
Campanula aristata Wall. … (family: Campanulaceae)

3 AUG 12
Hemakund – Ghangaria trailabout 12300 ft

I presume it should be C.aristata (which is recorded from the area) but the images confuse me somewhat.  I am far from certain.  Please ensure you photograph both upper and lower leaves next time.  From the first image I cannot be sure which are the leaves of this plant?  Also, close-ups of flowers would help.
Take a look at the images of C.aristata I have just posted taken in Kashmir and compare – they do not match perfectly.

Thank you very much, … I have revised the labels (as possible ID) for these pictures at flickr collection. Will do my best to get pictures of upper & lower leaves during my next visit.

ID suggested as Campanula aristata Wall. at iNaturalist by Suresh Ghimire ji.


Campanula_Kashmir : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Pls validate the ID as Campanula aristata Wall.

Yes it fairly matches with C. aristata.
C. immodesta (=C. modesta) is another species with similar morphology but differ in having twisted turbinate fruits.

Very small images but must surely be Campanula aristata.  Please provide close-up photos next time.

Last few Pangi id’s – al191011A: 10 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (3)
A beautiful bellshaped flower

Location Pangi Valley
Altitude 4000 mts
Habit herb Habitat wild

I hope Wahlenbergia marginata

Yes Wahlenbergia marginata

I have some doubts. It could be Wahlenbergia but sepals are too long for marginata.

I think … doubt was not misplaced… but then I don’t know what it could be either…

May be a Platycodon? in its Indian incarnation?

It is very near to Wahlenbergia marginata

It is Campanula aristata only.
Please see eFI page on C.aristata.

I am currently taking a look at Campanulaceae on eFI.  Will comment further about this plant but was surprised at the suggestion of Wahlenbergia marginata – this is only recorded from subtropical Himalaya @ 600-1400m.  To find it at 4000m would be an extraordinary extension of its range!

This is Campanula aristata.  Quite good close-ups.  Please photograph lower (basal) leaves next time, in addition to upper (cauline) ones.


Fwd: Campanula aristata in H.P. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

3 images takes by the Late Krishan Lal at Mahri, 3200m, H.P.
Flowers of the Himalaya record this as common on alpine meadows  @ 3300-4500m from Afghanistan to Bhutan.
Stewart found it to be common on high alpine meadows in Kashmir @ 3200-5000m.
Flora of Lahaul-Spiti found it to be common in rock crevices and glacial moraines at Chitadhara.
Plants of Gulmarg recorded it in dwarf shrubs on Aphawat.
My team located it at Gadsar and Gangabal during the 1983 Kashmir Botanical Expedition.
Roy Lancaster found it on Aphawat, Lashpatri and at Vishensar during a trek in Kashmir.
Members of the University of Southampton Botanical Expedition to Zanskar (1981) found it at Padam, 3350m, abundant in damp grasses places beside streams in the valley floor and common in wet areas on slopesisn’t it so informative to have meaningful observations as to the abundance or not of species in particular locations.
I have images of this taken during my last visit to Kashmir a few years back, which I plan to post.

4 images taken at about 3700m on Aphawat above Gulmarg on my last visit to Kashmir a few years ago.
They show good close-up detail – though were not a FULL set.  I was under extreme circumstances at the time.
You can see the linear cauline leaves but not the spathulate lower leaves.
ALWAYS try to photograph both upper and lower leaves for all such plants.
I do have an awfully good excuse why things were rushed.
Flowers single, terminal.  Corolla funnel-shaped, blue, about as long as the calyx segments, which are linear.
One can see what will develop into a narrow-cylindrical capsule.
The TYPE specimen was collected by Moorcroft in “Ludak” (presumably Ladakh).
Campanulaceae Flora of Pakistan (1984) describe it as high-altitude plant.
… has just posted the first image of C.immodesta on eFI, which is distinguished, in part, by a globular capsule, broadly-winged – though one can barely make this out in the image – though we are grateful to have ANY images of this less common species.
Few of us took close-ups in pre-digital days.

Fwd: Campanula aristata in Kashmir Part II : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Just spotted 2 additional images of this delightful miniature bell-flower.


