Id for this tree on Matheran Trek: (Mixed thread): On trek to Matheran (around 2500 ft.), Maharashtra on 4.2.23. Appears to be from Malvaceae. The attached images may also be from the same species. 3 high res. images. the petioles here seem longer and the leaves are more cordate. Have you considered Eriolaena sp.? Yes, […]
Category: Eriolaena
Eriolaena spectabilis
Eriolaena spectabilis (DC.) Planch. ex Mast., Fl. Brit. India 1: 371 1874. (syn: Eriolaena ceratocarpa Hu; Eriolaena malvacea (H.Lév.) Hand.-Mazz.; Eriolaena szemaoensis Hu; Jackia spectabilis (DC.) Spreng.; Microchlaena spectabilis (DC.) Endl. ex Walp.; Sterculia malvacea H.Lév.; Wallichia spectabilis DC.); . Himalaya to China (C. & SE. Yunnan, S. Guizhou, NW. Guangxi): China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, West Himalaya as per […]
Eriolaena hookeriana
Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 70 1834.; . India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu), Sikkim, Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life; . Small trees; branchlets pubescent. Leaves to 8-13 x 8-12 cm, ovate, orbicular, acuminate or obtuse, cordate at base, 5-7 nerved, densely stellate […]
Eriolaena quinquelocularis
Eriolaena quinquelocularis (Wight & Arn.) Wight , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3: t. 822 1844. (syn. Microchlaena flavescens Garcke ex Mast. (Unresolved); Microchlaena quinquelocularis Wight & Arn.; Wallichia quinquclocularis Steud. (Unresolved); Wallichia quinquelocularis (Wight & Arn.) Steud.); . India: Bihar, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala as per BSI Flora of India; . Bothi • Marathi: […]