Rhynchoglossum lazulinum

Rhynchoglossum lazulinum A.S.Rao & J.Joseph, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 9: 280 1968.;   Common name: Arunachal Rhynchoglossum       Plant form Arunachal for ID : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 4 authors. Please help for the IDThe plant is recorded from the West Kamang Dist of Arunachal in the month of September 09. The elevation is […]

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Rhynchoglossum obliquum

Rhynchoglossum obliquum Blume, Bijdr. 741 1826. (Syn. Antonia obliqua (Blume) R.Br.; Loxotis intermedia Benth. (Unresolved); Loxotis obliqua (Blume) R.Br.; Rhynchoglossum hologlossum Hayata; Rhynchoglossum obliquum f. albiflorum Kuntze …; Rhynchoglossum zeylanicum Hook.; Wulfenia obliqua Wall.); Small Flowered Rhynchoglossum • Malayalam: Kalu-tali; Himalaya (Garhwal to NEFA), India, Ceylon, Burma, W. & S. China, Malaysia as per Flora checklist of […]

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Rhynchoglossum notonianum

Rhynchoglossum notonianum (Wall.) B.L.Burtt , Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 24: 170 1962 (Syn. Wulfenia notoniana Wall.); . rin-koh-GLOSS-um — Greek: rhynchos (beak); glossa (tongue) … Genera-Gesneriaceae ¿ noh-tun-nee-AH-num ? — named after Benjamin Noton, an avid collector of Indian plants … Botanics Stories . commonly known as: south Indian klugia, south Indian tongue-lip • Konkani: नील neel • Malayalam: കല്ലു താളി kallu thaali, കിളനീലി kilaneeli […]

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Rhynchoglossum lanzulinum

Rhynchoglossum lazulinum A.S.Rao & J.Joseph, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 9: 280 1968.;   Common name: Arunachal Rhynchoglossum       Plant form Arunachal for ID : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 4 authors. Please help for the IDThe plant is recorded from the West Kamang Dist of Arunachal in the month of September 09. The elevation is […]

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