Canna hybrid- Pune

  Image by Bhagyashri Ranade   efloraofindia:”For Id 01032013MR2’’ double colored Canna species at Pune: Oct 2012 requesting identification of this Canna spp at a private society garden at Pune  is this Canna Canna X generalis (Canna X orchiodes) ?   Id help  

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25. Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st Jan.’13

    Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st Jan.’13- more than 8000 species: It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with more than 1,45,000 messages so far & membership currently around 2050 nos. Efloraofindia website has […]

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Vigna species ?- Split pod in Yeoor region

    Plz id this pod: pa96 – 20feb2013: I saw this split pod … i think it had fallen down from somewhere on a karvanda tree in Yeoor region. Is it posible to identify it? Tks. No size has been mentioned, but this could be Teramnus labialis var. mollis which is often found draped over […]

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Peperomia argyreia (Cultivated)

Peperomia argyreia (Hook.f.) E.Morren, Ann. Hort. Belge Étrangère 17: 2 1867. (Syn: Peperomia argyraea Hott. [Invalid]; Peperomia arifolia var. argyreia Hook.f.: Peperomia sandersii C.DC.;                         (≡) Peperomia arifolia var. argyreia Miq. (basionym)); SE-Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Ecuador, Venezuela (Distrito Federal, Miranda), Colombia (I), Tuamotu Arch. (I), Ryukyu Isl. (I), Taiwan (I) as per Catalogue of life; […]

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Sageraea laurina Dalzell (Images by Anita Kindre, Dinesh Valke, Navendu Page & Prashant Awale (Validated by Tapas Chakrabarty) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images, click on the links))   A conspectus of Indo-Burmese Annonaceae by I. M. Turner- Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 257–299, 2015- Species in India with distribution: Sageraea laurina Dalzell- India [Maharashtra, Karnataka, […]

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Crateva species- Near Kolhapur

      Id of a tree: Posting a photo of tree in full blossom for id.Location – Near Kolhapur on the way to Devgad.Date -16..2.2013 at 9.00am. Please check with Crateva religiosa G.Forst I was also of the same opinion, but leaflets looked longer than usual to me for C. religiosa… can be due […]

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Enkianthus quinqueflorus (Hong Kong)

Enkianthus quinqueflorus Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 277 1790. (Syn: Enkianthus cavaleriei H.Lév.; Enkianthus dunnii H.Lév.; Enkianthus quinqueflorus var. ciliatoserrulatus P.C.Huang & K.M.Li; Enkianthus reticulatus Lindl.; Enkianthus uniflorus Benth.; Enkianthus xantoxanthus H.Lév.; Melidora pellucida Noronha ex Salisb. (Unresolved));      ERICACEAE: Enkianthus quinqueflorus Lour. from Hong Kong: Enkianthus quinqueflorus Lour. Fl. Cochinch. 277 (1790). Synonyms:Enkianthus cavaleriei H.Lév. Repert. […]

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  Enkianthus quinqueflorus Lour. (Hongkong)     An important document of species of Enkianthus Lour. occurring in India is Panda & Sanjappa (2014). It mentions following species in Indian territories: Enkianthus deflexus (Griff.) C.K.Schneid. (var. deflexus and var. acuminatus) [colour image and diagrams are also given]   Panda, S. and Sanjappa, M. 2014. Enkianthus Lour. In: […]

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Saussurea inversa

Saussurea inversa Raab-Straube, Willdenowia. 41: 92. 2011 (Syn: Brit. India 3: 377. 1881, not S. glabrata (Candolle) C. Shih (1999); S. gnaphalodes (Royle ex Candolle) Schultz Bipontinus var. glabrata (J. D. Hooker) Handel-Mazzetti; S. hypsipeta Diels var. glabrata (J. D. Hooker) Lipschitz.);   Inverse Snow Lotus;   Image by Suresh Rana   Saussurea sp. from […]

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Heritage Trees, in and around Bangalore

    Heritage Trees, in and around Bangalore – Book by Vijay Thiruvady: I haven’t seen it, just FYI. Thanks … for sharing the information. Your interest in trees being a non-botanist is great. Your efforts are laudable in bringing out the tree treasure of Bangalore.        

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Justicia glabra

Justicia glabra K.D.Koenig ex Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1: 132 1820. (Syn: Ecbolium abyssinicum Kuntze; Gendarussa abyssinica Hochst. ex Nees; Gendarussa dichotoma Hochst. ex Nees; Rhaphidospora abyssinica Nees (Unresolved); Rhaphidospora glabra (K.D.Koenig ex Roxb.) Nees) ;   Images by N. Muthu Karthick (Indentified by P. Santhan & Gunadayalan Gnanasekaran) & Anurag N. Sharma (Inserted by J.M.Garg)   […]

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Elaeodendron paniculatum

Elaeodendron paniculatum Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 157 1834. (Synonym : Cassine paniculata (Wight & Arn.) Lobr.-Callen) As per efi thread;   Common name: Panicled Cassine • Malayalam: തന്നീമരമ് Thannimaram • Marathi: मोठा भुत्‍या Motha Bhutya • Tamil: தந்நீரமரம் Tanneermaram        Trees of Lalbagh – bangalore – RA – Ilex Paraguariensis […]

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Common mime host plant

      ID pls – host plant :   Identifying a plant with few features is really difficult. I understand your curiosity. Just keep a track of the development of plant for flowering/fruiting if the plant is accessible to you.Very few characters are visible in the given picture. There is a climber also growing on other […]

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Euonymus indicus

Euonymus indicus B.Heyne ex Wall., Fl. Ind. 2: 409 1824. (syn: Euonymus alatus Elmer [Illegitimate]; Euonymus bancanus Miq.; Euonymus coriaceus Ridl.; Euonymus elmeri Merr.; Euonymus goughii Wight; Euonymus horsfieldii Turcz.; Euonymus javanicus Blume ….; Euonymus micropetalus Ridl.; Euonymus sphaerocarpus Hassk.; Euonymus sumatranus Miq.; Euonymus sumatranus Merr. [Illegitimate]; Euonymus timorensis Zipp. ex Span.);    Images by Anurag […]

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Dalbergia foliolosa (Cultivated- Lalbagh, Banglore)

Dalbergia foliolosa Benth. (Syn: Miscolobium polyphyllum Benth.);  Brazil (N) ; Bahia; Distrito Federal(Brazil) ; Minas Gerais; Rio De Janeiro ; Sao Paulo as per ILDIS;     Trees of Lalbagh – Bangalore – RA – Dalbergia Foliolosa – Jacaranda Rosa Tree: Attachments: Jacaranda Rosa Tree – 0001.jpg Jacaranda Rosa Tree – 0004.jpg Jacaranda Rosa Tree – […]

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  Lipandra polysperma (L.) S. Fuentes ? (Images by Balkar Singh (Identified by Surajit Koley) (Inserted by J.M.Garg)) ‎Lipandra page (Amaranthaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through ‎Lipandra page (Amaranthaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia (done by me). If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know. […]

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Pteridophytes- Endangered Species of India

    Rare and Threatened Pteridophytes of Asia 2. Endangered Species of India: Threatened species of India, CRFJ, Tokyo Bull. 2012.pdf uploaded at efi site & is available at /files?pli=1 for view & downloading.   Details as below: Rare and Threatened Pteridophytes of Asia 2. Endangered Species of India — the Higher IUCN Categories by […]

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