Leycesteria gracilis

Leycesteria gracilis (Kurz) Airy Shaw, Icon. Pl. 32: t. 3166 t. 3166 1927. (Syn: Lonicera gracilis Kurz);    Images by Sheila (ID by Sheila and Vijayashankar)   SHRUB ID………11/12/2011………S.S……….052…….. NEAR LAVA. WEST BENGAL.: Beautiful purple berries. Taken 15th April 2011. Near Lava. West Bengal. Please can someone id this. Habitat-…. Growing wild in the forest […]

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Leycesteria stipulata

Leycesteria stipulata (Hook. f. & Thomson) Fritsch, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(4): 169 169 1891. (Syn: Lonicera stipulata Hook. f. & Thomson; Pentapyxis stipulata (Hook. f. & Thomson) Hook. f. ex C.B. Clarke);   Images by Sheila     Unknown shrub.: Please can you identify this large rather straggly shrub. It was found along the road to […]

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Leycesteria formosa

Leycesteria formosa Wall., Fl. Ind., ed. 1820 2: 182-184 182 1824. (Syn: Leycesteria formosa var. brachysepala Airy Shaw); . VOF Week: Leycesteria formosa along “Govindghat- Ghangaria” Trail: Leycesteria formosa (Family: Caprifoliaceae) along Govindghat- Ghangaria Trail.   VoF Week : Leycesteria formosa: Leycesteria formosa of Caprifoliaceae family Clicked on 16th August` 2012 while trekking down from […]

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