Gagea specis- on way to Drass, Ladakh

    Wild flower for ID (25/06/2011 NSJ-02): Location – On the way to Drass, LadakhAltitude – 3300 m (Approx)Habitat – WildPlant around 6 inches tall. Perhaps Gagea sp. Could be G. elegans, but not very sure

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Viola diffusa

Viola diffusa Ging., Prodr. 1: 298 1824. (syn: Viola diffusa var. brevibarbata Ching J. Wang; Viola diffusa var. brevisepala W. Becker; Viola diffusa var. glabella H. Boissieu; Viola diffusa var. glaberrima W. Becker; Viola diffusa subsp. tenuis W. Becker; Viola diffusa var. tomentosa W. Becker;  Viola diffusoides Ching J. Wang; Viola fargesii Boissieu; Viola kiusiana Makino; Viola […]

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Symplocos congesta (Hong Kong)

Symplocos congesta Benth., Fl. Hongk. 211–212 1861. (syn: Bobua adinandrifolia (Hayata) Kaneh. & Sasaki; Bobua hayatae (Mori) Nemoto; Bobua kudoi (Mori) Nemoto; Bobua nakaii (Hayata) Kaneh. & Sasaki; Bobua phaeophylla (Hayata) Kaneh. & Sasaki; Bobua theifolia Kaneh. & Sasaki; Symplocos adinandrifolia Hayata; Symplocos cuspidata Brand; Symplocos hayatae Mori; Symplocos kudoi Mori; Symplocos nakaii Hayata; Symplocos […]

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Justicia championii (Hong Kong)

Justicia championii T. Anderson, Fl. Hongk. 264 1861. (syn: Adhatoda chinensis (Benth.) Champ.; Calophanoides chinensis (Benth.) C.Y. Wu & H.S. Lo; Dicliptera cyclostegia Hand.-Mazz.; Ecbolium championii Kuntze; Justicia chinensis (Benth.) Druce (ambiguous synonym); Justicia chinensis (Benth.) Q.H.Chen (ambiguous synonym));   China (Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Hongkong, Hainan, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan) as per Catalogue […]

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Fimbristylis thomsonii

Fimbristylis thomsonii Boeckeler, Linnaea 37: 37 1871. (syn: Iria thomsonii (Boeckeler) Kuntze); Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; China Southeast; East Himalaya; Hainan; Laos; Malaya; Myanmar; Nansei-shoto; Philippines; Sumatera; Taiwan; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;     SK1419 07 Sep 2018 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6) – around 600 kb each. Location: Victoria Peak, […]

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Ternstroemia luteoflora (Hong Kong)

Ternstroemia luteoflora L.K. Ling, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 50(1): 7, 183–184 (addenda) 1998. ; China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, SE-Yunnan) as per Catalogue of Life;   SK1418 07 Sep 2018 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) – around 400 kb each. Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong  Date: 12 August 2018 Elevation: 1300 ft. […]

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Ilex memecylifolia (Hong Kong)

Ilex memecylifolia Champ. ex Benth., Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 328–329 1852. (syn: Ilex memecylifolia var. oblongifolia Champ. ex Benth.); China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Xinjiang), N-Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;     SK1405 03 Sep 2018 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong  Date: 12 August 2018 […]

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Clematis meyeniana (Hong Kong)

Clematis meyeniana Walp., Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 19(Suppl. 1): 297 1843. (syn: Clematis hedysarifolia Lindl.; Clematis meyeniana f. major Sprague; Clematis meyeniana f. retusa Sprague; Clematis oreophila Hance);    China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, S-Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, S-Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, S-Yunnan, S-Zhejiang), Taiwan, Japan (Tanegashima Isl., Yakushima Isl.), Ryukyu Isl., Laos, Myanmar [Burma] (Mandalay), […]

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Ophiorrhiza pumila (Hong Kong)

Ophiorrhiza pumila Champ. ex Benth., Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 169 1852. (syn: Ophiorrhiza aureolina f. qiongyaensis H.S.Lo; Ophiorrhiza humilis Y.C.Tseng; Ophiorrhiza inflata Maxim.; Ophiorrhiza pumila var. inflata (Maxim.) Masam.); China South-Central; China Southeast; Hainan; Japan; Nansei-shoto; Taiwan; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life; SK1420 08 Sep 2018 : 10 posts by 4 […]

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Ophiorrhiza treutleri

Ophiorrhiza treutleri Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 83 1880.; Assam; East Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life; Stems 10-35cm, herbaceous, slightly fleshy crisped white hirsute. Leaves equal, elliptic, 3-10 x 1.5-5cm, acute, base cuneate, thinly pilose above, paler beneath with prominent crisped pubescent veins; stipules spreading, ovate acuminate often split, sparsely hairy, sometimes 2-3, compact […]

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Hedyotis leschenaultiana

Hedyotis leschenaultiana DC., Prodr. 4: 422 1830. (syn: Hedyotis anamalayana (Gamble) R.S.Rao & Hemadri; Hedyotis leschenaultiana var. leschenaultiana ; Hedyotis sisaparensis Gage; Hedyotis stylosa R.Br. ex G.Don; Knoxia wightiana Schltdl. ex Hook.f.; Oldenlandia anamalayana Gamble; Oldenlandia sisaparensis (Gage) Gamble; Oldenlandia stylosa (R.Br. ex G.Don) Kuntze); India as per WCSP; Common name: Leschenault’s Hedyotis Id Request- […]

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List of flowers most butterflies visit

  Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : FLOWER 1/ BUTTERFLY : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) As you all know I am in the process of documenting butterfly species visiting different flowers. I am doing it for last 12 years.It all started on the Chandan tree ( Santalum album ) in our house. I just started […]

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Mussaenda pubescens (Hong Kong)

Mussaenda pubescens Dryand., Hortus Kew. 1: 372 1810. (syn: Mussaenda acutiflora Bartl. ex DC.; Mussaenda bodinieri H.Lév. & Vaniot; Mussaenda pubescens var. alba X.F.Deng & D.X.Zhang; Mussaenda pubescens f. clematidiflora Chun ex H.H.Hsue & H.Wu; Mussaenda pubescens f. pubescens ); SE. China to Vietnam, Taiwan as per WCSP; China Southeast; Hainan; Taiwan; Vietnam as per […]

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Chirita sinensis (Hong Kong)

Chirita sinensis Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 30: t. 59 1844. (syn: Chirita dryas Dunn; Chirita sinensis var. angustifolia Dunn; Chirita sinensis var. bodinieri H. Lév.; Didymocarpus sinensis (Lindl.) H. Lév.; Roettlera sinensis (Lindl.) Kuntze);    Southern Asia as per Catalogue of Life;   SK1428 10 Sep 2018 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)- around […]

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91. Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st August’18

Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st August’18- more than 12,000 species : 5 posts by 3 authors. It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group/ forum in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with around 3,04,200 messages so far & membership currently […]

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Asparagus species- Ahmedabad & Melghat

  ID Ahmedabad 29/8/2018 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 Mb each.  Which creeper is this? Does it flower? asparagus sp. yes it will flower. very small white one followed by green then red fruits. not a show piece though in that plastic trough you have it in with mints. looks nice […]

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Parasassafras confertiflorum

Parasassafras confertiflorum (Meisn.) D.G. Long, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 41(3): 513–518, f. 2 1984. (syn: Actinodaphne confertiflora Meisn.; Jozoste confertiflora Kuntze; Litsea confertiflora (Meisn.) Kosterm.; Litsea shweliensis W.W. Sm.; Neocinnamomum confertiflorum (Meisn.) Kosterm.); China (Yunnan), Bhutan, India, Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of Life;   Which Parassafras ? help me with a correct epithet […]

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Brassica nigra

Brassica nigra (L.) K.Koch, Deutschl. Fl. ed. 3, 4: 713 1833. (syn: Brassica nigra var. abyssinica A. Braun; Brassica nigra var. bracteolata (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Spach; Brassica nigra var. nigra ; Brassica nigra var. torulosa (Pers.) Alef.; Melanosinapis nigra (L.) Calest.; Mutarda nigra (L.) Bernh.; Mutarda nigra (L.) Bernh.; Sinapis nigra L.; Sinapis torulosa Pers.; Sisymbrium […]

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