Allophylus villosus (Roxb.) Blume, Rumphia 3: 132 1847. (syn: Allophylus cobbe var. villosus (Roxb.) Hiern; Cardiospermum villosum (Roxb.) Dalzell & A.Gibson; Ornitrophe villosa Roxb.; Schmidelia villosa (Roxb.) Wight); Myanmar [Burma] (Taninthayi), NE-India (Assam), Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life; MS Aug.2018/10 Allophylus villosus ? for confirmation : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) […]
Category: Allophylus
Allophylus cobbe ?
Allophylus cobbe ?; Allophylus cobbe : 1 image. 1 post by 1 author. Allophylus cobbe pls validate
Allophylus concanicus
Allophylus concanicus Radlk., Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 20: 230 1890.; SW. India as per POWO and S-India (Karnataka, Kerala) as per Catalogue of Life) Stragglers, branchlets brownish, lenticellate. Leaflets to 13 x 6 cm, ovate, acuminate, cuspidate; 6-nerved, serrate towards the apex, black above when dried; midrib pubescent; domatia hairy. […]
Allophylus cobbe
Allophylus cobbe (L.) Forsyth fil., Bot. Nomencl.: 226 (1794). (syn. Allophylus amboinensis Bl.; Allophylus aporeticus (Voigt) Kurz; Allophylus bartlettii Merr.; Allophylus betongensis Craib; Allophylus blancoi Bl.; Allophylus brachypetalus Gagnep.; Allophylus brachystachys Radlk.; Allophylus cambessedei Bl.; Allophylus celebicus Bl.; Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch; Allophylus cochinchinensis Lecomte; Allophylus crenatus Radlk.; Allophylus dasythyrsus Radlk.; Allophylus eustachys Radlk.; Allophylus fulvinervis Bl.; Allophylus […]