Sarcosperma arboreum

Sarcosperma arboreum Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 2: 655 1876. (syn: Sideroxylon arboreum Buch.-Ham. ex C.B.Clarke, pro syn.); . Sikkim to S. China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Thailand as per POWO; . MS,May,2015/03 Mchilus sp.(Lauraceae) for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location : Hualtu, Mizoram Altitude : 600 – 1,500 m. Date […]

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Sarcosperma griffithii ?

Sarcosperma griffithii Hook.f. ex C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 3: 536 1882.; . Assam to China (Yunnan) and N. Thailand; Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Thailand as per POWO; .     Is it Sarcosperma griffithii ? : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. Habitat : Wild. Habit : Tall tree. Note : The fruits are […]

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