
Oxalis acetosella L. (Albania, Austria, Belgium, England, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Faeroe Isl., Finland, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Sweden, Greece, Andorra, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, C-, N- & W-European Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, +?Algeria, Northern Caucasus, Georgia [Caucasus], Siberia (W-Siberia, C-Siberia), Kazakhstan, Russian Far East, New Guinea, Japan […]

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  Biophytum insigne Gamble (India (Tamil Nadu) as per Catalogue of Life)   Biophytum nervifolium Thw. (Flower pedicels are always longer than sepals in B. reinwardtii, but the pedicel is always half or less as long as the sepals in B. nervifolium. Further the nervation is more clear and strong in B. nervifolium)       […]

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