Arnebia benthamii

Arnebia benthamii (Wall. ex G.Don) I.M.Johnst., J. Arnold Arbor. 35: 56 1954. (Syn: Echium benthamii Wall. ex G.Don (Unresolved); Lithospermum benthamii (Wall. ex G. Don) I.M. Johnst.; Macrotomia benthamii (Wall. ex G. Don) A. DC.); Images by Gurcharan Singh and  Suresh Rana, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details).    Boraginaceae Week: Arnebia […]

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Miliusa gokhalaei

Miliusa gokhalaei Ratheesh, Sujanapal, Anil Kumar & Sivadasan;         Miliusa gokhalaei Ratheesh, Sujanapal, Anil Kumar & Sivadasan – A new species: I am sharing the literature of a newly described species Miliusa gokhalaei Ratheesh, Sujanapal, Anil Kumar & Sivadasan, from Kerala, India. Thanks for sharing the paper…its another new species with my […]

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Syzygium grande

Syzygium grande (Wight) Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 2: 180 1843. (Syn: Eugenia cymosa Roxb. [Illegitimate]; Eugenia grandis Wight; Eugenia laosensis Gagnep.; Eugenia laosensis var. quocensis Gagnep.; Eugenia montana Wight [Illegitimate]; Jambosa firma Blume; Jambosa grandis (Wight) Blume; Syzygium firmum (Blume) Thwaites; Syzygium gadgilii M.R.Almeida [Illegitimate]; Syzygium grande var. parviflorum Chantaran. & J.Parn.; Syzygium laosense (Gagnep.) […]

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  Pieris formosa (Wall.) D. Don      An important document of species of Pieris D.Don occurring in India is Panda & Sanjappa (2014). It mentions following species in Indian territories: Pieris formosa (Wall.) D.Don [colour image and diagrams are also given] Panda, S. and Sanjappa, M. 2014.Pieris D.Don. In: Sanjappa, M. & Sastry, A.R.K. […]

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Vaccinium retusum

Vaccinium retusum (Griff.) Hook. f. ex C.B. Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 3(9): 451 451 1882. (Syn: Thibaudia retusa Griff.);  S-Tibet, China (Yunnan), Bhutan, NE-India, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Mon, Sagaing), Nepal, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;     vaccinium species for id mm1 26 05 2012: 3 images. vaccinium species, from ericaceae family […]

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Crotalaria scabrella

Crotalaria scabrella Wight & Arn. (Syn: Crotalaria bourneae Fyson; Crotalaria conferta Fyson; Crotalaria ovalifolia Fyson; Crotalaria rubiginosa auct. non Willd.; Crotalaria rubiginosa var. scabrella (Wight & Arn.) Baker);     Crotalaria scabra: Crotalaria scabra – From Kothagiri Forest, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Nilgiri, Tamil Nadu This is Crotalaria sccabrella Wight & Arn. This photo is taken […]

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Assistance required- links

Assistance required- links;         request for contact id of Dr. PC Vashishta & Dr. Anil Kumar  Help required…………..  Very Urgent : Endemic Shrubs of Western Ghats  Taxonomy of angiosperm  The Plant list – server problem  photographs needed for some trees of Uttrakhand forest depratment  Request from Nizhal Request for contribution of photos […]

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Cajanus species ?

Cajanus species ?;    Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: For ID (RD_018): Need ID help Date: 12/02/2010 Place: Assam Habit: Climbing Herb This may be an Atylosia sp.        

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Pachygone ovata

Pachygone ovata (Poir.) J. D. Hook. & Thompson (syn: Cebatha pubescens (Benth.) Kuntze; Cissampelos ovata Poir.; Cocculus brachystachyus DC.; Cocculus leptostachyus DC.; Cocculus plukenetii DC.; Cocculus wightianus Wall.; Koon zeylanicus Gaertn.; Limacia nativitatis Ridl.; Menispermum brachystachyon Spreng.; Menispermum leptostachyon Spreng.; Pachygone adversa Miers; Pachygone brachystachyus Miers; Pachygone concinna Miers; Pachygone hebephylla Miers; Pachygone hullsii (F.Müll.) […]

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Chloranthus species ?

Chloranthus species ?;       unided herb from Arunachal Pradesh: A common herb in the forest floor in subtropical forests of Namdapha. Locals fry the young leaves of this plant and eat it. They say that this plant cures digestive problems. Was wondering if anybody could identify this for me. Photographed in Namdapha NP, […]

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1. Press/ Newsletters/ Advts./ Conferences etc.- Links

Press/ Newsletters/ Advts./ Conferences etc.- Links;     Fw: Fwd: Walk In Interview- Sahjeevan, Bhuj-Kachchh (Gujarat).  Fwd: About the post of JRF/SRF (Goa Univ. Goa.)  Earth Hour – 2030-2130 hrs  MARAM VALARPOR VIZHA  check out my latest feature on ORCHIDS…..  SAMAGRA issues published  Need suggestions……….   Behaving Beyond Barriers, Boundaries & Biases: Creativity, Criticality & CommunicationModern Phytomorphology […]

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Botany related- links

Botany related- links; Threatened ferns of India EXAMPLES OF HOW TO MAKE A PHOTO – DOCUMENTAT​ION SET OF A PLANT How to Save Water in Gardening How to process leaves to skeletaliz​e them for veins Misidentif​ication makes scientific publicatio​ns worthless – save our taxonomy and taxonomist​s How much trustworth​y is the website Why do […]

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Grammatophyllum speciosum

Grammatophyllum speciosum Blume, Bijdr. 378 1825. (Syn: Grammatophyllum cominsii Rolfe; Grammatophyllum fastuosum Lindl.; Grammatophyllum giganteum Blume ex Rchb.f.; Grammatophyllum macranthum (Wight) Rchb.f.; Grammatophyllum pantherinum Rchb.f.; Grammatophyllum papuanum J.J.Sm.; Grammatophyllum sanderianum auct.; Grammatophyllum wallisii Rchb.f.; Pattonia macrantha Wight);         ORCHIDACEAE: Grammatophyllum speciosum Blume: Grammatophyllum speciosum Blume, Bijdr.: 378 (1825).   Synonyms:Pattonia macrantha Wight, […]

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Books on Indian Flora- Details

   Books on Indian Trees & Plants: I have combined the feed back received from the members of Indiantreepix for the benefit of everybody & reproduced below (also attached as well as available for download from You can add the wonderful book “100 Beautiful Trees of India” by Charles McCann (First Published 1959) to the […]

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Books on Indian Flora- Links

Other book related links:    Large collection of copyright free books on medicinal plants Flora of Maharashtr​a by BSI  Book published on Impatiens L. of Western Ghats – Reg. Atlas of endemics of Western Ghats – by J.P. Pascal & B.R. Ramesh ethnobotany of Garasia Tribe Plant Systematic​s: An Integrated Approach, 3rd edition available as […]

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Abelia triflora

Abelia triflora R.Br. ex Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 14 1829. (Syn: Linnaea triflora A.Braun & Vatke; Zabelia triflora (R.Br.) Makino);   Images by Ashwini Bhatia (id by D S Rawat), Suresh Rana (ID by Gurcharan Singh) and V.P.Bhatt (ID by D.S.Rawat) (Inserted by D S Rawat & J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, […]

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