LORANTHACEAE: (Reported in India: 8 genera, 56 species; represented in eFI:  8 genera, 31 species, including 1 species from outside India as on 13.7.20- compiled by Dr. D. S. Rawat)

  1. Dendrophthoe: falcata, var. amplexifolia, var. coccinea, var. pubescens, gamblei, glabrescens, memecylifolia, neelgherrensis, pentandra
  2. Elytranthe: albida, pseudopsilantha,
  3. Helicanthes: elastica
  4. Helixanthera: coccinea, hookeriana, intermedia, lambertiana, lepidophylla, ligustrina, obtusata, odorata, parasitica, wallichiana
  5. Macrosolen: andamanensis, capitellatus, cochinchinensis, globosus, melintangensis, parasiticus, psilanthus, trigonus
  6. Scurrula: atropurpurea,buddleioides, cordifolia, eglandulosa, elata, fusca, gracilifolia, leenhoutsii, oortiana (Indonesia), paramjitii, parasitica, pulverulenta, steenisii
  7. Taxillus: assamicus, courtallensis, cuneatus, danseriana, erectiflorus, heyneanus, kuijtii, recurvus, reflexilobus, rugosus, tomentosus,
    umbellifer, vestitus
  8. Tolypanthus: involucratus, lagenifer, lunatus, maclurei

Keys in Flora of Bhutan:
1. Leaves present, pinnately veined (occasionally somewhat 3-veined at base); flowers hermaphrodite, calyx usually present as a small rim, corolla usually conspicuous, more than 5 mm except in Loran thus ……… 2
Leaves absent, or if present, palmately (3 – ) 5-veined; flowers unisexual, minute, calyx absent, corolla inconspicuous 1 mm or less …….. 8
2. Bracts conspicuous, c 15 mm long, arranged in involucres of 3- 4 enclosing 3- 4 flowers …………. 6. Tolypanthus
Bracts inconspicuous, 1-3 mm long, scale-like, 1- 3 at base of ovary or forming a cup-like rim on rachis of inflorescence ……. 3
3. Corolla 5- 6-lobed; bracts 3, scale-like at base of ovary, or bract solitary and forming a cup-like rim on rachis of inflorescence ……. 4
Corolla 4- 5-lobed; bract solitary, scale-like at apex of pedicel. …………. 5
4. Corolla 8- 45 mm; bracts scale-like, 3 at base of each ovary .. .. . 7. Macrosolen
Corolla 2- 4 mm; bract solitary, forming a cup-like rim on rachis at base of each flower …… 1. Loranthus
5. Corolla 5- 9 mm, straight, divided to base into 4 or 5 petals …. 2. Helixanthera
Corolla 10-65 mm, curved, deeply split on one side, lobes 4 or 5 not divided below middle ….. 6  
6. Flowers numerous in dense racemes, 5-merous ………… 5. Dendrophthoe
Flowers 3- 10 in short racemes or umbels, 4-merous ……………. 7
7. Flowers in true racemes, ovary and fruit attenuate at base ……….. 3. Scurrula
Flowers in sessile or peduncled umbels, ovary and fruit rounded at base ……. 4. Taxillus
8. Plants leafy, or leafless and constricted at nodes, with flattened internodes 1. 5- 5 cm, decussately orientated; perianth lobes 4, deciduous ……. 8. Viscum
Plants leafless, internodes flattened and constricted, all in one plane, those of branches mostly 1 cm or less; perianth lobes 3, persistent …….. 9. Korthalsella




Loranthaceae : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (24)
Forwarding some of the herbarium species available at National Herbarium, Nepal which may help to ID this genus. 

Loranthaceae : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (24)
Enclosing herbarium sp. and sketches received from Natioal Herbarium, Nepal.

There is many sp. … Like Dendropthoe,  Scurulla, Viscum….
Can you post separately,

Yes I have sent herbarium of all species available.



Please find a key to differentiate between few common parasitic member of Loranthaceae
1. Leafless plant; Stem articulated; Flower unisexual……………..Viscum
1. Leaves well developed; Stem not as above; Flower bisexual…….2.
2. Flowers in axillary cluster; Corolla tube less than 1 cm long……Macrosolen
2. Flowers in unilateral racemes; Corolla 5-6 cm long……………….


Species, genera & family pages of‎‎‎ ‎Loranthaceae are now with image : 1 post by 1 author.
Species, genera & family pages of‎‎‎ Loranthaceae are now with images. I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identifications in future. If anybody can send images of other species of this family (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice.