Vanda alpina

Vanda alpina (Lindl.) Lindl. (syn: Luisia alpina Lindl.; Stauropsis alpina (Lindl.) Tang & F.T.Wang; Trudelia alpina (Lindl.) Garay); native range is Himalaya to China (S. Yunnan) as per POWO;  Assam; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Nepal; Vietnam; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;   Vanda alpina (Lindl.) Lindl. : 21 posts by 4 authors. 5 images- […]

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Vanda lamellata (Cultivated- USA)

Vanda lamellata Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 24(Misc.): 66 1838. (syn: Vanda amiensis Masam. & Segawa; Vanda clitellaria Rchb.f.; Vanda cumingii W.H.Baxter; Vanda lamellata f. alba Valmayor & D.Tiu; Vanda lamellata var. calayana Valmayor & D.Tiu; Vanda lamellata var. lamellata ; Vanda nasughuana Parsons [Invalid]; Vanda unicolor Steud. [Invalid]; Vanda vidalii Boxall ex Náves; Vanda yamiensis […]

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Vanda bicolor

Vanda bicolor Griff., Not. Pl. Asiat. 3: 354 1851. ; Nepal to Myanmar as per WCSP; Assam; East Himalaya; Myanmar as per Catalogue of Life; Common name: Bicolor Vanda Plant epiphytic; roots arising from between laef sheaths, terete, 3-4.5mm wide. Stem leafy, covered with leaf sheaths, 16-26cm long; sheaths overlapping, veined, 2-2.5cm long. Leaves oblong, […]

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Vanda motesiana

Vanda motesiana Choltco, Orchid Rev. 117: 148 2009. ; Arunachal Pradesh as per WCSP; East Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;   MS June, 2019/05 Vanda sp. for ID : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Place : Thaidawr, Mizoram Date : 31-05-2019 Habit : Epiphytic orchid Habitat : Wild Vanda stangeana Rchb.f. Probably […]

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Vanda thwaitesii

Vanda thwaitesii Hook.f., Handb. Fl. Ceylon 4: 193 1898. ; SW. India, Sri Lanka (as per WCSP)  Images by tspkumar Stem stout, woody, to 25 cm high, covered with leaf base. Leaves 12-15 x 1.5-2 cm, strap-shaped, recurved, unequally notched at apex. Flowers greyish-green, 4 x 3.5 cm, in 9-10 cm long leaf-opposed racemes; dorsal […]

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Vanda concolor (Hong Kong)

Vanda concolor Blume, Rumphia 4: 49 1849. (Syn: Vanda cruenta Lodd. ex Sweet [Invalid]; Vanda esquirolei Schltr.; Vanda guangxiensis Fowlie; Vanda roxburghii var. unicolor Hook.);             ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Vanda concolor Blume from Hong Kong, PKS-107 : Attachments (6). 3 posts by 3 authors. Vanda concolor Blume, Rumphia 4: 49 […]

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Vanda miniata (Hong Kong)

Vanda miniata (Lindl.) L.M.Gardiner, Phytotaxa 61: 50 (2012). (Syn: Ascocentrum miniatum (Lindl.) Schltr.; Gastrochilus miniatus (Lindl.) Kuntze; Saccolabium miniatum Lindl.);   ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Vanda miniata (Lindl.) L.M.Gardiner from Hong Kong, PKS-202: Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors. Vanda miniata (Lindl.) L.M.Gardiner, Phytotaxa 61: 50 (2012). Synonyms: Saccolabium miniatum Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 33: […]

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Vanda subconcolor

Vanda subconcolor Tang & F.T.Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: 48 1974. (Syn: Vanda subconcolor var. disticha Tang & F.T.Wang);               ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Vanda subconcolor Tang & F.T.Wang from Hong Kong, PKS-209 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Vanda subconcolor Tang & F.T.Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: […]

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Vanda brunnea (China)

Vanda brunnea Rchb.f., Xenia Orchid. 2: 138 1868. (Syn: Vanda denisoniana var. hebraica Rchb.f.; Vanda henryi Schltr.);               ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Vanda brunnea Rchb.f. from China, PKS-206 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors. Vanda brunnea Rchb.f., Xenia Orchid. 2: 138 (1868). Synonyms:Vanda denisoniana var. hebraica Rchb.f., Gard. […]

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Vanda nana (Vietnam)

Vanda nana L.M.Gardiner, Phytotaxa 61: 51 (2012). (Syn: Ascocentropsis pusilla (Aver.) Senghas & Schildh. …..);   ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Vanda nana L.M.Gardiner from Hong Kong, PKS-203 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors. Vanda nana L.M.Gardiner, Phytotaxa 61: 51 (2012). Synonyms:Ascocentrum pusillum Aver., Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 73: 104 (1988).Ascolabium pusillum (Aver.) Aver., Opred. […]

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Vanda ampullacea

Vanda ampullacea (Roxb.) L.M.Gardiner, Phytotaxa 61: 48 (2012) as per POWO; . Ascocentrum ampullaceum (Roxb.) Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 975 1913. (Syn: Aerides ampullacea Roxb.; Ascocentrum ampullaceum var. aurantiacum Pradhan; Gastrochilus ampullaceus (Roxb.) Kuntze; Oeceoclades ampullacea (Roxb.) Lindl. ex Voigt; Saccolabium ampullaceum (Roxb.) Lindl. ex Wall.); . Himalaya to China (S. […]

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Vanda tricolor var. suavis

Vanda tricolor var. suavis (Lindl.) Rchb.f., W.G.Walpers, Ann. Bot. Syst. 6: 866 (1864) (Syn. Vanda suavis Lindl.);           Orchid of Indonesia 5 :  Attachments (2). 4 posts by 4 authors. Could you help me to id our orchid please. Extraordinary… Looks like Vanda suavis. Awesome shots…. so beautiful variegated flowers       […]

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Vanda testacea ?

Vanda testacea ?;           Orchidaceae fortnight : Vanda parviflora : TN : RVS11 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors. This Vanda parviflora was photographed in Sathyamangalam R.F., TN. Nice capture … I think flowers are unopened here………… This could be Vanda testacea. Cant confirm without flowers.       […]

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Vanda cristata

Vanda cristata Wall. ex Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 216 1833. (Syn: Aerides cristata (Wall. ex Lindl.) Wall. ex Hook.f.; Luisia striata (Rchb.f.) Kraenzl.; Trudelia cristata (Wall. ex Lindl.) Senghas ex Roeth; Trudelia cristata (Lindl.) Senghas; Vanda striata Rchb.f.); , Distribution: Himalaya to China (SW. Yunnan) and Indo-China ,   ORCHIDACEAE Fortnight: Vanda cristata from […]

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Vanda wightii

 Images by tspkumar Vanda wightii Rchb.f., Ann. Bot. Syst. 6: 932 1864.;     ORCHIDACEAE: ID: Prejith009 Vanda wightii: Sharing pictures of the now almost extinct in the wild Vanda wightii. It comes into bloom during late October through into November with 3-5 flowers on a raceme which are fragrant at dusk. The flowers are […]

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Vanda coerulea

Vanda coerulea Griff. ex Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 33: t. 30 1847. (Syn: Vanda coerulea f. luwangalba Kishor); . Distribution: China, NE India, Myanmar, N Thailand. A scheduled species and hence protected in India. . 18122006VAI1 – Orchid for ID: Unfortunately no leaves and stem on this orchid picture. Location: Dimapur, Nagaland Date: 18th December 2006 […]

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Vanda spathulata

IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU)Vanda spathulata (L.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 3: 719 1826. (Syn: Aerides maculata Buch.-Ham. ex Sm.; Cymbidium spathulatum (L.) Moon; Epidendrum spathulatum L.; Limodorum spathulatum (L.) Willd.; Taprobanea spathulata (L.) Christenson);       Epiphytic orchid Pench National Park,: ………………………………… – Here are mine from Tirupati This is Vanda tessellata Did […]

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Vanda testacea

Vanda testacea (Lindl.) Rchb.f., Gard. Chron. n.s., 8: 166 1877. (Syn: Aerides testacea Lindl.; Aerides wightiana Lindl.; Aerides wrightiana Lindl. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Vanda parviflora Lindl.; Vanda vitellina Kraenzl.); . VAN-duh — from Sanskrit, referring to the Vanda orchids and some other epiphytic plants … Dave’s Botanary test-uh-SEE-uh — shell covered, referring to fruit covering […]

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Vanda species ?

Vanda species ?; . in South of Trivandrum  to Tamilnadu;   orchid for Identification – indiantreepix | Google Groups

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Vanda tessellata ?

Vanda tessellata ?; . On 17/8/08 in Talakona forest, AP near Tirupati; a picture for you 070110 ET – efloraofindia | Google Groups Orchid species? – indiantreepix | Google Groups

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