Aechmea sp. for ID from California-GS15072021-5: Please help with the ID of this Aechmea sp, clicked from San Mateo Fair, California, 14-6-2014
Category: Aechmea species
Aechmea species- California, USA
Aechmea sp. for ID from California-GS15072021-6: 2 images. Please help with the ID of this Aechmea sp, clicked from San Mateo Fair, California, 14-6-2014
Aechmea species- Plantae Paradise, HP
Aechmea sp. for ID from Plantae Paradise HP-GS15072021-4: 2 images. Please help with the ID of this Aechmea species from Pantae Paradise Nursery, Datyar Village, Himachal Pradesh clicked on
Aechmea ‘Blue Tango’ (USA)
Aechmea ‘Blue Tango’, . Aechmea ‘Blue Tango’ from California-GS15072021-2: 2 images. Aechmea ‘Blue Tango’ Hybrid cultivar with parentage Aechmea dichlamydea var. trinitensis and A. fendleri, with tall spreading inflorescence with pink and blue flowers. Photographed from Fremont, California, 25-10-2016 . References:
Aechmea ‘Flamingo’
Plant For ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 180513 : AK-3 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 3 authors. Ornamental plant seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai on 25/2/12. Bromeliad? Aechmea sp. Aechmea ‘Del Mar’? Just a guess. Yes, seems close to images of Aechmea ‘Flamingo’ at Bromeliad For ID : […]