Cynanchum dalhousiae Wight, Contr. Bot. India 55 1834. (Syn: Vincetoxicum dalhousiae (Wight) Kuntze);

by Balkar Singh & Dinesh Valke (Ids by Nidhan Singh, Tabish & Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click
on the links)







Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: climber,

No Clematis …, an Apocyanaceae member…..

I hope Cynanchum dalhousiae

Yes Sir, This can be Cynanchum dalhousieae, googling didn’t give any result, but the description given by Collett in Flora Simlensis matches well with this plant. I have attached the image from the same

I think almost confirmed

Reported from the area: Simla to Kumaon

Very much Cynanchum dalhousiae
Wonderful find …! 🙂




VoF Week: Cynanchum dalhousiae?? from way to Ghangriya just 1 km after Govindghat:

For id Thanks are due to …, … and …
Cynanchum dalhousiae from way to Ghangriya just 1 km after Govindghat
We could locate this plant at only at one place.

Yes …, we had also seen this plant but unfortunately it was raining bit heavily and i had taken only one snap for record sake. Thanks to you and Dinesh for sharing wonderful photographs of this plant…..

Yes … Very good photographs
