Eriophyton wallichii Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 63 1830. (syn: Eriophyton wallichianum Hook.f. [Spelling variant]); WC. Himalaya to China as per WCSP; . Stems above ground 6-17cm,with as much again below-ground in scree or rock-crevices,orginating from woody rootstock.Leaves broadly ovate to suborbicular,2.5-5 x 2.6-4.2cm,obtuse,base cuneate,margin serrate-dentate;petiole broad short(c 5mm).Verticillasters 6-flowered.Calyx 12-14mm;teeth triangular-acuminate,5-7mm.Nutlets c 3.5x3mm.. Fl. […]