Limeum obovatum Vicary (Mauritania to NW. India: Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Gulf States, India, Iran, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen as per POWO)
Category: L
Stauntonia angustifolia (Wall.) Christenh. Stauntonia latifolia (Wall.) Christenh. (Images by Mithilesh Kumar Pathak)
Corbichonia decumbens (Forssk.) Exell Species, genera & family pages of Lophiocarpaceae are now with images : 1 post by 1 author. Species, genera & family pages of Lophiocarpaceae are now with images. I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identifications in […]
New combinations in Craterostigma and Torenia (Linderniaceae) from Asia with key to allied species Phytotaxa Vol 247, No 2 (2016) by YI-SHUO LIANG, JENN-CHE WANG (Abstract- Traditionally, Lindernia s.l. Allioni (1766: 178) was the largest genus within Linderniaceae, with about 100 species, including members of Bonnaya Link & Otto (1820: 25), Ilysanthes Rafinesque (1820: 13), […]
Gardneria angustifolia Wall. Gardneria ovata Wall. Mitrasacme pygmaea R. Br. Mitreola petiolata (J.F.Gmel.) Torr. & A.Gray Spigelia anthelmia L. Strychnos nux-vomica L. Strychnos potatorum L.f. Strychnos wallichiana Steud. ex A. DC. Strychnos species- Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala Strychnos species- Sri Lanka . Species, genera & family pages […]
Anisadenia saxatilis Wall. ex Meisn. Hugonia mystax L. Linum grandiflorum Desf. Linum mysurense B. Heyne ex Benth. Linum perenne L. Linum usitatissimum L. Reinwardtia cicanoba (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) H. Hara Reinwardtia indica Dumort. BSI Flora of India with […]
Cardiocrinum giganteum (Wall.) Makino (Images by Ushaprabha Page (1,2,4) and Balkar Singh (3)) Clintonia udensis Trautv. & C.A.Mey. (Images by D.S.Rawat) Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don (Images by Viplav Gangar & Gurcharan Singh) Gagea lutea (L.) Ker Gawl. Gagea reticulata (Pall.) Schult. & Schult.f. Gagea serotina (L.) Ker Gawl. (Images by Gurcharan Singh (ID by D.S.Rawat), Nidhan […]
LORANTHACEAE: (Reported in India: 8 genera, 56 species; represented in eFI: 8 genera, 31 species, including 1 species from outside India as on 13.7.20- compiled by Dr. D. S. Rawat) Dendrophthoe: falcata, var. amplexifolia, var. coccinea, var. pubescens, gamblei, glabrescens, memecylifolia, neelgherrensis, pentandra Elytranthe: albida, pseudopsilantha, Helicanthes: elastica Helixanthera: coccinea, hookeriana, intermedia, lambertiana, lepidophylla, ligustrina, obtusata, […]
Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn. Images by Surajit Koley (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Spreng. Images by Vidyadhar Ogale (Identified by Prashant) (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade & J.M.Garg) Careya arborea Roxb. Couroupita guianensis Aubl. […]
Comparative images in this family are given below except for genera: Ammannia, Lagerstroemia & Rotala : . Cuphea carthagenensis (Jacq.) J.F.Macbr. Cuphea hyssopifolia Kunth Cuphea ignea A.DC. Cuphea micropetala Kunth Cuphea procumbens Ortega Duabanga grandiflora (DC.) Walp. Lafoensia vandelliana Cham. & Schltdl. Lawsonia inermis L. Lythrum salicaria L. Pemphis acidula J.R. Forst. & […]
Comparative images of genera with maximum of two species in efloraofindia under Lamiaceae as on 4.10.17 are given below: . Achyrospermum wallichianum (Benth.) Benth. ex Hook.f. Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench Clinopodium piperitum (D.Don) Murata Clinopodium umbrosum (M.Bieb.) Kuntze Clinopodium vulgare L. Colebrookea oppositifolia Sm. Colquhounia coccinea Wall. Congea tomentosa Roxb. Craniotome furcata […]
Comparative images for this Lauraceae except for genera Cinnamomum and Litsea are given below: . Actinodaphne bourdillonii Gamble Actinodaphne hookeri Meisn. Actinodaphne longipes Kosterm. (Nepal to Assam, N. Vietnam: Assam, East Himalaya, Nepal, Vietnam as per POWO) Actinodaphne malabarica Balkr. Actinodaphne sikkimensis Meisn. Actinodaphne species- Jaldapara, West Bengal Actinodaphne species- Kakragad, Uttarakhand Alseodaphne owdenii R.Parker (NE-Assam, Bhutan, Sikkim as per Catalogue of Life) Alseodaphne […]