efloraofindia turns 13

efloraofindiaturns 13:  11 posts by 3 authors. A journey inspired by the book “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” and started on 18th June 2007 has become 13 years old. It is no more a solitary affair, rather, has grown into a huge carvan. Today on 17th June 2020 eFI (efloraofindia: Database of Plants of Indian Subcontinent- developed by the […]

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Portulaca wightiana

Portulaca wightiana Wall. ex Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 356 1834. (syn: Anacampseros somaliensis ; Portulaca collina Dinter; Portulaca paleacea Peter ex Poelln.; Portulaca usambarensis Poelln.; Portulaca usambarensis var. granulata Poelln.);    Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, N-Tanzania, India (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka, South Africa (Limpopo), Namibia, S-Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life; Perennial […]

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WE ARE IN THE TEENS NOW: Efloraofindia completed 13 years

WE ARE IN THE TEENS NOW: Efloraofindia completed 13 years : 20 posts by 14 authors. Thirteen years back, on this day “efloraofindia” was started as “indiatreepix” and I must say that it has been a long journey since day one. Although I joined late, I couldn’t, even in my dreams, imagine, how a small […]

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Amaryllidaceae member ?- Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu

  Request for ID: 170110-AK-3 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Very tiny flowers found in the grass at Bryant’s Park, Kodaikanal. Picture taken on 24th Oct, 08. Kindly help in identifying. Can it be boerhaavia sp. ? If I remember correctly, it was a stalk like we have for onion, but a smaller […]

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Begonia hybrids- Mahe, Pondicherry

  Mahe Begonia 8 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 6 mb. Request for id of Begonia from Mahe. Photographed in October 2019. Related to some var of Begonia metallica ? I think looks different as per  https://www.plantsrescue.com/tag/begonia-metallica/   Not sure – a cultivar or hybrid, not a wild species Yes, … it […]

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Mycena species- Kakani, Nuwakot, Nepal

  SK1839 15 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- around 800 kb each.  Location: Kakani, NuwakotDate: 20 June 2018Elevation: 2000 m. Habit : Wild Looks Psathyrella sp.Family – Psathyrellaceae Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Maire   ?? I feel gills are very few compared to numerous ones in Psathyrella. Also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psathyrella_candolleana https://www.mushroomexpert.com/psathyrella_candolleana.html […]

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Lecythidaceae member- Manipur

  ID-2 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 mb.  Request for Identification, Manipur, Northeast India I think it is Planconia sp [Lecythidaceae] I could only find one species of this genus, i.e. Planchonia valida (Blume) Blume distributed in India and that too in Andamans.   Is there any species found in NE India ? […]

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Platanus occidentalis (Cultivated)

Platanus occidentalis L., Sp. Pl. 999 1753. (syn: Platanus excelsa Salisb.; Platanus hispanica var. pyramidalis Vigouroux ex Geerinck; Platanus integrifolia hort. ex K.Koch; Platanus lobata Moench; Platanus occidentalis var. glabrata (Fernald) Sarg.; Platanus occidentalis var. palmeri (Kuntze) K.Nixon & J.Poole ex D.Geerinck; Platanus orientalis var. palmeri Kuntze; Platanus pyramidalis hort. ex Dippel);      USA (Alabama, Arkansas, […]

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Telopea speciosissima (Australia)

Telopea speciosissima (Sm.) R. Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 10: 197 1810. (syn: Embothrium spathulatum Cav.; Embothrium speciosissimum Sm.; Embothrium speciosum (Sm.) Salisb.; Hylogyne spathulata (Cav.) Kuntze; Hylogyne speciosa (Sm.) Salisb. ex Knight);    Australia (New South Wales: coast from Ulladulla to Watagan Mountains, and in the Blue Mountains) as per Catalogue of Life; Flora-australia-61:  Waratah is […]

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Leucadendron species/ hybrid- Mumbai

  Image in the right corner may be of Leucadendron hybrid  Ornamental Plant for ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 041112 : AK-1: 1 correct image as above. Seen this cultivated, ornamental, potted plant at the Flower Show, Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on 23/2/2012. Sometimes I wonder if it is real. Pine species? these are not potted plantsthese […]

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Hymenopellis species- Phedi, Nagarkot, Nepal

  SK1880 30 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 Mb each. Location: Phedi, Nagarkot Date: 15 August 2015 Elevation: 1600 m. Habit : Wild  Pl. check comparative images at  /species–fungi/a—l/b/basidiomycota/agaricomycetes/agaricales Can it be something like this: Gymnopus species ?- Hooghly, West Bengal from Order Agaricales‎  This is a species of Xerula. […]

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Mycena species- Nagarjun Forest reserve, Kathmandu, Nepal

SK1856 22 April 2019 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Location:  Nagarjun Forest reserve, KathmanduDate: 20 April 2019Elevation: 1670 m. Habit : Wild Can it be from Psathyrellaceae‎ family as per representative images herein ? Same as Coprinellus disseminatus (Pers.) J. E. Lange again but this one is more shiny and looks more slippery ??  What are […]

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Entoloma species ?- Phedi, Nagarkot, Nepal

  SK1886 03 May 201 – Mycophyta : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Location: Phedi, Nagarkot Date: 1 Sep 2018 Elevation: 2100 m. Habit : Wild  Any idea about the family or the Order  with these poor images ? Something in order Agaricales, i can’t say more than this with these images. Could be Entoloma […]

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Begonia species/ hybrids- Mahe, Pondicherry

  Mahe Begonia 4 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 mb.  Request for identification of Begonia from Mahe. Photographed in October, 2019. I am attaching another photo which may help in id. Attachments (1) –  4mb  

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Potamogeton species?- Thattekad, Kerala

    Wild Flower for Bot. ID-261209-RK-3 : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 3 authors. Growing on river surface. I think these plants are used in aquariums. Pic taken at 4.45 pm on 09-12-09. Periyar River, Thattekad, Kerala.Request ID Looks like Myriophyllum spicatum. I think there are more than one species. But that doesn’t look […]

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