Singh D. K.

    LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF DR. D.K. SINGH A.     BOOKS   Authored/Co-authored:   1.            D.K. Singh 2002. Notothylaceae of India and Nepal (A morpho-taxonomical revision). pp. i-xiii, 271. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun. 2.            B.P. Uniyal, S. Singh & D.K. Singh. 1995. Plant Diversity in Tehri Dam submersible area. pp. 159. BSI, Calcutta. […]

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Bhardwaj Devendra

    Two book published by in hindi, published by राजस्‍थान हिन्‍दी ग्रन्‍थ अकादमी (Rajasthan Hindi granth Academy) 1. फूलो वाले वृक्ष 2. वन वृक्षों का पर्ण आधारित अभिज्ञान      

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Combretum fruticosum (USA)

Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz, U.S.D.A. Bur. Pl. Industr., Invent. Seeds 31: 86 1914. (Syn: Combretum aurantiacum Benth.; Combretum benthamianum Van Heurck & Müll.Arg.; Combretum farinosum var. phaenopetalum Donn.Sm.; Combretum formosum G.Don; Combretum gloriosum Rusby; Combretum lepidopetalum Pittier; Combretum loeflingii Eichler [Illegitimate] .; Combretum micropetalum DC.; Combretum multidiscum Rusby; Combretum occidentale L. [Illegitimate]; Combretum oxypetalum G.Don; […]

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Rai Aruna

    1.        Aruna Rai and D.V.Amonkar (1989): Influence of NaCl salinity on the functioning of glutamate dehydrogenase from the leaves of horsegram, Dolichos biflorus L. var. Sina. Ad. Plant Sci. 2(1): 79 – 86.  2.        Anjali Ratnakar and Aruna Rai (2012): Effect of NaCl salinity on Atriplex hortensis L. Var. Pusa Bathua No. 1. […]

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Shimpale Vinod B.

    RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS   1.      Bhagat, R. B.; V. B. Shimpale and R. B. Deshmukh. 2009. ‘Flora of Baramati’. Reference book, “Flora of Baramati” containing 994 taxa belonging to 938 species with 42 varieties & 14 sub-species, 577 genera & 136 families of flowering plants. Book is published with the auspicious hands of Shri. […]

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Kumar Sudanshu

       REWARD OF TWO UGC MINOR RESEARCH PROJECTS:     P.I. of  Projects  under UGC minor research Program.                1.  [ Xth PLAN].F. PSJ-010/03-04(ERO){ Project completed}     Title of Project:    SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION ON POT HERBS  [SAG]                                               USED BY TRIBALS AND OTHERS IN JHARKHAND –                                               STATE   .   2. [ XI […]

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Aeonium undulatum (Cultivated)

Aeonium undulatum Webb & Berthel., Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries 2(1): 197 1841. (Syn: Aeonium youngianum Webb & Berthel.; Sempervivum youngianum (Webb & Berthel.) Christ (Unresolved)); Spain – Canary Islands as per GRIN;   Aeonium undulatum, a succulent, evergreen subshrub, is one of the larger species of aeonium with the rosette often over a metre from the […]

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Rawat G.S.

    Full Name          :                    Dr. Gopal Singh Rawat   Current Position :                   Scientist – G / Senior Professor   Address             :                     Wildlife Institute of India                                                 Chandrabani, Dehra Dun                                                 Email:     PUBLICATIONS BY G.S. RAWAT (Updated on 30th October 2014)   (A)  Research papers published in full         […]

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Gogoi Khyanjeet

    KHYANJEET GOGOI   The Orchid Society of Eastern Himalaya, Regional Orchid Germplasm Conservation & Propagation Centre (Assam Circle) Daisa Bordoloi Nagar, Talap, Tinsukia- 786 156, Assam, India   Email:     PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Gogoi, K. 2012. Orchids of Dibru-Saikhowa National Park and Biosphere Reserve. Department of Environment & Forest, Tinsukia Wildlife Division […]

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Viswanathan M. B.

    Published in Journals: 34         34.  Viswanathan, M. B., C. Rajasekar and P. Sathish Kumar. 2014. Genetic diversity of steno endemic and critically endangered Monoon tirunelveliense (Annonaceae) from India as revealed by ISSRs. Trees DOI 10.1007/s00468-014-1122-y.       33. Ramachandran, A. and M. B. Viswanathan. 2010. Solanum cordatum Forssk. (Solanaceae) – A new […]

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Gaikwad Sayajirao P.

    LIST OF PUBLICATIONS   Dr. Sayajirao P. Gaikwad (M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.A.A.T.) Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Life Science Research Laboratory, Walchand College of Arts & Science, Solapur – 413 006 (MS), India Email:     A) Research publications in cited journals:   1.         Gaikwad, S.P., Sardesai M.M. and S.R. Yadav (1998) Nituliche […]

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Gore Ramchandra Dnyanoba

    LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Gore Ramchandra Dnyanoba Research Fellow Life Science Research Laboratory, Walchand College of Arts & Science, Solapur – 413 006 (MS), India Email:   1. Gaikwad, S.P., Gore R.D. and K.U. Garad (2012) Addition to the Flora of Marathwada. Journal of Threatened Taxa 4(4): 2515-23.   2. Gaikwad, S.P., Gore […]

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Prasad P. Rama Chandra

    Peer-Reviewed publications   Andman and Nicobar Islands   1.      Stutee Gupta and P.Rama Chandra Prasad (2014). Analysis of tree diversity patterns in the tropical evergreen and moist deciduous forests of the Middle Andaman Islands, India. Journal of Biodiversity Management and forestry –2:3. doi:10.4172/2327-4417.1000114   2.      Anubhav Chaturvedi and P. Rama Chandra Prasad (2013). […]

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Patel Rohit

    1. Pardeshi, M. K., Gajera, N., Patel, R., Worah, D and V. Vijay Kumar (2010). Species of conservation significance within and vicinity of Narayan Sarovar Sanctuary: Biodiversity and distribution. Biological Forum — An International Journal, 2(2): 19-24 p.    2. Y. S. Patel, R. M. Patel, P. N. Joshi and Y.B. (2011). Study […]

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Selwyn M.A.

    Selwyn M.A. and Ganesan R. 2009. Evaluating the potential role of Eucalyptus plantations in the regeneration of native trees in southern Western Ghats, India.Tropical Ecology 50: 175-191. Link Parthasarathy N., Selwyn M.A. and Udayakumar M. 2008. Tropical dry evergreen forests of peninsular India: ecology and conservation significance. Tropical Conservation Science 1: 89-110. Link […]

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Kalanchoe rhombopilosa (Cultivated)

Kalanchoe rhombopilosa Mannoni & Boiteau, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 13: 153–154, f. 1(20–21) 1947. (syn: Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. argentea Rauh; Kalanchoe rhombopilosa var. viridifolia Rauh); Image by Aarti Khale (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)        Ornamental Plant For ID : BBC Show,MNP : 240613 : AK-2 : Attachments (1). 12 posts by 4 authors. Another plant seen on […]

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Kalanchoe tomentosa (Cultivated)

Kalanchoe tomentosa Baker, J. Bot. 20: 110 1882. ; Images by Nidhan Singh (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)    Kalanchoe tomentosa [1] or panda plant, also known as pussy ears and chocolate soldier, is a succulent plant in the genus Kalanchoe. A native of Madagascar, it is a fairly popular houseplant on account of its small […]

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Pandey Anita

    Publications   In Journals   1. A Pandey, ST Shende and RG Apte 1989.  Effect of Azotobacter chroococcum seed inoculation on its establishment in rhizosphere, growth and yield and yield attributing parameters of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum).  Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie 144, 595-604.   2. A Pandey, ST Shende and M Singh 1989.  Azotobacter chroococcum […]

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Shah Santosh K.

    Santosh Kumar Shah, Scientist ‘C’, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany 53-University Road, Lucknow – 226 007, Uttar Pradesh, India. E-mail: Office phone: +91 (522) 2742996     [30]   Shah, Santosh K., Touchan, R., Babushkina, E., Shishov, V.V., Meko, D.M., Abramenko, O.V., Belokopytova, L.V., Hordo, M., Jevšenak, J., Kędziora,W., Kostyakova, T.V., […]

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Baruah Sanjib

    Dr. Sanjib Baruah,  Asst. Professor, Department of Botany, Bodoland University    PUBLICATIONS   Journal 1. Baruah S, Borthakur S.K., Gogoi, P and Ahmed M. 2011. New distributional record of Smilax china Linnaeus in India. Pleione. 5(2). 325-327. [ISSN: 0973-9467] 2. Baruah S, Borthakur S.K and Ahmed M. 2012. Taxonomic status of certain members […]

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