Syngonium auritum

Syngonium auritum (L.) Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 3: 780 1829. (Syn: Arum auritum L.; Caladium auritum (L.) Vent.; Syngonium plumieri Schott); Image by Bhagyashri ranade – identified by Ajinkya Gadave  ”For Id 28122011MR1’’ ? Cercestis congoensis Pune: Kindly help Id this potted plant in a private garden at Pune. ? Cercestis congoensis When I had […]

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Sedum nussbaumerianum (Cultivated)

Sedum nussbaumerianum Bitter, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 8: 281 1923.; Images by Bhagyashri Ranade (1,2,3) & Aarti Khale (4)       efloraofindia:”For Id 02102011MR1’’ Resurfacing again for Id ?Succulent Pune: Resurfacing again for identification No prior identification Date/Time-Oct 2011 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- ?Succulent Flowers & […]

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Datisca cannabina

Datisca cannabina L., Sp. Pl. 1037 1753. (Syn: Cannabina laevis Moench; Datisca glabra Stokes; Datisca nepalensis D.Don);                                                                                                                Plant for ID from Paddar valley J&K. 171211 SRANA 01: Kindly identify the plant. Date: 3rd August 2011. Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K. Altitude: 2800 meters asl. Plant height: 100-150 cms Sambucus wightiana I think […]

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Datisca cannabina L. Images by Nidhan Singh (2 and 3 male plant, 1 female plant, 4 vegetative plant)  

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Datisca cannabina L. Images by Nidhan Singh (2 and 3 male plant, 1 female plant, 4 vegetative plant)   Species, genera & family pages of‎‎‎ ‎Datiscaceae are now with images : 1 post by 1 author. Species, genera & family pages of‎‎‎ ‎Datiscaceae are now with images. I request you to pl. go through & point out […]

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Nepeta linearis

Nepeta linearis Royle ex Benth., Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 377 1833. (Syn: Glechoma linearis (Royle ex Benth.) Kuntze);      Nepeta linearis Royle from Kashmir: Nepeta linearis Royle ex Benth. in Hook., Bot. Misc. 3: 377. 1833   Perennial herb similar to N. connata in appearance but with much narrower linear leaves, neither […]

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Dendrobium lamyaiae (Hong Kong)

Dendrobium lamyaiae Seidenf., Nordic J. Bot. 16: 139 1996. ;           ORCHIDACEAE: Dendrobium lamyaiae Seidenf. from Hong Kong:   Dendrobium lamyaiae Seidenf., Nordic J. Bot. 16: 139 (1996). Family: Orchidaceae Distribution: Laos, Thailand. Current pic taken in the live collection at KFBG, Hong Kong. Picture was taken in raw format using Nikon […]

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  Nopalea cochenillifera (L.) Salm-Dyck         As per efi thread: Stem flattened, not winged   3. Stamens exserted beyond corolla……………………..Nopalea   3. Stamens not exserted beyond corolla………………..Opuntia    Nopalea page (‎Cactaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Nopalea page (‎‎‎‎‎‎Cactaceae) with images of species […]

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Mammillaria glassii

Mammillaria glassii R.A. Foster, Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 40: 132 132 1968.;      Flora of Chandigarh : Mammillaria Glassii from Chandigarh Botanical Garden: Mammillaria glassii from Chandigarh Botanical Garden Shot on 18 December 2011Confirmation neededflowers were about 4 cm across and plant about 12 cm high      References: 

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Parodia nivosa

Parodia nivosa Backeb., Blätt. Kakteenf. 1934(12): 3 3 1934.;     Flora of Chandigarh: Parodia nivosa from Botanical Garden Chandigarh:  Parodia nivosa from Botanical Garden Chandigarh       References:

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Azima tetracantha

Azima tetracantha Lam., Encycl. 1: 343 1783. (Syn: Azima nova J.F.Gmel.; Azima spinosissima Engl.; Fagonia montana Miq.; Kandena spinosa Raf.; Monetia barlerioides L’Hér.; Monetia tetracantha Salisb.) as per POWO;   Native to: Aldabra, Angola, Bangladesh, Burundi, Cape Provinces, Comoros, India, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Northern Provinces, Oman, Rwanda, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, […]

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Azima tetracantha Lam. (Native to: Aldabra, Angola, Bangladesh, Burundi, Cape Provinces, Comoros, India, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Northern Provinces, Oman, Rwanda, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe; Introduced into: Mauritius as per POWO)         Flora of Peninsular India with keys at species links: Azima tetracantha Species with description […]

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Dalechampia scandens var. cordofana

Dalechampia scandens var. cordofana (Hochst. ex Webb) Müll.Arg., Prodr. 15(2): 1245 1866. (Syn: Dalechampia cordofana Hochst. ex Webb; Dalechampia parvifolia Lam.; Dalechampia scandens var. parvifolia (Lam.) Müll.Arg.; Dalechampia senegalensis A.Juss. ex Webb; Dalechampia tripartita R.Br.);      ID24122011PHK1: Id PleaseA trifoliate climber at Bhuj fort, Gujarat.17 Dec,2011 Dalechampia scandens L. var. cordofana, locally called Char […]

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  Dalechampia scandens var. cordofana (Hochst. ex Webb) Müll.Arg.       Dalechampia scandens L. var. velutina (Wight) Müll.Arg. in DC.    Species as per Flora of India Vol 23 (Editors N. P. Balakrishnan, T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarsimhan & P. Singh- by Botanical Survey of India (2012)): Dalechampia indica Wight Dalechampia scandens L.   […]

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Escobaria tuberculosa

Escobaria tuberculosa (Engelm.) Britton & Rose, Cact. 4: 54 1923. (Syn: Escobaria dasyacantha var. varicolor (Tiegel) D.R.Hunt; Escobaria strobiliformis subsp. sisperai Halda & Sladk.; Escobaria tuberculosa var. pubescens (Quehl) Y.Itô; Escobaria tuberculosa var. varicolor (Tiegel) S.Brack & K.D.Heil; Escobaria tuberculosa subsp. varicolor (Tiegel) Lüthy; Fobea viridiflora (Engelm.) Fric ex Boed.);     Flora of Chandigarh […]

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Copiapoa cinerea var. columna-alba

Copiapoa cinerea var. columna-alba (F.Ritter) Backeb., Cact. 6: 3820 1962. (Syn: Copiapoa cinerea subsp. columna-alba (F.Ritter) Doweld; Copiapoa cinerea subsp. columna-alba (F.Ritter) D.R.Hunt; Copiapoa columna-alba F.Ritter; Copiapoa columna-alba var. nuda F.Ritter; Copiapoa melanohystrix F.Ritter);       Flora of Chandigarh – Copiapoa cinerea from Chandigarh Botanical Garden: After return from Disaster Management Training at NIDM […]

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