Panaeolus species- Assam

  Mushroom for ID from jaipur | 30Aug10AR02 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 4 images. Jaipur forest, Assam Habitat: On elephant dung, near to a stream gilled mushroom, height – 4 cms, cap(pileus)-1.5-2cms, stipe-2mm No. found -20 Psilocybe I think Psilocybe‎ ? Panaeolus Inequihymeniferous lamellae are an important character.

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Coprinopsis species- Assam

  wood fungus: Please Id for this fungus. Could it be Psathyrella sp…. maybe … could give us a clue…?? The only Psathyrella species known to me that forms a bunch like this is Psathyrella multipedata but I am pretty sure this not the one. Coprinopsis‎ ? Yes, could be Coprinopsis.

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Panus species?- Palakkad, Kerala

  [efloraofindia:33279] The wood decomposer’s – lined up straight together on a dead tree :   The forest, we know, possesses untold treasures. But the best part is perhaps, when you encounter them, where you least expect them – on the bark of a dead tree, stumps, under a fallen bough under a decayed branch. […]

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Lentinus species- Assam

    Fungus sp. -1 from Assam : 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (6). Attached images are Fungus sp, Please ID the Sp.   Date :04.06.2014 Location: Assam could be Pleurotus ostreatus. ??!! I support … efi page on Pleurotus ostreatus   do you know which tree it was growing on?Pleurotus for sure! Yes, this is […]

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Excoecaria bussei (Planted)

Excoecaria bussei (Pax) Pax, Pflanzenr. IV, 147, V: 169 1912. (syn: Excoecaria sambesica Pax & K.Hoffm.; Sapium bussei Pax); Kenya to Caprivi Strip as per WCSP; Botswana; Caprivi Strip; Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life;   Tree for ID SMP from archieves : 15 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1) […]

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Begonia rex ‘Silver Lace’

Begonia rex ‘Silver Lace’;   Validation of Begonia rex from Mahe : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 5 mb. Request for validating Begonia rex from Mahe. Photographed in November 2019. Begonia rex Silver Lace?? Yes, appears close as per   Request for Id of Begonia from Mahe : 11 […]

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Translation of the name of a plant in Gujarati : 7 posts by 3 authors. I am looking for the English equivalent of the name of a plant in Gujarati: ગબડી Gujarati dictionaries say it is the name of a “vanaspati”. The context leads me to believe that it is an oil bearing plant. A translation […]

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Passiflora species- Karjat, Maharashtra

  Climber ID request – RK117 – 08-Jul-2013 : Attachments (2).  4 posts by 3 authors. Requesting identification of this climber with attractive dry(?) leaves seen in Karjat. These photos were taken in May ’13. Sorry I did not see any flowers and fruits. Thanks. Passiflora lutea?? Thank you … for the possible id and sorry […]

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Stereum species- Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal

  SK1794 17 Feb 2019 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- around 950 kb each.  Location:  Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal Date: 6 September 2017 Elevation : 2300 m. Habit : Wild  first one looks like an orange shelf fungus. i don’t know enough about these  to name the binomial. do you have picture of its […]

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Begonia rex ‘Tiger Eyes’

Begonia rex ‘Tiger Eyes’;   Id of a Begonia : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Request for Id of an ornamental Begonia from Mahe. Photographed in November, 2019. Begonia rex ?? I could find similar images of Begonia rex ‘Tiger Eyes’ at    

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Begonia coccinea ?

Begonia coccinea ?;   Validation of another Begonia species : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Requesting validation of Begonia coccinea from Mahe. Photographed in September 2019. Looks matching. Full plant image ? Thank you very much … I am not having full plant image as of now. I will post the same once I locate […]

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Corydalis diphylla subsp. murreeana

Corydalis diphylla subsp. murreeana (Jafri) Lidén, Willdenowia 26: 30 1996. (syn: Corydalis murreeana Jafri); N.W. Himalayas (Murree eastwards to Kulu valley) as per Flora of Pakistan;   Corydalis…?? Kalatope id al110411: I think this is a species of Corydalis… leave it to your expert appraisal.. Location Kalatope, Chamba Altitude 2100 mt Habit herb Habitat wild/growing by […]

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Dactylicapnos lichiangensis

Dactylicapnos lichiangensis (Fedde) Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sin. 7: 338 1931. (syn: Dicentra lichiangensis Fedde); China (SW-Sichuan, C- & NW-Yunnan), SE-Tibet, Bhutan, NE-India (Arunachal Pradesh) as per Catalogue of Life;   D. lichiangensis : 2 images.  Rajib sent me these from the Lohit valley References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens)  Flora of […]

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Dactylicapnos torulosa

Dactylicapnos torulosa (Hook.f. & Thomson) Hutch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1921: 104 1921. (syn: Capnorchis torulosa Kuntze; Corydalis erythrocarpa H.Lév.; Dactylicapnos wolfdietheri Fedde; Dicentra torulosa Hook.fil. & Thomson; Dicentra torulosa var. yunnanensis Fedde);    China (W-Guizhou, SW-Sichuan, Yunnan), SE-Tibet, India (Arunachal P., Meghalaya), Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of Life; Trailing stout or climbing […]

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Dactylicapnos platycarpa

Dactylicapnos platycarpa Lidén, Nordic J. Bot. 28: 658 2010. ; W-Bhutan, NE-India (E-Darjeeling) as per Catalogue of Life;   Fwd: D. platycarpa :  1 post by 1 author. 2 images- around 2 mb each. References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI   Three new species of Dactylicapnos (Fumariaceae) and a synopsis of the D. macrocapnos […]

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Dactylicapnos grandifoliolata

Dactylicapnos grandifoliolata Merr., Brittonia 4: 64 1941. (syn: Dactylicapnos ventii (Khánh) Lidén; Dicentra grandifoliolata (Merrill) K.R.Stern; Dicentra ventii Khanh);   N-Burma (Kachin), Nepal, NE-India (Sikkim, Darjeeling, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur), Bhutan, SE-Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;   D. grandifoliolata sensu lato (=D. ventiii) : 1 post by 1 author. 5 images- around 1.5 mb each.   References: […]

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Dactylicapnos odontocarpa

Dactylicapnos odontocarpa Lidén, Nordic J. Bot. 28: 658 2010. ; E-Nepal, Sikkim as per Catalogue of Life;   D. odontocarpa : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image-1.5 mb. Attachments (1)- Dactylicapnos macrocapnos complex.PDF.  There is a species very closely related to D. macrocapnos (C Nepal and further West), D. odontocarpa known from East Nepal and Sikkim […]

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