Acrotrema arnottianum

Acrotrema arnottianum Wight, Ill. Ind. Bot. 1: 9 1840. ; . Common name: Arnott’s Acrotrema . Herbs; stem very short, densely hispid. Leaves radical, rosetted, to 35 x 15 cm, obovate obtuse, distantly toothed, very hispid, nerves many, regular, parallel; petiole 3-8 cm long, stipules wing-like, adnate to petiole. Flowers 12 mm across, in axillary […]

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Acrotrema uniflorum

Acrotrema uniflorum Hook., Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 2: t. 157 1837. (Syn: Acrotrema uniflorum var. petiolare Thwaites);      Acrotrema uniflorum a new record for india: Please find the attached pdf file. Acrotrema uniflorum a new record for India       References:

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Acrotrema agastyamalayanum

Acrotrema agastyamalayanum E.S.S.Kumar, Dan & G.M.Nair; Image by E.S.S.Kumar  Acrotrema : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Kindly see a flower closeup shot of Acrotrema agastyamalayanum from Agastyavanam Biosphere Reserve of Kerala                                References:

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