(231009SCS2) – Wild plant – ID request – Haryana – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 1 image. Growing along an irrigation channel. Sonepat, Haryana, today (23.10.09) This represents Ludwigia sp. As … identified, it is Ludwigia. If the stamens are 4 and the fruits 4-ribbed, it is L. perennis. Whereas, L. hyssopifolia has got […]
Category: Ludwigia species
Ludwigia species- from a potting mix from China
ID requires of Lidwigia sp : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Kindly identifiy this Lidwigia sp. its germinated from a potting mix coming from China. what about its plant species Sir? is it Ludwigia octavalvis? Can not say. Pl. check with images under threads at Ludwigia octovalvis