Theriophonum minutum (Willd.) Baill., Hist. Pl. 13: 457 1895. (syn: Arum crenatum Wight; Arum minutum Willd.; Theriophonum crenatum (Wight) Blume; Theriophonum kleinii Schott; Theriophonum wightii Schott; Theriophonum zeylanicum N.E.Br.; Typhonium crenatum (Wight) Schott; Typhonium minutum (Willd.) Schott); . Central & SE. India, Sri Lanka as per POWO; . Please identify this plant: 4 images- 1 high res. I got this plant in Place- Forsyth […]
Category: Theriophonum
Theriophonum infaustum
Theriophonum infaustum N.E.Br., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18: 260 1880. (syn: Calyptrocoryne minuta Schott; Calyptrocoryne wightii Schott; Theriophonum danielii Rajakumar, Selvak., S.Murug. & Chellap.; Theriophonum wightii (Schott) Engl.); . S. India as per POWO; . Annual herbs, corm globose, 1 cm across. Leaves few, radical, to 8 x 6 cm, ovate, hastate at base, acute […]
Theriophonum dalzellii
Theriophonum dalzellii Schott, Aroideae 1: 15 1853. (Syn: Tapinocarpus dalzellii Schott; Theriophonum uniseriatum Blatt. & McCann); Images by Vijay Paithane (Id by Shaikh Mujaffar) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links) Cormous herbs, corms ca. 2 cm diameter. Leaves with petioles 6.5-12.5 cm; lamina variable, usually hastate-sagittate […]