Dioscorea species ?- District Gumla, Jharkhand

      “For Id 120413GK1” : It is a tuber. Date/ Time- 13/03/2013 at around 01:10 pm. Location- Village Nawagarh, District Gumla, Jharkhand. 23. 46’17.99” N, 86.13’55.24” E, elevation 222m, eye altitude 1.37 km. Habitat- wild. Dioscorea sp?        

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    Inquiry : Is there a plant called Magari, the roots of which are medicinal?I do not know what language Magari is. Could not get to this word magari as any name of plant in Indian languages. Some more context may prove useful in search. Yet it could be. Please wait for comment(s).

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BSI, Pune

    Visiting Pune tomorrow, need some info. : 4 posts by 3 authors. I will be in Aundh tomorrow for some work and will have some spare time in the afternoon. I would like to visit the BSI office to check out their publications, I tried calling them from the number on their website […]

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Cyperus alulatus

Cyperus alulatus J.Kern, Reinwardtia 1: 463 1952.; As per efi thread: Both looks very similar. Identity can be confirmed by checking the specimens. Rachis of spikes glabrous and keel of the glumes smooth (not spinulose ciliate) ………….. C. iria Rachis of spikes hispid on angles and keel of the glumes spinulose ciliate ………………….. C. alulatus    Keys […]

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Cyperus bulbosus ?

Cyperus bulbosus Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 342 1805. (Syn: Cyperus bulbiferus A.Dietr.; Cyperus bulbosus f. depauperatus Maire; Cyperus bulbosus var. elatior Kük.; Cyperus bulbosus var. melanolepis Kük.; Cyperus geminatus J.König ex Ainslie; Cyperus jeminicus Retz. [Illegitimate]; Cyperus laxus R.Br. [Illegitimate]; Cyperus oleraceus Roxb. ex Nees; Cyperus polyphyllus Vahl; Cyperus rotundus var. pendulus Nees; Cyperus stolonifer […]

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Cyperus polystachyos

Cyperus polystachyos Rottb., Descr. pl. rar. 21. 1772 (Descr. icon. rar. pl. 39, t. 11, fig. 1. 1773) (syn: (≡) Pycreus polystachyos (Rottb.) P. Beauv.); Images by Surajit Koley, (For more photos & complete details, click on the link), (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)   Pycreus polystachyos is a cosmopolitan species, found throughout the temperate and tropical […]

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Hoya diversifolia

Hoya diversifolia Blume, Bijdr. 1064 1827. ; Images by Mohina Macker (Id by Sri Rahayu & Maggie) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)      Usullay in lowland, from beach to about 900 m above sea level, climbing and hanging on big trees. But actually the flower (corolla) […]

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38th Tree Appreciation Walk in MNP, Dharavi, Mumbai

    38th Tree Appreciation Walk in MNP, Dharavi, Mumbai on 28th April,13 at 7.30 am : Its summer time…….Jamun, water melons, mangoes have replaced all the other pleasures of life. Aam ras, Aam panna, Kokam juice, Bael Sharbat, Lassi and Chas dominate our refrigerators. On the other hand summer heat is bringing in its […]

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Fimbristylis bisumbellata

Fimbristylis bisumbellata (Forssk.) Bubani, Dodecanthea 30 1850. (Syn: Fimbristylis bisumbellata var. elata Täckh.; Fimbristylis dichotoma subsp. bisumbellata (Forssk.) Luceño; Fimbristylis dichotoma var. villosa Vahl; Fimbristylis liukiuensis Tuyama; Fimbristylis pallescens (Roxb.) Nees; Iria bisumbellata (Forssk.) Kuntze; Scirpus bisumbellatus Forssk.; Scirpus pallescens Roxb.);    It is herbaceous annual which reach upto the height of 10-20 cm (Singh […]

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Sedum species ?- Hampta Pass (Manali region)

      ID request -25112010-PKA1: This herb is again from Hampta Pass (Manali) region. Since this was the only photograph i had, i was bit reluctant to post this for ID. Neverthless, do have a look.. Date/Time: 28-09-2010 / 12:00PM Location: On the way to Hampta pass (14000 ft approx). Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: […]

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Fuirena species

Fuirena species;        ID-07042013-PR-1 : Attachments (2).  3 posts by 2 authors. plants from gujarat its cyperaceae plant I think it is fuirena species may be fuirena wallichiana/fuirena ciliaris            

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Trees for plantation

    Trees for plantation : Can you please suggest me names of few trees for plantation along the roads and highway in Mumbai during monsoon . Criteria would be 1) Should be of Indian origin 2) Evergreen category 3) Providing good shade 4) Should grow fast 5) and if they attracts birds n butterflies […]

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Cyperaceae member- Khillenmarg, Kashmir

      Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Cyperaceae-01042013GS3 from Kashmir for ID-GS9:  Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors. A member of Cyperaceae growing at Khillenmarg, alt. 10000 ft. in wet places. Help in ID      

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Scleropyrum pentandrum (Dennst.) Mabb. (China (Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan), Cambodia, India (Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Laos, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia (scattered throughout), Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Mon, Sagaing, Shan, Taninthayi), Singapore as per Catalogue of Life)     Species as per Flora of India Vol 23 (2012) (Editors N. P. Balakrishnan, T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. […]

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Cylindropuntia species- Panchkula

     Plants from Cactus Garden: Cactus 8 for identity from Panchkula.. : Attachments (2).  5 posts by 3 authors. Please identify the attached pictures which were shot from Panchkula… That is gorgeous …, I cannot tell if it is an Opuntia (flat pads), a Cylindropuntia (round joints) or some other type of Opuntia, but wonderful […]

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Ipomoea species- Mumbai

      Requesting ID :: 21032013 :: ARK-03 : Requesting ID of this purple flower Captured in Mumbai in September 2012 Ipomoea sp. Recently, I saw a similar flower identified as Ipomoea turbinata. Can this flower be also Ipomoea turbinata?      

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Echinopsis species- Panchkula, Haryana

      Plants from Cactus Garden: Unidentified Cactus- 6 from Panchkula, Gactus Garden. : Attachments (2).   3 posts by 2 authors. Please identify this succulent shot from Panchkula, Haryana… Echinopsis sp. Beautiful Echinopsis …, No idea which one, there are so many hybrids.        

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Echinopsis species

  Fwd: cactus : 3 posts by 2 authors. kindly hep me for id of cactus cultivated in DCA, college, campus. mammilaria cactus blossom cant go further because the cactus itself has to be photographed to show details Echinopsis…. Oxygona maybe?  Or maybe just some hybrid?

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Turbinicarpus horripilus

Turbinicarpus horripilus (Lem.) V. John & Ríha, Kaktusy 19:22. 1983 (syn: (≡) Gymnocactus horripilus (Lem.) Backeb.; (≡) Mammillaria horripila Lem. (basionym); (≡) Neolloydia horripila (Lem.) Britton & Rose; (≡) Thelocactus horripilus (Lem.) Kladiwa);     Semi-desert vegetation among calcareous rocks.      Native: Mexico (Hidalgo) The extent of occurrence is 500 km² and is known from only a few subpopulations […]

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