Coreopsis species ?- Command Military Hospital, Panchkula

      Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate heads: Ornamentals- Coreopsis sp. from Panchkula- NS 16 : Attachments (6).  6 posts by 3 authors. This Composite was again shot from Garden of Command Military Hospital, Panchkula, I could only guess this is a Coreopsis sp., please help to reach to id.. I hope Verbesina encelioides we had […]

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Haworthia species- BBC Show, Mumbai

      Plant For ID : BBC Show,Mumbai : 190513 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. A small potted plant seen at the BBC Show in MNP, Mumbai on 30/3/13. Aloe species? Haworthia Sp.   Plant For ID : BBC Show,Mumbai : 190513 : AK-3 : Attachments (1).  4 posts by […]

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Sesbania species- North Sri Lanka

  190513 ASP 23 : Attachments (1).  3 posts by 3 authors. Can you please ID this plant species – a small shrub with thin leaves and pods – Fabaceae. Photo taken in North Sri Lanka in Dec 2012. It seems you have a good collection of plants.For identification of any plant a reasonable closeup of […]

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Crassula perfoliata var. minor (Cultivated)

Crassula perfoliata L. var. minor (Haw.) G. D. Rowley, Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 40:53. 1978 (Syn: (=) Crassula falcata J. C. Wendl. ;(≡) Larochea falcata var. minor Haw. (basionym));    Crassula falcata, known by the common names airplane plant and propeller plant, is a succulent plant endemic to South Africa, from the Cape of […]

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Asteraceae member- Sims Park, Conoor, Nilgiris

      Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate heads: plant for identification from Nilgiris – MK 04 : Attachments (2).   2 posts by 2 authors. Kindly help me identifying this ornamental Daisy. Location: Sims Park, Conoor, Nilgiris Alt.: 2000 m asl Date: 06 April 2013        

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Euphorbia bisellenbeckii (Cultivated)

Euphorbia bisellenbeckii Bruyns, Taxon 55: 412 2006. (Syn: Monadenium ellenbeckii N.E.Br.; Monadenium ellenbeckii f. caulopodium P.R.O.Bally; Monadenium zavattarii Chiov.); Image by Aarti Khale – validation by N.P.Balakrishnan    Plant For ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 180513 : AK-2 :  Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. An ornamental, potted plant seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai […]

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Launaea asplenifolia

Launaea asplenifolia Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. iii. 415. iii. 415.  (Syn: Ammoseris asplenifolia D.Dietr.; Chondrilla asplenifolia Poir.);   Images by Gurcharan Singh & Surajit Koley (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)   Plant Wealth of the Lower Ganga Delta: An Eco-taxonomical Approach, Volume 2 By Kumudranjan Naskar (Description & Keys- asplenifolia & sarmentosa)  […]

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An open letter by Madhav Gadgil to Dr K Katurirangan

    Fw: An open letter by Madhav Gadgil to Dr K Katurirangan : Attachments (2). All of us who are concerned about the Ecologically Sensitive Sahyadri Region have been in a turmoil looking at the Central Govt. reaction (rather non-response) to the Report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (appointed by the MOEF […]

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Sempervivum species/ hybrids

Sempervivum species/ hybrids;       Succulent For ID : BBC Show,Mumbai : 160513 : AK-2 : Attachments (1). A small potted plant seen at the BBC Show in MNP, Mumbai on 31/3/13. Id please. That looks like Sempervivum to me …, But it has to be something else I’m sure. Semps really don’t like […]

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    PLANT CONSERVATION DAY MAY 18, 2013 : 2 posts by 2 authors. As everyone of you are aware that Botanic gardens, museums, science centres, universities, schools, and many others worldwide will all be celebrating the wonders and importance of plants on Saturday 18th May 2013 as the wonders and importance of plants as […]

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Alocasia ‘Bambino Arrow’

Alocasia ‘Bambino Arrow’;     Ornamental Plant For ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 160513 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 2 authors.  An ornamental plant seen at the Flower Show in Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on 25/2/12. Small, potted, cultivated plant. nice pic may be the plant is Alocasia x amazonica Alocasia longiloba magnifica […]

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Euphorbia cylindrifolia (Cultivated)

Euphorbia cylindrifolia Marn.-Lap. & Rauh, Kakteen And. Sukk. 12: 69 1961. ; Images by (Aarti Khale – validation by N.P.Balakrishnan) & (Promila Chaturvedi – Id by Dan Rhoads & Linda Gleisser)    South-west Madagascar: Fort-Dauphin area. This species is common in some areas. South-western dry forests and bush  (From  IUCN Red List (EN) )        Euphorbia For ID […]

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Native Tree species seeds

    Native Tree species seeds : 2 posts by 2 authors. I’m looking for seeds of native tree species (palash, mahua, bakul, honge, dhoop, Filicium decipiens, etc). Can any of you tell me from where I can source them in Bangalore? Pls contact Mr. Suresh of Suresh Agroforestry Network. He is based in Bangalore. […]

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Cassia species- Lalbagh, Bangalore

  Fabaceae – Caesalpinioideae – ID reqd – 091211 – RK:  9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Pic taken in Lalbagh on 13-04-08 at 8.15 am. I do not have more details– i had joined indiatreepix some time later.. this is Cassia ,, may be species nodosa?? i think … could be right. If i remember […]

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Asteraceae Fortnights: List of Plants uploaded

    Asteraceae Week Part I-Radiate heads::Statistics Dr Satish Phadke : 5 posts by 4 authors. I have compiled the statistics of the plants posted during the fortnight of Family Asteraceae Part 1 Radiate heads. There might be few duplications due to synonymy or different nomenclature. My count came as 197 taxa as against … […]

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Euphorbia horrida (Cultivated)

Euphorbia horrida Boiss., Cent. Euphorb. 27 1860. (Syn: Euphorbia horrida var. major A.C.White, R.A.Dyer & B.Sloane; Euphorbia horrida var. noorsveldensis A.C.White, R.A.Dyer & B.Sloane; Euphorbia horrida var. striata A.C.White, R.A.Dyer & B.Sloane);   Image by Aarti Khale – Id by Linda Gleisser & Dr.Sangwan Euphorbia horrida (African milk barrel) is a species of flowering plant […]

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