Nonea edgeworthii or a new species ?

Stone seed (Lithospermum arvense(L.)) from Srinagar: 10 images. Am posting photos of a herb of the forget -me- not  (borage)family which I think is Lithospermum arvense(L.) Syn Buglossoides arvensis (L)  a.k.a  stone seed, field gromwel, corn gromwel . I request confirmation of I.D. The herb was growing in a field in Srinagar and the photos were taken a […]

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Nonea edgeworthii

Nonea edgeworthii A. DC., Prodr. 10: 30 1846.; . Pakistan to W. Himalaya and Central India: India, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO; . Help me to identify this plant species: 4 images. These images were sent by one of my colleagues.. I think they belong to any Buglossoides sp. Any inputs please… Where is this from ? […]

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