Habenaria ovalifolia Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5: t. 1708 1851.;
hab-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Latin habena (rein), refers to shape of orchid’s spur … Dave’s Botanary
o-val-ee-FOH-lee-uh — oval leaf … Dave’s Botanary
oval-leaved habenariaMarathi: उंच हबेअमरी uncha habe-amri
¿ Endemic to ?: northern Western Ghats (of India) 

Habenaria ovalifolia for sharing:
Terrestrial orchid Habenaria ovalifolia found growing in deep forest.
Photographed at Gawse, Ajara, Kolhapur

Names of Plants in India :: Habenaria furcifera Lindl.:
via Species‎ > ‎H‎ > ‎  Habenaria furcifera Lindl. … (family: Orchidaceae)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Photographed at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary02 SEP 12

This is Habenaria ovalifolia.

Thank you very much … and … for correcting the ID.
Clarification regarding citation — is it Habenaria ovalifolia Wight ?
It is put as synonym of Habenaria furcifera Lindl. at The Plants List.

Yes they have been put as synonym but its not right.

The names of this plant are rectified at efi thread

Any published reference to show that Habenaria furcifera Lindl. is different from Habenaria ovalifolia Wight ?
I have been generally following The Plant List unless some later publications indicates otherwise.

hab-en-AR-ee-uh — Latin: habena (rein or strap), referring to shape of orchid’s spur … Dave’s Botanary
o-val-ee-FOH-lee-uh — oval leaf … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: oval-leaved habenaria • Marathi: उंच हबेअमरी uncha habe-amri • Telugu: నేల జిమ్మి గడ్ nela jimmi gadda

botanical namesHabenaria ovalifolia Wight., Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient 5: t. 1708. 1851. … synonymsHabenaria hallbergii Blatt. & McCann, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 36: 24. 1932. • Habenaria modesta Dalzell, Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 262. 1850. … Botanical Survey of India

NOTE: Many thanks to Dr Pankaj Kumar Sahani, Dr Sweedle Cerejo and Dr Navendu Page suggesting that Habenaria ovalifolia Wight and Habenaria furcifera Lindl. are distinct species; here are discussions in efloraofindia, various posts dated:

  1. 14 Sept 2012 – DV :: 02 SEP 12 – 1037 :: ¿ Peristylus ? at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary
  2. 19 Sept 2012 – Names of Plants in India :: Habenaria furcifera Lindl.
  3. 02 Oct 2013 – Orchidaceae fortnight :: Habenaria ovalifolia :: Tungareshwar WLS :: DV23
Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
oval-leaved habenaria
  • name coined, for want of name; derived from the descriptive epithet – ovalifolia
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
उंच हबेअमरी uncha habe-amri
  • name coined, for want of name, by Shrikant Ingalhalikar, author of Flowers of Sahyadri, the first among three field guides to identify plants of northern Western Ghats of India, based on flowers … उंच uncha = tall, refers to the tall-standing herb; हबेअमरी habe-amri – the genus name Habenaria, Marathicised
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
నేల జమ్మి గడ్డ nela jimmi gadda
  • Many thanks to A. Lalithamba for help with this name … efloraofindia
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Not updated in POWO, CoL and GBIF yet regarding these two as separate sp.

Both POWO and Catalogue of Life treat H. ovalifolia as synonym of H.furcifera Lindl.,so Dinesh ji is right in that sense of compiling names.

Both species are distinct; somehow H. ovalifolia Wt. (an endemic of Western Ghats) got treated as synonym of H.furcifera Lindl.which has distribution almost all over India and beyond.

Hope someday they are going to be separated at POWO, GBIF, and any other sites.


Names of Plants in India :: Habenaria ovalifolia Wight:
via Species‎ > ‎H‎ > ‎Habenaria ovalifolia Wight … (family: Orchidaceae)

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
hab-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Latin habena (rein), refers to shape of orchid’s spur … Dave’s Botanary
o-val-ee-FOH-lee-uh — oval leaf … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: oval-leaved habenariaMarathi: उंच हबेअमरी uncha habe-amri
botanical names: Habenaria ovalifolia Wight … synonyms: not sure of synonym(s)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Photographed at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary … 02 SEP 12

Great find. Liked the photograph. Tungareshwar WLS seems to have lot of hidden treasure…..

Oh yes – hidden treasure everywhere ! Was lucky to sight it, …


Habenaria ovalifolia at Sanjay Gandhi national park , Mumbai : Attachments (4). 6 posts by 5 authors.
My visit to National park on 20 august 2013 i got complete farm of Habenaria ovalifolia near slop in undergrowth in hill
Habenaria ovalifolia

Very beautiful close ups as well as habit pics..
Lovely photographs !!! Clearly shows that this the Masked Orchid [H.ovalifolia] is distinct from the Yellow Fork Orhid [H.furcifera] which it closely resembles and which has been considered as a synonym on certain sites.
Now suspect that my unidentified orchid at this post is also the Masked Orchid.


Please identify this terrestrial orchid – NS 181012:
These photographs were sent to me by a friend. They were taken at Nagla Block, Borivali N.P.. Please identify this ground orchid.

How about Habenaria frucifera? Need a slight close-up of it to confirm.

Thanks … Had also narrowed it down to Habenaria furcifera [not frucifera]. Unfortunately do not have any more / close-up photographs.

Yes, Its looks like Habenaria furcifera….

Feedback from another thread:
Lovely photographs !!! Clearly shows that this the Masked Orchid [H.ovalifolia] is distinct from the Yellow Fork Orhid [H.furcifera] which it closely resembles and which has been considered as a synonym on certain sites.
Now suspect that my unidentified orchid at this post  is also the Masked Orchid.

I cant see the flower properly but I think this is Habenaria ovalifolia. The mid lobe is not visible on any flower, so I assume they are curved upwards touching the hood.

Habenaria ovalifolia Wight
hab-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Latin habena (rein or strap) referring to shape of orchid’s spur … Dave’s Botanary
o-val-ee-FOH-lee-uh — oval leaf … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: oval-leaved habenaria • Marathi: उंच हबेअमरी uncha habe-amri
¿ Endemic to ?: northern Western Ghats (of India)
ReferencesFurther Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar • efloraofindia
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on 02 SEP 12
at same site of Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on 20 OCT 12


Orchidaceae fortnight ..Habenaria ovalifolia :  Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Sharing pic of Habenaria ovalifolia
Taken at Sidhudurg MH

Yes Habenaria ovalifolia

Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary … about 100 – 2100 ft asl
Mixed vegetation – dry deciduous, moist deciduous, semi-evergreen
Date & time: September 2, 2012 at 10.37am
Altitude: about 764 ft asl
Habitat: mixed-deciduous forest, under canopy of large tree, along path
Habit: herb about 50 – 60 cm high

Habenaria furcifera

Yes sir, its Habenaria furcifera Lindl.

is this medicinal too?

Yes this is used as medicine too can’t remember for what!

Sorry for digging out this old post again but I was wondering if this H. ovalifolia and not H. furcifera. … what do you think? Isn’t the closed lip a characteristic of ovalifolia. Furcifera should have a open lip, right?

Yes, it is Habenaria ovaliolia. This post was on 14 SEP 12
5 days later on 19 SEP 12 when I put this same plant in “Names of Plants in India” series of posts, it got corrected by … efi thread
I have then re-posted the same plant on 2 OCT 13 during Orchidaceae Fortnight, with corrected name.

Sorry for my mistake. Yes this plant is Habenaria ovalifolia. Thanks for bringing it up…

Thank you all for that clarification. I stumbled upon that post while I was searching for all the Peristylus of southern India. The genus Peristylus seems to be a bit of a mess. To add to the confusion, some species have been given different names in the Dr. Sathish Pandey et al’s book on Orchids of Maharashtra.
What do you guys think. Is there a revision of Peristylus? …?  

That’s a nice idea. Dont look at that book Pugaay except page 249 for Peristylus.
I would be happy to help.

Yes, Peristylus needs attention…There is no revision as such and it is much needed…

Such a revision is a great idea! 🙂  Perhaps for both Peristylus and Habenaria?


Orchid ID Please : Attachments (1).
Kindly help me for identification of Orchid, photograph from Pachmarhi Boisphere reserve, 2015

Could be Habernaria marginata

… second green one is Habenaria ovalifolia


It is my pleasure to present few images of Habenaria ovalifolia (Orchidaceae) ……The mid-lobe of the lip arched upwards towards the dorsal sepal….!

Ref: http://florakarnataka.ces.iisc.ernet.in/hjcb2/herbsheet.php?id=3036&cat=1

Habit: Herb 

Habitat: Wild, terrestrial, Evergreen forest floor. 

Sighting: Vanagur, Sakaleshpur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl 

Date: 11-08-2016, 27-08-2016, 03-09-2016 and 08-09-2016 

The efi considers H.ovalifolia distinct from H.furcifera…..!!

Ref: /species/m—z/o/orchidaceae/habenaria/habenaria-ovalifolia

Ref: /species/m—z/o/orchidaceae/habenaria/habenaria-furcifera                                             


The Plant List and the Flowers of India sites consider H.ovalifolia as a synonym of H.furcifera….??

Ref: http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-95270

Ref: http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Forked%20Habenaria.html

Yes, wonderful images. Habenaria ovalifolia

I consider Habenaria ovalifolia as different on the basis of mid lobe which never comes down as in furcifera.

northern Western Ghats– Aug’10?; Request for ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Telugu name(s) of Habenaria ovalifolia Wight.:

Please help me with the name nela jimmi gadda of Habenaria ovalifolia Wight. (treated as synonym of Habenaria furcifera Lindl.)

My attempt: నేల జిమ్మి గడ్

good, but it is నేల జమ్మి గడ్డ –gadda means tuber in telugu

