Memecylon species- seeds & seedlings- Tamilnadu

  Memecylon species seeds and seedlings : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Memecylon species seeds. Mostly it is ovoid or spherical and one fruit contains 1 seed. But I found seeds hemispherical in shape with 1 fruit containing 2 seeds. They germinate well.  

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Campanula carpatica (Cultivated- USA)

Campanula carpatica Jacq., Hort. Bot. Vindob. 1: 22 1770. (Syn: Campanula carpatica var. dasycarpa Schur ………; Campanula cordifolia Vuk. [Illegitimate]; Campanula dasycarpa Schur [Illegitimate]; Campanula fergusonii A.M.Ferguson; Campanula hendersonii auct.; Campanula oreophila Schur; Campanula turbinata Schott, Nyman & Kotschy; Campanula turbinata f. alba Voss ..; Neocodon carpaticus (Jacq.) Kolak. & Serdyuk.); Connecticut; Czechoslovakia; Hungary; Michigan; Romania; Ukraine as per […]

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Fwd: Tetraphyllum in Gesneriaceae not included in website : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) – Tetraphyllum changed.docx I was just going through some recent publications and found that the the generic name Tetraphllum (Gesneriaceae) has been changed to Tetraphylloides.  Our species Tetraphyllum bengalensis has been shifted to Tetraphylloides.  I searched Gesneriaceae site in […]

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National Seminar at BSI ERC, Shillong

National Seminar at BSI ERC, Shillong : 1 post by 1 author. Dear distinguished Scientist (s) / Researchers and all concerned It is to bring to your kind notice  that Botanical Survey of India ERC Shillong  is  organizing a two day National Seminar  ( 8-9th March, 2018) on “‘Himalayan Plant Diversity: Taxonomy, Conservation and Sustainable Utilization’” at Shillong […]

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Celtis species- New Windsor

  Tree for ID : New Windsor,New York : 23NOV17 : AK-27 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Seen on 24th June,17. Tree with tiny green fruits overlooking the Hudson river. The berries look similar to another tree I had posted from California. … had suggested Celtis Species. My opinion matches with …, […]

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Cissus species- Niagara Falls, USA

  Wild Creeper for ID : Niagara Falls, New York : 30NOV17 : AK-41 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Again seen near the falls in June. Cissus Species? Cissus pentaphylla? Experts kindly validate 

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Amorphophallus species- Kalsubai-Harishchandragad wildlife sanctuary

  KHWS-31 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) ID Please……… Collection: Kalsubai-Harishchandragad wildlife sanctuary Habitat: Forest Collection: March 2017 Tuber Fresh plant September 2017 Collected By: Mahendra Khyade Locally in marathi called as लोथ used as vegetable Pl. check at  /species/a—l/ar/araceae it is Amorphophallus sps. commonly known as Elephants foot Pl. check  /species/a—l/ar/araceae/amorphophallus

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Grewia tiliifolia ?

Grewia tiliifolia ?; Malvaceae Fortnight :: Grewia asiatica ??::CBD hills, Navi Mumai:: PKAJUL78::: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Grewia asiatica?? (Phalsa flower).Location: CBD Hills, Navi Mumbai.Date: 17-04-2010. Yup … it is flower of Grewia asiatica. It is difficult to see the comparative size of petiole and peduncle for proper id. Can be either […]

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Rhododendron species- San Francisco, USA

  Garden Plant for ID : San Francisco : 18NOV17 : AK-17 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Another plant from Golden Gate Park. Seen in Sept, 2014. Azalea or Rhododendron? I am confused between the two. I think Azalea is basically a Rhododendron. Pl. check on net Azalea was reclassified as Rhododendron. […]

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Rubus acuminatus

Rubus acuminatus Sm., The Cyclopedia The Cyclopedia; 1802 Rubus no.43 1815. (Syn: Rubus acuminatus var. acuminatus ; Rubus betulinus D.Don; Rubus latifolius Kuntze; Rubus oxyphyllus Wall.; Rubus pilocalyx Kuntze; Rubus triflorus Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don); China (Yunnan), Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin) as per Catalogue of Life; 1000-2300 m; Himalaya (Kumaun to Bhutan), […]

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Berrya javanica (Cultivated)

Berrya javanica (Turcz.) Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9: 605 1926. (syn: Pterocoelion javanicum Turcz.); Java as per Catalogue of Life;   210311-PR-1 To ID-Chennai: Please help me id this tree in a park at Chennai which had only these seeds on it and no flowers. (The seed capsules reminded me of those of Berrya […]

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Pimpinella pruatjan (Indonesia)

Pimpinella pruatjan Molk., Pl. Jungh. 97 1851. (syn: Anisometros alpina (Zoll. & Mor.) Hassk.; Carum panatjan (Hassk.) Baill.; Heterachaena alpina Zoll. & Mor.; Pimpinella leeuwenii H. Wolff; Pimpinella panatjan (Hassk.) Mirb. ex Rosenth.);   Java as per Catalogue of Life;   Pimpinella pruatjan: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Could you help me to explain the […]

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Malpighiaceae member ?- Jaipur

  ID(dkb-26) : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Photo taken on-25.7.2007 Ornamental bush At- Grass farm (Jaipur) it is some Malpighia species form Malphigiaceae I could not find any match in ‎Malpighiaceae  

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Leucas zeylanica var. walkeri

Leucas zeylanica var. walkeri (Benth.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 689 1885. (syn: Leucas indica var. nagalapuramiana (Chandrab. & S.R.Sriniv.) N.Rama Rao; Leucas lavandulifolia var. nagalapuramiana Chandrab. & S.R.Sriniv.; Leucas walkeri Benth.); C. India, Sri Lanka as per WCSP;   Submission of Leucas zeylanica var. walker : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Plant […]

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eFI Presentation for IAAT Conference-2017, Delhi University

Fwd: Re: Presentation for IAAt Conference-2017, Delhi University : 15 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1) – Presentation EFI, IAAT Conference November 2017.pdf- 3 MB. The presentation at the conference is over was  very nice experience to share all the information with the delegates.. Fortunately, we were three people representing efloraofindia, myself, Balkar Ji […]

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Pentace burmanica (Cultivated)

Pentace burmanica Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 40: 47 1871.; Myanmar [Burma], Thailand, Laos, Cambodia as per Catalogue of Life;   Elephant Foot Tree. : 13 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2) 2 pix taken at Agri-horticultural Society, Alipore Kolkata. The dia of the tree is about 2 m making the […]

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