Operculina turpethum ?; . identification no080611sn3: This flower has not been identified yet.is it Datura sp.? kindly identify. looks like Operculina turpethum from Convolvulaceae family its Operculina turpethum from Convolvulaceae, From another thread By any chance could this be a half bloomed flower of Dolichandrone falcate or Medhshingi? The leaves look similar. ” “Can it be […]
Category: Operculina
Operculina turpethum
Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso, Enum. Subst. Braz. 16 16 1836. (syn. Argyreia alulata Miq.; Convolvulus anceps L.; Convolvulus turpethum L.; Ipomoea anceps (L.) Roem. & Schult.; Ipomoea turpethum (L.) R. Br.; Ipomoea turpethum var. anceps (L.) Miq; Merremia turpethum (L.) Rendle; Merremia turpethum (L.) Bojer; Operculina turpethum var. heterophylla Hallier f.; Spiranthera turpethum (L.) Bojer); […]
Operculina tansaensis
Operculina tansaensis Sant. & Patel., Trans. Bose Res. Inst. Calcutta xxii. (Convolv. Bomb. Addit. & Corr.) 33 (1958).; Ipomea?-131209RA2 : Attachments (4). 11 posts by 6 authors. kindly ID this Ipomoea please. This was seen flowering around 4.00pm at Aarey in Mumbai on 12 Dec ’09. This can be Operculina tansaensis, because the bracts are persistent, […]