Anaphyllum beddomei

Anaphyllum beddomei Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 23C: 26 1911.; Images by E S Santhosh Kumar (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)     Cormous herbs. Leaf lamina 3-sect, middle lobe pinnately lobed, varying in size; petioles 50-100 cm high. Peduncles as long as petioles. Spathe green, 5-8 x 2.5-5 cm, […]

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Anaphyllum wightii

Anaphyllum wightii Schott, Gen. Aroid. 83 1858. ; . Tall herbs, rhizome creeping. Leaves pinnatisect or pinnatipartite; lobes 3-8 pairs, 20-28 x 5-10 cm, usually narrower, elliptic to oblong, apex acute, sessile or petiolulate; petiole 60-150 cm long, erect, 5-10 cm thick, smooth or transversally rugose, brownish. Spadix 15-30 cm long, 5-8 cm broad; spathe […]

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