Kalanchoe synsepala (Cultivated)

Kalanchoe synsepala Baker, J. Bot. 20: 110 1882. (Syn: Kalanchoe gentyi Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier; Kalanchoe trichantha Baker); Images by Aarti Khale (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)     Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight : Kalanchoe synsepala For Validation : Crassulaceae : MNP,Mumbai : 18DEC14 : AK-27 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Seen […]

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Kalanchoe humilis (Cultivated)

Kalanchoe humilis Britten, Fl. Trop. Afr. 2: 397 1871. ; Images by Aarti Khale (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)   Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight : Kalanchoe humilis For Validation : Crassulaceae : MNP,Mumbai : 18DEC14 : AK-26 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Seen at the BBC Show in MNP, Mumbai on 30/3/13. Kindly […]

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Betula species ?- California

      Climber For ID : California : 13DEC14 : AK-39 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Climber seen in Sacramento on 7/10/14. No flowers. not a climbera tree. small right now with drooping branches cant recall the name at this minute will tell you as soon as it comes up in […]

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Munshi Abid H.

    List of publications of PROF. (Dr.) A. H. Munshi   I.          Full papers published:   1.                    Munshi, A. H. 1975 An addition in Indain Polygonums from Northern Himalayas J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soe. 74 (20):388-289. 2.                    Munshi, A. H. 1976 Polygonum dumetorum I. A. New Host for Puccinia polygoni-amphibi pers. Curr. […]

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Agonis flexuosa (Cultivated- USA)

Agonis flexuosa (Muhl. ex Willd.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 2: 209 1830. (Syn: Agonis flexuosa var. angustifolia (Otto & A.Dietr.) Schauer; Billottia flexuosa (Muhl. ex Willd.) R.Br.; Billottia flexuosa var. angustifolia Otto & A.Dietr.; Leptospermum flexuosum (Muhl. ex Willd.) Spreng.; Leptospermum glomeratum H.L.Wendl.; Leptospermum resiniferum Bertol.; Metrosideros flexuosa Muhl. ex Willd.); Australia (Western Australia) as per […]

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Stars of family fortnights- 2015

2010-11   2012  2013  2014 Year    Month         Dates           Family, Group or Theme         Coordinators                         Star of the Fortnight 2015    January       11–24  a      Ranunculaceae                         Dr. Nidhan Singh               […]

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Hande Dilip V.

    List of Publications in Journals    S. N. Title Authors name Journal name / volume /Year 1 Some interesting Hyphomycetean fungi from Maharashtra, Hande D.V., A.W. Subhedar and A.U.Pachkhede Geobios New Reports 17 (1): 75 – 76.1998 2 A New genus Kundalinella Hande D.V., A.W. Subhedar Geobios, 28 (2-3),149-151.2001   3 Three new […]

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Arundinella tuberculata

Arundinella tuberculata Munro ex Lisboa, List Bombay Grasses 29 1897. ;   Annual herbs; culms up to 60 cm tall ; culm simple, erect, or slightly decumbent at the base; sheaths, leaves and spikelets densely clothed with white hairs, from a papilose or tuberculated base ; sheaths 5-7 cm long; ligule very small, consisting chiefly […]

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Kumar Brijesh

    LIST OF PUBLICATION RESEARCH PAPERS 1.         Chadha, J., Chander, H. & B. Kumar. 2008. Endemic Pteridophytes of India: Distribution and    Threat Status. In: G.S., Rawat (Ed.). Special Habitats and Threatened Plants of India. ENVIS Bulletin: Wildlife and Protected Areas, Vol.11 (1):  229-232, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India.   2.         Kumar, B., M. […]

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Nimbkar Nandini

    PUBLICATIONS   Publications: There are 83 publications as follows:   1.         Karve, A. D., Nagavekar, D. V. and Nimbkar, N. (1976). Seed set on self-pollination in safflower, Indian J. Genetics and Plant Breeding.  36 (1): 108-110.   2.         World Register of Cultivated Peanut Germplasm (Arachis hypogaea L.). Compiled by R. J. Varnell, N. […]

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Kumar C. Sathish

    LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF Dr C. SATHISH KUMAR     1.      BOOKS:   1.       S. P. Vij, Jagdeep Verma & C. Sathish Kumar 2013                  Orchids of Himachal Pradesh. Published by Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,                  Dehra Dun. 2.      C. Sathish Kumar & B. Sabulal 2012                  Plant Wonders, Evolution and Genetics. […]

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Curio talinoides (Cultivated)

Curio talinoides (DC.) P. V. Heath, Calyx 6:55. 1999 (Syn: Kleinia talinoides DC.; Senecio talinoides (DC.) Sch. Bip.);       Garden Plant For ID : California : 13DEC14 : AK-38 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Small, garden plant seen in Los Angeles on 3/10/14. Senecio Species? The plant uploaded may be Senecio […]

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Agharkar Research Institute, Pune

    List Of Publications  on Lichens by Agharkar Research Institute, Pune during 1971-2014   Patwardhan, P.G. & P.D. Badhe 1971. Contributions to the lichen flora of western India – III. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 13: 7-10.  Patwardhan, P.G. & P.D. Badhe 1972. Contributions to the lichen flora of western India – IV. J. Shivaji […]

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Kumar S. Rajendra

    Articles: Joshi, P.N., S.F.W. Sunderraj, J. Joshua and S. Rajendrakumar, 2010. Campylanthus pungens O. Schwartz (Scrophulariaceae) – a new record for India from Gujarat. Indian Journal of Forestry. 33(1): 115-116pp.   Paper Publications:  Rajendra Kumar, S. and S. Kalavathy, 2010. Status and distribution of the Rare (R) tree species, Anogeissus sericea Brandis var. nummularia Ex. Duthie. in the forest of North Gujarat Region (NGR), Gujarat, India. Life sciences Leaflets. 6: 178-181pp. Rajendra Kumar, […]

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Kalidass C.

    Research papers (Published) Kalidass C. (2014). Distribution and population status of a critically endangered tree species Symplocos racemosa Roxb. in Eastern Ghats of Odisha. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2 (11): 27 – 32. (ISSN: 2320 – 5407). (IF: 1.659). Kottaimuthu R. & Kalidass C (2014). Genus Monothecium hochst (Acanthaceae) – A new […]

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Singh Harish

    LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (Dr. Harish Singh)   A. Research Papers published 1.  J.K. Maheshwari & Harish Singh 1988. Ethnobotanical observations on the Saharia tribe of Lalitpur district, Uttar Pradesh. Vanyajati 36(3): 23-34.   2  Harish Singh & G.S. Bisht 1988. Depletion of ethnomedicinal plants of alpine region of ChamoliGarhwal along with concept of […]

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George Satheesh

          Chapter in Book         1.       Pillai Geetha S., A.V. Raghu, Gerald Martin, Satheesh George and Indira Balachandran. 2009. In vitro Propagation of two Tuberous Medicinal Plants: Holostemma ada-kodien and Ipomoea mauritiana, In: Protocols for In Vitro Culture and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants. Edited […]

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Ghosh Subir K.

    List of Publications of Subir K Ghosh   1.   Ghosh, S. K. and K. R. Naskar, 1989. Pollution and Drainage Problems in Calcutta Metropolis. NATMO, Monograph 9. Ministry of Science and Technology, (Calcutta), Govt. of India.pp- 449-450.   4.   Ghosh, S. K. and K. R. Naskar, 1990. Exploitation Strategies on the Mangrove Ecosystem […]

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