Butola J. S.

    List of publications of Dr. JS Butola (2003-2014)   1. Foreign Journals:   1. KUNIYAL CP, BHATT, V, BUTOLA JS, SUNDRIYAL RC (2014). Promoting nursery enterprise in high altitude villages: a participatory approach for conservation and commercialization of Himalayan threatened medicinal plants. . J. Medicinal Plant Research (Accepted) IF=0.28 NAAS Rating=6.9 2. BUTOLA […]

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Kandya A. K.

    Name Professor A. K. Kandya Department Botany Address (Off) Deptt. of Botany, UTD Sagar Address (Res.) C-9 University Campus, SAGAR 470003 M.P. Phone No. +917582265032 Mobile No. 09425693507 E-Mail anand_kandya@rediffmail.com   Research (Ph.D.) Guided SNo. Name of Scholar Topic of Ph.D. Research Year of Award         1. Ku. Kalpana Mishra  Ecophysiological Studies of […]

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Mukherjee Ambarish

    Publications of Ambarish Mukherjee, M.Sc., Ph.D., P.R.S.(CU), FES, FNEA, FIAT,FLS(London),             Professor,  Department of Botany, Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal (India)   Books:                                                                                                                                              1.    The Flowering Plants of Darjiling published by Atma Ram and Sons, Delhi in 1988.                          [ISBN: 81-7043-111-5] 2.   Managing Wetlands, Institute of Wetland Management and Ecological Design, Calcutta, 1997 (Coauthors: N. […]

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Rajesh K. P.

    Research Publications of KP Rajesh   Manju, C. N. and Rajesh, K.P. 2012. Symphysodontella madhusoodananii sp. nov. (Pterobryaceae; Moss) from the Western Ghats of India. Phytokeys 18: 39–44. [ISSN 1314-2003 (on-line); ISSN 1314-2011 (print)] doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.18.3314. Link   Manju C.N. and Rajesh, K.P. 2012. Present status of bryophyte diversity in Kerala. SAMAGRA 8: […]

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Balakrishnan Nambiyath P.

    PUBLICATIONS OF DR. N. P. BALAKRISHNAN   1959 1.      SUBRAMANYAM, K. & N. P. BALAKRISHNAN – A note on Euphorbia longistyla Boiss.  J. Madras Univ. B. 29: 45 – 47, ff. 1 -15. 1959. 1960 2.      BALAKRISHNAN, N. P. & K. SUBRAMANYAM – A new species of Euphorbia from South India.  Bull. Bot. […]

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Kunhikannan C.

    PUBLICATIONS OF Dr. C. KUNHIKANNAN   (i) Books   1.       Bisen, S. S. and C. Kunhikannan 2002. Medicinal Plants of Central India, Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur pp 148 2.       Kunhikannan, C., Nagarajan, B., Sivakumar V. and Venkatasubramanian N. 2004. Species Recovery in a few Rare, Endangered and Threatened Plants of Silent Valley […]

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Bandyopadhyay Subir

    LIST OF PUBLICATIONS     Bandyopadhyay, S., B. D. Sharma and K. Thothathri (1992). A new subspecies of Bauhinia ornata  (Leguminosae) from India. Nordic J. Bot. 12(2): 223–224. Bandyopadhyay, S., B. D. Sharma and K. Thothathri (1990 publ. 1992). Notes on the distribution of Bauhinia khasiana Baker (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae). Bull. Bot. Surv. India […]

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iNaturewatch Mobile Apps

    Fwd: iNaturewatch Mobile Apps Launch Event in Mumbai: INVITATION : 1 post by 1 author.   Launch of iNaturewatch Mobile Apps for Study of Urban Birds, Butterflies & Trees  INVITATION   Every year , the United States Department of International Alumni Exchange announces Alumni Innovation Engagement Fund which is a global funding competition to aid […]

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Acanthus mollis (Cultivated) ?

Acanthus mollis ?;         Acanthus For ID : California : 29NOV14 : AK-68 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Acanthus flowers seen in San Francisco on 1/10/14. Flowers were on the other side of a hedge and leaves were not visible from where the pictures were taken. These are the […]

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Santhan P.

    Research Publications   1.   Note on flora of Tattakkal Durgam (Dharmapuri District), Tamil Nadu. P. Santhan and K. Rajasekaran J. Economic and Taxonomic Botany17(2):468-470.1993. 2.   Mimosa invisa Mart var. inermis Adelb.- an adventive from Thirumala hills of Andhra Pradesh. P. Santhan, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India 61(B) iii: 363-365.1991. 3.   Karyological study on […]

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Srivastava R. C.

    LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF DR. R. C. SRIVASTAVA (*- Books; + Chapters in edited books, new taxa   )   1.      Srivastava, R.C. & G. C. Srivastava (1975). A new host record for Curvularia lunata (Wakkar) Boedjin, Curr. Sci, 44 (12): 446. 2.      Srivastava, R.C. & G. C. Srivastava (1975). Two fungal parasites of […]

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Paul Ashish

    Research papers/articles published   ·           Bharali, S., Paul, A. and Khan, M.L. (2014) Soil nutrient status and its impact on the growth of three Rhododendron species in a temperate forest of eastern Himalayas, India. Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 29(1): 33-51. ISSN: 1026-4469, Peer reviewed. Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive […]

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Bhat K. Gopalakrishna

    Publications of Kakunje Gopalakrishna Bhat   List of Research Papers Published   Bhat K.G. & B.A. Razi 1971. Contributions from the Herbarium, Manasagangotri, Mysore III.  The Cyperaceae of Mysore City and surrounding areas. J. Mysore University. B. 24 (1-2): 81-105.   Vijaya, B.V. & K.G. Bhat1976-77.  Studies on the Weed flora of Mulberry […]

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Datar Mandar N.

    Books Mandar Nilkanth Datar, P. Lakshminarasimhan: Flora of Bhagwan Mahavir (Molem) National Park and Adjoinings, Goa. 1 03/2013; Director, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata., ISBN: 81-8177-052-8 Vinaya S. Ghate, Hema Sane, Mandar N. Datar: Manual For Field Botany. 05/2010; MACS and Nisargsevak. Satish Pande, Niranjan Sant, Vivek Vishwasrao, Mandar N. Datar: Wild Orchids […]

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Arum italicum Mill. (Cultivated- USA) (Images by Aarti S Khale (Identified by Peter C Boyce & Pudji Widodo) (Inserted by J.M.Garg))

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Leptospermum scoparium (Cultivated- USA)

Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. 36 1775. (Syn: Leptospermum bullatum Fitzh.; Leptospermum floribundum Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Leptospermum humifusum A.Cunn. ex Schauer; Leptospermum linifolium (Sol.) Dum.Cours. [Illegitimate]; Leptospermum multiflorum Cav.; Leptospermum nichollsii Dorr.Sm.; Leptospermum obliquum Colla; Leptospermum oxycedrus Schauer; Leptospermum pungens Otto & A.Dietr. [Illegitimate]; Leptospermum scoparium var. bullatum Rehder ………………..; Melaleuca scoparia (J.R.Forst. & […]

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Erigeron species- Bhimtal, Uttarakhand

      Flowers from Hilly regions of Bhimtal,Utharakand,Please id : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Here I attached the image of flowers taken from the undergrowth of a hilly region at Bhimtal, Uthakand during 21st November 2014. Please Id the flowers Erigeron sp I think       

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55th Tree Appreciation Walk in Aarey Milk Colony, Goregaon (E)

    55th Tree Appreciation Walk in Aarey Milk Colony, Goregaon (E), on 14th Dec,14 at 7.30 am : 1 post by 1 author. Our wandering feet landed us in a lovely nook, tugged away, where only the voice of the wind could be heard, in Aarey Milk Colony. Many surprises awaited us there…..a grove […]

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Vijayasankar Raman

Research publications of Vijayasankar Raman (as of December 2014). Contact details: Vijayasankar Raman, Ph.D. Research Scientist National Center for Natural Products Research 3027, Thad Cochran Research Center University of Mississippi MS-38677, USA Email: vijay.botanist@gmail.com Books 1.     Vijayasankar R, Ravikumar K, Ravichandran P (2012). Plant Resources of Tiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu, India. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal […]

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Penstemon ‘Phoenix Red’- California, USA

      Penstemon For ID : California : 02DEC14 : AK-5 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Cultivated Penstemon flowers seen in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30/9/14. Bright red flowers, with a white centre. Two cultivars come close on searching. Penstemon ‘Phoenix Red’ or Penstemon Arabesque. either works for me […]

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