Boehmeria virgata var. rotundifolia

Boehmeria virgata var. rotundifolia (D. Don) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (syn: Boehmeria macrophylla var. rotundifolia (D. Don) W. T. Wang; Boehmeria platyphylla var. rotundifolia (D. Don) Wedd.; Urtica rotundifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don (ambiguous synonym))  (S-Tibet, China (NW-Yunnan), Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, N-Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of life) Keys as per Flora of China Boehmeria virgata var. rotundifolia : 1 post by 1 author. Boehmeria virgata var. rotundifolia is available in our area, but […]

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Boehmeria polystachya

Boehmeria polystachya Wedd., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. IV, 1: 200 1854. (syn: Boehmeria tibetica C. J. Chen; Ramium polystachyum (Wall. ex Wedd.) Kuntze; Urtica polystachya Wall.; Urtica venosa Wall.);  China (Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Bhutan, NE-India (Assam, Meghalaya, Uttarakhand), Nepal, Sikkim, N-Myanmar [Burma] (Mon) as per Catalogue of Life;   SK958 25 JAN-2018 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- Around 1 Mb […]

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Boehmeria hamiltoniana

Boehmeria hamiltoniana Wedd. (syn: Boehmeria ingjiangensis W. T. Wang; Boehmeria platyphylla var. hamiltoniana (Wedd.) Wedd.; Urtica hamiltoniana Wall.);  China (S-Yunnan), Bhutan, Sikkim, NE-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya), Nepal, Thailand, Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Mon, Taninthayi), Bangladesh, Java (I) as per Catalogue of Life; Fwd: Need help for Identification. TK1 : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1) Please help for Identify these […]

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Boehmeria ternifolia var. kamley

Boehmeria ternifolia var. kamley (Acharya & Yonek.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (syn: Boehmeria kamley Acharya & Yonek.); Nepal, Bhutan, NE-India as per Catalogue of Life;   Plant for Id from North Sikkim , April 15 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Please identify this plant commonly found on slopes. A Boehmeria species? Boehmeria platanifolia ? Boehmeria tricuspis var. unicuspis flowers also looks similar experts please […]

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ALPANA ( COLOURS TAKEN FROM INSECTS, BIRDS, FLOWERS )677 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) As you all know I have never studied botany or zoology in my student days. I study plants, birds and butterflies for pure joy.                       My identification of a […]

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Lamiaceae member- New York, USA

  Garden Plant for ID : New York : 08AUG19 : AK-21 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Cultivated garden flowers seen in June, 2017. Looks like Lamiaceae but not sure!  Thanks … Will check further.

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Hedyotis uncinella

Hedyotis uncinella Hook. & Arn.,  Bot. Beechey Voy. 192 1833. (syn: Hedyotis borrerioides Champ. ex Benth.; Hedyotis cephalophora R.Br. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Hedyotis kuraruensis Hayata; Hedyotis uncinella var. cephalophora Craib; Hedyotis uncinella var. mekongensis (Pierre ex Pit.) W.C.Chen; Oldenlandia uncinella (Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze; Oldenlandia uncinella var. mekongensis Pierre ex Pit.); Sikkim to Taiwan as per […]

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Commelinaceae member- Sundarijal, Kathmandu, Nepal

  SK 2131 19 August 2019 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- around 900 kb each.  Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu Date: 30 July  2019 Elevation: 1577 m. Habit : Wild  …: Any idea without flowers? I think you are on a wrong track!!! This should be a Commelinaceae. It was on a Pine tree […]

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Agastache foeniculum (USA)

Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 511 1891. (Syn: Agastache anethiodora (Nutt.) Britton & A.Br.; Agastache foeniculum f. bernardii B.Boivin; Agastache foeniculum f. candicans B.Boivin; Agastache foeniculum f. foeniculum ; Hyptis marathrosma (Spreng.) Benth.; Hyssopus anethiodorus Nutt.; Hyssopus anisatus Nutt.; Hyssopus discolor Desf.; Hyssopus foeniculum (Pursh) Spreng.; Lophanthus anisatus (Nutt.) Benth.; Lophanthus foeniculum (Pursh) E.Mey.; Perilla marathrosma Spreng.; Stachys foeniculum Pursh; Vleckia albescens Raf.; Vleckia anethiodora (Nutt.) Greene; Vleckia anisata (Nutt.) […]

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Gagea tenera

Gagea tenera Pascher, Lotos 52: 129 1904. (syn: Gagea kashmirensis Turrill; Gagea persica var. kashmirensis (Turrill) S.Dasgupta & D.B.Deb); SE. Turkey to NW. China and W. Himalaya as per WCSP; Iran; Kazakhstan; Kirgizstan; Tadzhikistan; Transcaucasus; Turkey; Uzbekistan; West Himalaya; Xinjiang as per Catalogue of Life;   Gagea tenera Pascher from Kashmir-GS08201909 : 4 posts by […]

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Gagea gageoides

Gagea gageoides (Zucc.) Vved., Fl. Turkm. 1: 261 1932. (syn: Bulbillaria gageoides Zucc.; Gagea jaeschkei var. praecedens Pascher; Gagea persica Boiss.; Hornungia persica (Boiss.) Rouy; Stellaster gageoides (Zucc.) Kuntze); S. Transcaucasus to W. & C. Asia as per WCSP; Afghanistan; Iran; Iraq; Kazakhstan; Kirgizstan; Lebanon-Syria; Tadzhikistan; Transcaucasus; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan; West Himalaya as per Catalogue […]

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Amanita species ?- Phedi, Nagarkot, Bhaktapur

  SK2085 29 July 2019 – Mycophyta : 14 posts by 3 authors. 4 correct images– around 1 Mb each.  Location:  Phedi, Nagarkot, Bhaktapur Date: 6 July 2019 Elevation:  1647 m. Habit : Wild Please ignore image no 3. Amanita‎ species ? I think same as in Lepiota species ?- Phedi, Nagarkot, Bhaktapur, Nepal Except for […]

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Amanita species?- Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal

  SK2119 15 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)- around 800 kb each. Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal Altitude: 1566 m. Date: 21 July 2019 Habit : Wild decaying. how to id? It was fresh and intact not decaying. Amanita species? 

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Nepal- Lichen (?) at Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal

  SK2059 19 July 2019 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location: Gyaneswor, KathmanduDate: 19 July 2019Elevation: 1300 m.Habitat : Wild It is like pin head. Very tiny ! Some Lichen ? I am sure these are fungi ! How ? These growth dried in a couple of days showing nature of Mushroom, lichens would not show such […]

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Trametes species- Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal

  SK2106 11 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)- around 850 kb each. Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal Altitude: 1566 m. Date: 21 July 2019 Habit : Wild Trametes species Family – Polyporaceae spore print? No !

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Tricholoma species- Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal

  SK2110 12 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)- around 800 kb each. Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal Altitude: 1566 m. Date: 21 July 2019 Habit : Wild pulled and cut. so now spore print??? No! I think similar to Tricholoma species- Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur, Nepal

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Russula species- Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal

  SK2111 12 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal Altitude: 1566 m. Date: 21 July 2019 Habit : Wild seems uprooted from soil. so a spore print could have been easily made I did not make ! I think some Russula species‎

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Russula species- Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal

    SK2107 11 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)- around 500 kb each. Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal Altitude: 1566 m. Date: 21 July 2019 Habit : Wild color of spores? their morphology? Sort of decaying stage.   Something like Russula species- Phedi, Nagarkot, Bhaktapur or Tricholoma species- Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur, Nepal By gills I will […]

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