Centranthera cochinchinensis subsp. lutea

Centranthera cochinchinensis subsp. lutea (Hara) T. Yamazaki (syn: Centranthera chevalieri Bonati; Centranthera cochinchinensis var. lutea (Hara) H. Hara; Centranthera rubra H.L. Li; Razumovia chevalieri (Bonati) Merrill; Razumovia cochinchinensis var. lutea Hara);   China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Cambodia, India, Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Ryukyu Isl., Korea, Laos, Myanmar [Burma], […]

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Oenothera stricta subsp. stricta (Introduced)

Oenothera stricta Ledeb. ex Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 1: 377 1821. (syn: Oenothera arguta Greene; Oenothera brachysepala Spach; Oenothera bracteata Phil.; Oenothera bracteata var. glabrescens (Phil.) Reiche;  Oenothera glabrescens Phil.; Oenothera mollissima subsp. propinqua (Spach) Thell.; Oenothera mollissima subsp. stricta (Ledeb.) Quézel & Santa; Oenothera mollissima var. valdiviana (Phil.) Reiche; Oenothera propinqua Spach; Oenothera propinqua var. […]

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Grevillea asteriscosa (Australia)

Grevillea asteriscosa Diels, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 35: 151 1904. (syn: Hakea asteriscosa (Diels ex Diels & E.Pritz.) Christenh. & Byng);   Australia (Western Australia: north of Muntadgin to near Pingaring and to E of Bullaring) as per Catalogue of Life;   Plants From Australia 2018:: Grevillea astericos from Victoria-NS August 03 : 3 posts by 3 authors. […]

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Ludwigia species- Sonepat, Haryana

  (231009SCS2) – Wild plant – ID request – Haryana – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 1 image. Growing along an irrigation channel. Sonepat, Haryana, today (23.10.09) This represents Ludwigia sp. As … identified, it is Ludwigia. If the stamens are 4 and the fruits 4-ribbed, it is L. perennis. Whereas, L. hyssopifolia has got […]

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Yucca filamentosa (Cultivated)

Yucca filamentosa L., Sp. Pl. 319 1753. (syn: Yucca filamentosa var. bracteata Engelm.; Yucca filamentosa var. elmensis Sprenger; Yucca filamentosa var. filamentosa ; Yucca filamentosa var. laevigata Engelm.; Yucca filamentosa var. latifolia Engelm.; Yucca filamentosa var. maxima Carrière; Yucca filamentosa var. media Carrière; Yucca filamentosa var. mexicana S.Schauer; Yucca filamentosa var. nobilis Sprenger; Yucca filamentosa […]

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Micropera obtusa

Micropera obtusa (Lindl.) Tang & F.T.Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 94 1951. (syn: Camarotis obtusa Lindl.; Sarcochilus obtusus (Lindl.) Benth. ex Hook.f. [Illegitimate]); C. Himalaya to Thailand as per WCSP; Bangladesh; East Himalaya; Myanmar; Nepal; Thailand as per Catalogue of Life; Plant 15-20cm tall; roots piercing through leaf sheath, branched. Stem erect, covered by leaf sheaths […]

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Colubrina asiatica

Colubrina asiatica (L.) Brongn., Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 10: 369 1827. (syn: Ceanothus asiaticus L.; Ceanothus capsularis Forst. fil.; Ceanothus leschenaultii DC.; Colubrina leschenaultii (DC.) G. Don; Pomaderris capsularis G. Don ex Loud.;  Rhamnus acuminata Colebr.; Rhamnus asiatica (L.) Lam.; Trymalium capsulare G. Don; Tubanthera katapa Rafin.);  Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland), New Caledonia, Vanuatu, […]

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Growing plant by cutting

  Fwd: Katka kalam : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 MB.  growing plant by cutting what??? all these plants you can grow in Morbi with cuttings only? Sorry ? what is this list for. what does it signify?  

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Kobresia species- Sandakphu, West Bengal

SK1204 15 JUNE 2018 : 17 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)- around 600 kb each.  Location: Sandakphu, India Date: 13 May 2018 Altitude: 12000 ft. Habit : Wild Tried possible options but could not conclude. Hope … can help. I think it may be from Cyperaceae.  I checked but could not come to conclusion. Not C. […]

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Utricularia species- Central Western Ghats

Please help with the proper ID of Utricularia species. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) This was photographed by me in the previous monsoon (2017-August). It was founded in the wet rocky surface above 700mts elevation in the Central Western Ghats. Please help with proper ID Thanks, … Pl. check at  https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/a–-l/l/lentibulariaceae/utricularia The […]

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96th Tree Appreciation Walk at Gandhi Tekri, SGNP

96th Tree Appreciation Walk at Gandhi Tekri, SGNP on 5th Aug at 8 am : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – List of the trees of Gandhi Tekri, SGNP Boriwali.docx Attached the list of the plants which we will be showing during our Tree Walk,

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Ceratostigma willmottianum (Cultivated- Australia)

Ceratostigma willmottianum Stapf, Bot. Mag. 140: t. 8591 1914. ; China (Gansu, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan), SE-Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;   Plants From Australia 2018:: Ceratostigma willmottianum from RBG Victoria-NS July 06 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) This is Chinese Plumbago…  Ceratostigma willmottianum ..pics taken from Royal Botanical Garden, Melbourne very nice. […]

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Ceratostigma ulicinum Prain (S-Tibet, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life) Species with distribution in annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Distribution): Ceratostigma ulicinum Prain (3500-4000 m; Nepal, S.E. Tibet, S.W. China) Some species found in India with description & keys from Flora of China [Distribution other than China]: Ceratostigma griffithii C. B. Clarke in J. […]

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Greyia radlkoferi (Cultivated- Australia)

Greyia radlkoferi Szyszyl., Polypet. Discifl. Rehman. 2: 49 1888. ; South Africa (Limpopo, Mpulamanga, KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland as per Catalogue of Life;   Plants From Australia 2018:: Greyia radlkoferi from RBG, Victoria-NS July 05 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Few shots of a beautiful flowering shrub, recorded from Royal Botanical Garden, Melbourne, Australia.. […]

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Achyranthes species- Pali, Rajasthan

  SD270818+3 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Kindly assist with the ID of this plant Location Pali, Rajasthan Achyranthes aspera please cheak Pl. also check  /species/a—l/a/amaranthaceae/achyranthes

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