Homonoia retusa

Homonoia retusa (Graham ex Wight) Müll.Arg., Linnaea 34: 200 1865. (Syn: Adelia cuneata Wall. [Invalid]; Adelia retusa Graham ex Wight); . ho-mo-NO-ee-a — Greek: homos (like, equal), nous (mind) … Dave’s Botanary re-TOO-suh — rounded and notched tip … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: wedge-leaved water croton • Hindi: माचिम machim • Kannada: ಹೊಳೆನೆಕ್ಕಿ holenekki, ನೀರನೆಕ್ಕಿ neernekki • Malayalam: ആറ്റുചെണ്ട് arrucent, ആറ്റുവഞ്ചി attuvanchi, കാട്ടലരി kattalari, നീർവഞ്ചി neervanchi, പുഴവഞ്ചി pulavanchi • Marathi: माचिम machim • Sanskrit: पाषाणभेद pashanabheda • Telugu: అడవి గన్నేరు adavi ganneru • Tulu: ತುದೆನೆಕ್ಕಿ tudenekki . India […]

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Homonoia riparia

Homonoia riparia Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 637 1790. (Syn: Adelia neriifolia B.Heyne ex Roth; Croton salicifolius Geiseler; Haematospermum neriifolium (B.Heyne ex Roth) Wall. ex Voigt; Haematospermum salicinum (Hassk.) Baill.; Lumanaja juviatilis Blanco; Ricinus salicinus Hassk.; Spathiostemon salicinus (Hassk.) Hassk.); . ho-mo-NO-ee-a — Greek: homos (like, equal), nous (mind) … Dave’s Botanaryrip-AR-ee-uh — of riverbanks … Dave’s Botanary .commonly known as: willow-leaved water croton • Assamese: লাৰি laari, পানী হেলচ paanee […]

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