnan) and Indo-China as per WCSP; Assam; China South-Central; Laos; Myanmar; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;   Luisia species for ID_1_20_03_2020 : 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Help me to identify this Luisia sp. Date/Time- 16/3/2020- 11 AM […]

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Phragmipedium besseae (Cultivated- USA)

Phragmipedium besseae Dodson & J.Kuhn, Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 50: 1308 1981. (syn: Paphiopedilum besseae (Dodson & J.Kuhn) V.A.Albert & Börge Pett.; Phragmipedium besseae var. besseae ; Phragmipedium besseae var. flavum Braem; Phragmipedium besseae f. flavum (Braem) O.Gruss & Roeth); Ecuador (Azuay) to N. Peru as per WCSP;   Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical […]

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Pleurothallis titan (Cultivated- USA)

Pleurothallis titan Luer, Selbyana 3: 400 1977. (syn: Acronia titan (Luer) Luer; Zosterophyllanthos titan (Luer) Szlach. & Kulak); Panama to N. Ecuador as per WCSP; Colombia; Ecuador; Panama as per Catalogue of Life;   Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Aatlanta, USA : 29MAR20 : AK-03 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) […]

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Viola wallichiana

Viola wallichiana Ging., Prodr. 1: 300 1824. (syn: Viola reniformis Wall.; Viola wallichiana subsp. brevicornis W.Becker ex Limpricht); C-Nepal to Bhutan, India (West Bengal), Sikkim, Tibet as per Catalogue of Life; Common name: Trailing Violet Keys as per Flora of China : 9 (7) Spur short, 1-2.5 mm.   87 V. biflora + Spur longer, […]

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Luisia filiformis

Luisia filiformis Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 23 1890. (syn: Luisia gamblei Hook.f.; Luisia grovesii Hook.f.); E. Himalaya to China (S. & SE. Yunnan) and Indo-China as per WCSP; Assam; Bangladesh; Cambodia; China South-Central; East Himalaya; India; Laos; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life; Common name: Threadlike Luisia Plant epiphytic or lithophytic, pendent; roots […]

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Picipes species ?- Thula Khet, Pokhara, Nepal

  SK 2530 12 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- around 650 kb each.  Location :  Thula Khet, Pokhara, Nepal  Date: 10 August 2017 Elevation : 800 m. Habitat : Wild  Pl. check comparative images at Order Polyporales Favolus sp? But does not look like matching with 2 sp. listed F. […]

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Mycena species- Shivapuri, Nepal

  SK 2521 09 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 900 kb each.  Location :  Shivapuri Date: 22 July 2017 Elevation : 2000m. Habitat : Wild May be something from Marasmiaceae‎ family. May also be from Psathyrellaceae ? Is the family correct as Psathyrellaceae ? It may be …! […]

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Boletaceae member ?- Osho Tapovan, Nepal

  SK 2561 23 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 849 kb. Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild I think Boletaceae  Not sure! Thank you …  

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Boletaceae member- Osho Tapovan, Nepal

  SK 2560 22 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) – around 850 kb each. Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild  May be some Boletaceae member Could be. Looks like.  

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Boletaceae member ?- Osho Tapovan, Nepal

  SK 2572 26 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 1 mb each.  Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild  Boletaceae ? Not sure …!

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Russula species ?- Osho Tapovan, Nepal

  SK 2559 22 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) – around 700 kb each. Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild  Russula spp. A very difficult genus as it has too many similar looking species. Yes I agree. These posts are from […]

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Russula species ?- Osho Tapovan, Nepal

  SK 2558 22 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild Please ignore image 5! …, picture showing the hymenium( underside) is necessary, especially Incase of Basidiomycetes. Yes I agree. These posts are from my old […]

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Russula species?- Osho Tapovan, Nepal

  SK 2563 23 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 950 kb each.  Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild  Russula ? Not sure …!

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Russula species ?- Osho Tapovan, Nepal

  SK 2573 27 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 850 kb each.  Location:  Osho Tapovan, Nepal Date: 18 July 2015 Altitude: 1500 m. Habitat : Wild Russula ? May be …! 

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