JRF Position in CSIR funded Research Project

JRF Position in CSIR funded Research Project : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Kindly circulate:  Walk in interview at Botany Department, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. CSIR Funded project entitled: Taxonomic and cytogenetical studies in the genus Pancratium L. (Amaryllidaceae) in IndiaSanctioned to Dr. Manoj Lekhak Duration: Up to 28 February 2018.Qualifications: M.Sc. in Botany with […]

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Gymnema cuspidatum

Gymnema cuspidatum (Thunb.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 420 1891. (syn: Bidaria clesicola H.Huber; Bidaria cuspidata (Thunb.) H.Huber; Bidaria cuspidata var. stenoloba (Hook.f.) H.Huber; Bidaria pergularioides Thwaites; Cynanchum cuspidatum Thunb. (Unresolved); Gymnema pergularioides (Thwaites) Hook.f.; Gymnema pergularioides var. gardneri Thwaites ex Hook.f.; Gymnema stenolobum Hook.f.); Images by Anurag N Sharma (Id by Shrikant Ingalhalikar) (Inserted by […]

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Flora of Madh (North Mumbai)

Flora of Madh (North Mumbai) : VG-APR-01 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) In the mid-to-late 1950s, one of the most discerning field botanists to have contributed to the flora of Mumbai, Gopalkrishna Shah (who would go on to author the seminal Flora of Gujarat), carried out an extensive floristic survey of the […]

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Tiwari Rinkey

Publications:   1. Chaudhary, L. B., Sudhakar J. V., Kumar, A., Bajpai, O., Tiwari, R. and Murthy G. V. S. Synopsis of the genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India. Taiwania 57 (2): 193-216. 2012.   2. Kumar, A., Bajpai, O., Tiwari, R., Sudhakar, J. V. & Chaudhary, L. B. “Taxonomic notes on the identity and nomenclature of Ficus assamica Miq. (Moraceae)”.  Phytotaxonomy 12: 82-88. 2012. […]

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Jalmi Pratibha

List of Publications:   Pratibha J., Vadim A. Mel‘nik, D.J. Bhat, Hai D.T. Nguyen and Keith A. Seifert. (2014). Taxonomy and phylogeny of Pseudogliophragma indica and its synonym Ramaraomycescorticola, a synnematous hyphomycete from south east Asia. Mycoscience (Article in press) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.myc.2014.12.002 Pratibha J., Prabhugaonkar A., Bhat D.J. and Hyde K.D. 2014. Phylogenetic placement of Bahusandhika, […]

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Lal Krishan

List of Papers published 1. Lal, Krishan & Rawat, G.S. (2008).Addition to the flora of Himachal Pradesh from Sirmour Distt, Indian J. For. 31(1): 113-115 2. Lal Krishan, Agarwala, D.K. and Chudhery, H. J. (2008) Three new generic records of Orchidaceae from HP., Journal of non Timber Forest Product 15 (4): 293-296 3. Lal, Krishan […]

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Sinha Gopal P.

Complete List of Publications by G.P. Sinha   A.  BOOKS PUBLISHED:      1. Singh, K.P. and Sinha, G.P., 1994. Lichen Flora of Nagaland. Bishen Singh       Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun. pp. 498, 277 figures, 2 maps, 2 tables.                       (Review published in Lichenologist)   2. Sinha, G. P.  and Singh, K. P. […]

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Shrestha Nawal

Nawal Shrestha, PhD Department of Ecology College of Urban and Environmental Sciences Peking University, Beijing 100871, China Email: nawalshrestha@gmail.com   Wang S., Xu X., Shrestha N., Zimmermann N., Tang Z., Wang Z. (2017) Response of spatial vegetation distribution to climate changes in China since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). PlosOne 12(4): e0175742. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0175742 Wang Q., Su […]

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Babu Kantipudi Nirmal

PUBLICATIONS   DISSERTATIONS   Nirmal Babu K (1980) Cytological, ecological and morphological studies in Panicum species (M.Sc. dissertation), University of Kerala, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. Nirmal Babu K (1982) Cytological studies on some members of the Andropogoneae and the Maydeae (M. Phil dissertation), University of Kerala, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. Nirmal Babu K. (1997) In vitro studies […]

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Singh Balkar

    Publications: Dr Balkar Singh   Journals and Books   1.       Balkar Singh, Surender Singh, Surender Singh, Liyakat Ali, Ritu Mahajan. Ethnobotanical Significance and Antimicrobial Activity of Blumea lacera (Roxb.) DC. International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives 2010; 1(3):314 – 316. 2.       Balkar Singh, Nidhi Dutt, Dinesh Kumar, Surender Singh, Ritu Mahajan.  Taxonomy, […]

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Adenium somalense crispum X A. obesum

Images by Surajit Koley, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) 2015april_sk15/15 : Adenium sp. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) I bought this one about 3 years ago. In the first year it shed all its leaves and flowers. Last year it produced no leaf or flower, I thought it was dead. Today I noticed a […]

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Prabhugaonkar Ashish V.

List of Publications: 1. A.R. Sivu, Prabhugaonkar, A. and N.S. Pradeep. 2014. MemecylonterminaleDalz. (Melastomataceae) a new record for Goa. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 38 (2): 261-262 2. AshishPrabhugaonkar, Divakar K. Mesta & M.K. Janarthanam 2014. First report of three redlisted tree species from swampy relics of Goa State, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 6(2): 5503–5506; […]

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Herb from Pasarani, Dist: Satara

      Herb from Pasarani, Dist: Satara need to ID : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Please find the photograph of leaf which was taken yesterday at Pasarni Ghat. Habitat: In rocky crevicesHabit: Apparently perennial herbRoots: Rhizhomatous Stem: not developedLeaves: cordate, serrate and with long petiole c. 10 cmFlowering/ Fruiting: No Can […]

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Impatiens stocksii

Impatiens stocksii Hook.f. & Thomson, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 119 1860. ; Slender herb, to 15 cm high. Leaves radical, variable, orbicular-reniform, cordate or oblong-ovate, crenate at margin, 1.5-4.8 x 1.3-1.5 cm, pubescent above, glabrous beneath; nerves flabellate. Scapes to 10 cm long; bracts ovate, small; pedicels stout, ca 1 cm long. Flowers […]

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Toona sinensis

Toona sinensis (Juss.) M.Roem., Fam. Nat. Syn. Monogr. 1: 139 1846. (Syn: Ailanthus flavescens Carrière; Ailanthus mairei Gagnep.; Cedrela chinensis Franch.; Cedrela glabra C.DC.; Cedrela longiflora var. kumaona C. DC.; Cedrela longifolia Wall. ex C.DC. [Illegitimate] .; Cedrela sinensis Juss. …; Mioptrila odorata Raf.; Surenus glabra (C. DC.) Kuntze; Surenus serrata (Royle) Kuntze; Surenus serrulata (Miq.) […]

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Epiprinus mallotiformis

  Epiprinus mallotiformis (Müll.Arg.) Croizat, J. Arnold Arbor. 23: 53 1942. (Syn: Adenochlaena indica Bedd. ex Hook.f.; Adenochlaena mallotiformis (Müll.Arg.) M.R.Almeida; Cephalocroton indicus Bedd.; Cephalocroton indicus Bedd.);   Karinjikkada   Habit- Trees 12 m tall. Branches and Branchlets- Branchlets subterete, stellately pubescent when young. Leaves- Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipule ovate-lanceolate, stellately pubescent, caducous; petiole […]

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Ranadive Kiran Ramchandra

    INTERNATIONAL 1. Belsare, M. H., Bapat, G. S., Ranadive, K. R. Vaidya, J. G. and Deokule, S. S. (2010). In-vitro susceptibility testing of some Phellinus species against Acinetobacter baumannii from Maharashtra India. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 4 (13): 1335-1338.( ISSN 1996-0875) 2. Bhosle, S., Ranadive, K., Bapat, G., Garad, S., Deshpande, G., […]

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