Echinops cornigerus

Echinops cornigerus DC., 525 1838. (syn: Echinops coriarius C.B.Clarke; Echinops polygraphus Czerniak.; Echinops polygraphus Tscherneva); Common name: Blue Globe Thistle • Hindi: Kandara, कंटेला Kantela • Ladakhi: ཨཀཟེམ Aczema Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Mandalay), Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Kashmir, Jammu), India (C- to NW-Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit, Hunza, Astor, Baltistan, […]

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Strobilanthes maculata

Strobilanthes maculata (Wall. ex Nees) Nees in DC., Prodr. 11: 190 1847.  (syn: Ruellia maculata Wall. ex Nees in Wall.; Sympagis maculata (Wall. ex Nees) Bremek.); Common name: Spotted Strobilanthes   MS Sept. 2016/09 Strobilanthes sp, for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Place : Sairep, MizoramAltitude : ca,a,1,500 m.Date : 21/09/2016Habit : […]

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Stellaria himalayensis ?

Stellaria himalayensis ?;   IDENTIFY this from HP : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) another flower from Himachal pradesh, TODAY (23.9.16) Looks like a Chickweed, likely a Stellaria sp. It would be easier if we had the leaves. Closest I can reach is Stellaria himalayensis Majumdar as per comparative images at Stellaria  

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76th TAW- Sagar Upvan [akka B.P.T.Garden]

76th TAW at BPT on Sunday 16th October at 7.30 a.m. : 1 post by 1 author. Forest days are over….now we move over to our city gardens. Our next walk is in Sagar   Upvan [akka B.P.T.Garden]  Sagar Upvan is a paradise in our concrete jungle. Once you enter it you do not feel you […]

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Gynura scandens (Kenya)

Gynura scandens O.Hoffm., 416 1895. (syn: Crassocephalum auriformis S.Moore; Crassocephalum ruwenzoriensis S.Moore; Crassocephalum scandens (O.Hoffm.) Hiern; Gynura auriformis (S.Moore) S.Moore; Gynura brownii S.Moore; Gynura ruwenzoriensis (S.Moore) S.Moore; Gynura taylorii S.Moore; Senecio agathionanthes Muschl.; Senecio rutshuruensis De Wild.; Senecio seretii De Wild.; Senecio subalatipetiolatus De Wild.; Senecio variostipellatus De Wild.); Gynura scandens : Asteraceae : Kenya […]

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Vachellia xanthophloea (Kenya)

Vachellia xanthophloea (Benth.) Banfi & Galasso, Pl.-Book (ed. 3) 1021 2008. (syn: Acacia xanthophloea Benth.); Vachellia xanthophloea is a tree in the Fabaceae family and is commonly known in English as the fever tree (local East African names include olerai, kimwea, murera, and mwelele). This species of Vachellia is native to eastern and southern Africa. […]

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Vachellia drepanolobium (Kenya)

Vachellia drepanolobium (Y.Sjöstedt) P.J.H.Hurter, Pl.-Book (ed. 3) 1021 2008. (syn: Acacia drepanolobium Harms ex Y.Sjöstedt); Vachellia drepanolobium (syn. Acacia drepanolobium), commonly known as Whistling Thorn (family Fabaceae), is a swollen-thorn vachellia native to East Africa.[2] The whistling thorn grows up to 6 meters tall. It produces a pair of straight thorns at each node, some […]

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Chenopodium karoi

Chenopodium karoi (Murr) Aellen, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 26: 149 1929. (Syn: Chenopodium album subsp. karoi Murr; Chenopodium prostratum Bunge ex Herder [Illegitimate]; Chenopodium prostratum subsp. karoi (Murr) Lomon.);   ID request-051011-PKA3: 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3) Small Herb from “Tsomoreri lake wetland, Ladakh”.Date/Time: 13-09-2011 / 05:00PMLocation: Tsomoreri Lake wetland, Ladakh (Altitude: […]

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Naravelia or Clematis ?- Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh

  Please identify these plants 270916AS2 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Some high school students came to me with many medicinal plants generally used in local medicines. They are given a project by the school on the said topic. out of the plants i have problem in correctly identifying these three plants. Hope somebody […]

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Nepeta bombaiensis

Nepeta bombaiensis Dalzell, Bombay Fl. 209 1861. (syn: Glechoma bombaiensis (Dalzell) Kuntze); Lamiaceae week Nepeta bombayensis images from Nasik for sharing and validation : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Nepeta bombayensis images from Nasik for sharing and validation, please validate We do not have any posting of Nepeta bombaiensis so far in efi   Nepeta […]

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Gentianaceae member ?- Near Mcleodganj, HP- Seedling ?

    Plant for ID ABSEP2016/49 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 4 images. I found this today growing next to a rock on the mountain path. It reminded me a little of Euphorbia. I am not sure what it is. Please help identify it. Near Mcleodganj, HP 1800m approx. 27 September 2016 I think […]

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Lysimachia maritima

Lysimachia maritima (L.) Galasso, Banfi & Soldano, Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Milano 146: 229 2005. (syn: Glaucoides maritima var. obtusifolia (Fernald) Lunell; Glaux acutifolia A.Heller; Glaux generalis E.H.L.Krause; Glaux maritima L.; Glaux maritima var. angustifolia B. Boivin; Glaux maritima var. macrophylla B. Boivin; Glaux maritima subsp. obtusifolia (Fern.) B. Boivin; Glaux […]

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Tanacetum griffithii

Tanacetum griffithii (C.B.Clarke) Muradyan, 90 1970. (syn: Chrysanthemum griffithii C.B.Clarke; Pyrethrum griffithii (C.B.Clarke) Buser; Spathipappus griffithii (C.B.Clarke) Tzvelev); References: The Plant List Ver.1.1  GCC  IPNI  Catalogue of Life  BSI Flora of India Flora of Pakistan  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora  planetarium  Fairy Lake Botanical Garden Flora

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Senecio krascheninnikovii

Senecio krascheninnikovii Schischk., Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS, xv. 410 (1953). (Syn: Senecio hindukushensis Kitam.; Senecio kashmirianus N.P.Balakr.; Senecio krascheninnikovii var. krascheninnikovii ; Senecio pedunculatus Edgew.; Senecio pedunculatus var. pedunculatus ; Senecio pedunculus Edgew.); Common name: Hindukush Senecio   Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) ::Senecio dubitabilis?? at Ladakh :: PKA31:: :  Attachments […]

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Gentianopsis stricta

Gentianopsis stricta (Klotzsch) Ikonn., Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 6: 270 1970. (syn: Gentiana stricta Klotzsch; Gentiana vvedenskyi Grossh.; Gentianella vvedenskyi (Grossh.) H. Smith; Gentianopsis stricta (Klotzsch) Holub (ambiguous synonym); Gentianopsis vvedenskyi (Grossh.) V.V. Pis’yaukova); C-Asia, Tadjikistan, Mongolia, Turkestan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistani Kashmir (Karakorum, Baltistan, Deosai, Gilgit as per Catalogue of Life;     Gentianopsis paludosa […]

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