An online resource for the world’s plants

Plants of the World online portal : 5 posts by 3 authors. I came upon the following link which may be found helpful. Thanks … for information and the link. Once complete it should be real asset taking us back to versatility of Famous Index Kewensis. The amount of mistakes in The Plant List […]

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Syzygium tetragonum

Syzygium tetragonum (Wight) Wall. ex Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 2: 179 1843. (syn: Eugenia subviridis Craib; Eugenia tetragona Wight; Syzygium nienkui Merr. & L.M.Perry); China (Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Mandalay, Sagaing), Bhutan, India (Darjeeling), E-Nepal, ?Java, ?Sumatra, Assam, Bangladesh, Thailand as per Catalogue of Life; Nepal to S. China as per WCSP; […]

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Eriocaulon species- Mulshi, Maharastra

  Plant for ID 23/11/2011 : SMP2: Is it possible to ID this Eriocaulon species from this photograph.Height 8-10 cm Observed in Mulshi. It was near rice fields on plains Not near waterbody. Similar occasional plants also observed nearby. It is very much difficult to identify a Eriocaulon sp. from a picture.

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Eriocaulon species- Matheran, Maharastra

    31.08.11.JP.03 – Eriocaulon spp. identification3: The third and final species of Eriocaulon seen at Matheran.The flower size of this one was extremely minute. The photo of the close up is taken with a 55mm lens attached with a +10 magnification filter.

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Eriocaulon species- Matheran, Maharastra

  31.08.11.JP.02 – Eriocaulon spp. identification2: Another species of Eriocaulon seen at Matheran.This one has prominent (involucral?) bracts beneath the inflorescence. This could be Eriocaulon heterolepis Steudel, which has long exceeding involucral bracts. I have collected this species myself from Maharashtra. However, I can not confirm the identity without seeing the dissected flowers and seeds. […]

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Rhododendron arboreum var. cinnamomeum

Rhododendron arboreum var. cinnamomeum Wall. ex Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 23: , pl. 1982 1837. (syn: Rhododendron arboreum subsp. campbelliae (Hook. fil.) Tagg; Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomeum (Wall. ex Lindl.) Tagg; Rhododendron arboreum var. cinnamomeum (Wall. ex Lindl.) W.K. Hu; Rhododendron campbelliae Hook. fil.; Rhododendron campbelliae Hook. fil.) ?;    S-Tibet, E-Nepal, NE-India, Darjeeling, Vietnam as […]

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Rhododendron/ Azalea- Planted in Medikere, Chikkamagalur, Karnataka

  Pink Haut – Flower from Mudigere 03Mar2012AR01: Leaf -5cms approx, Whorl, elliptic to linear, Flower-3-4cms Habitat Home garden in a coffee estate  Mudigere, Chikkamagalur, Karnataka, Western ghats   13 Dec 2011 05:40PM Its a species of Rhododendron, most probably the type species Rhododendron ferrugineum of Ericaceae This looks like Azalea to me !! Supporting …: […]

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Aster verticillatus

Aster verticillatus (Reinw.) Brouillet, Semple & Y. L. Chen (Syn: Carpesium scandens Schult.f. ex Miq.; Lavenia rigida Wall.; Leptocoma formosanum Yamamoto; Leptocoma racemosa Less.; Leptocoma verticillatum var. subsessile Oliv. ex Miquel; Rhynchospermum formosanum Yamam.; Rhynchospermum subsessile (Oliv. ex Miq.) Nakai; Rhynchospermum verticillatum var. subsessilis Oliv. ex Miq.; Zollingeria scandens Sch.Bip.);   India: Temperate Himalayas and N.E. […]

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Adenocaulon himalaicum

Adenocaulon himalaicum Edgew., 64 1846 (Syn: Adenocaulon adhaerescens Maxim.; Adenocaulon bicolor var. adhaerescens (Maxim.) Makino);   Adenocaulon himalaicum (Asteraceae) from Uttarakhand: DSR_Nov. 2016_1/1 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Adenocaulon himalaicum Edgew. (Asteraceae). I am able to identify this plant after a long time due to non familiarity with this species. It grows […]

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Azalea hybrids- Vienna

  Plant for ID :: Vienna :: EU-ARKNOV14 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Some rhododendrons captured in the Vienna castle nursery in May 2016. Requested to please provide ID. Appears to be an Azalea. It seems to be Azelia rosea.  

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Adenia trilobata

Adenia trilobata (Roxb.) Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 14: 375 1891. (syn: Modecca saponaria (Blanco) Blanco; Modecca trilobata Roxb.; Passiflora saponaria Blanco); India, Bhutan, Darjeeling, Myanmar [Burma] (Bago), Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life; Stems upto 20m. Leaves usually deeply 3-lobed; lobes elliptic to lanceolate, 9-15x3cm, acuminate, base cordate or sagittate, glabrous on both surfaces, blade […]

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