Xanthorrhoea johnsonii ?

Xanthorrhoea johnsonii A.T.Lee, Contr. New South Wales Natl. Herb. 4: 49 1966. ?;           Fwd: An exotic plant for identification : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1). How are you ? Last month I visited Australia and New Zealand. There I got a plant. I have photographed it. It may […]

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Oldenlandia affinis

Oldenlandia affinis (Roem. & Schult.) DC., Prodr. 4: 428 1830. (Syn: Hedyotis affinis Roem. & Schult.; Hedyotis dichotoma K.D.Koenig ex Roth [Illegitimate]; Oldenlandia affinis subsp. affinis ; Oldenlandia dichotoma (K.D.Koenig ex Roth) Hook.f. [Illegitimate]; Oldenlandia linearifolia Wight & Arn.; Oldenlandia prostrata Pires de Lima [Illegitimate]); Trop. & S. Africa to Pen. Malaysia as per WCSP; […]

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Nephila clavipes and the medicinal use of her cobweb

    A Q for experts : 2 posts by 2 authors. just today I was reading an article, which remembered me an old thing. My grandmother used to use the of a certain spider (we used to say कातणीचे घर  ) as a plaster for wounds.    …, perhaps you remember it? or …? I […]

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Combined suggestions on BSI/ZSI TF from Indiantreepix community

    Combined suggestions on BSI/ZSI TF from Indiantreepix community : 8 posts by 6 authors. Dr. Rawat ji & Dr. Madhav ji, There has been lot of discussion on your report & also before this. I am summarising only important aspects/ views for your kind perusal pl. so these are properly taken care of in […]

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Scurrula buddleioides

Scurrula buddleioides (Desr.) G. Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 421 1834. (Syn; Loranthus buddleioides Desr.; Loranthus scurrula var. buddleioides (Desr.) Kurz ; Scurrula buddleioides var. buddleioides);   ANOCT13 Please confirm if Scurrula buddleioides (Loranthus buddleioides Desr. in Gamble) : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6). Nandi Hills1st October 2014 This species has not been mentioned […]

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Merremia hirta

Merremia hirta (L.) Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 7(4): 244–245 1912. (Syn: Convolvulus caespitosus Roxb.; Convolvulus hirtus L.;  Convolvulus reptans L.; Ipomoea linifolia Blume; Ipomoea philippinensis Choisy; Lepistemon decurrens Hand.-Mazz.; Merremia caespitosa (Roxb.) Hallier f.; Merremia decurrens (Hand.-Mazz.) H.X. Qiu; Skinneria caespitosa (Roxb.) Choisy); Images by Karuna Kanta Das (Identified by Ron) (Inserted by J.M.Garg)     […]

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Nuphar polysepalum (USA)

Nuphar polysepalum Engelm. (syn:Castalia polysepala Greene; Nuphar lutea subsp. polysepala (Engelm.) E.O.Beal; Nymphaea polysepala (Engelm.) Greene (ambiguous synonym); Nymphaea polysepala (Engelm.) Kuntze (ambiguous synonym); Nymphozanthus polysepalus (Engelm.) Fern.);    Alaska, Aleutes, USA (Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington State, Wyoming), Canada (British Columbia, Northern Territories, Yukon) as per Catalogue of Life; […]

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Epimedium × warleyense (Cultivated- USA)

Epimedium × warleyense Stearn, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 51: 519 1938. ;    Images by Alka Khare, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click link to see details) MBNN Fortnight :: Berberidaceae :: Epimedium x warleyensis Orange Queen :: USA, Chicago Botanical Garden :: ARKOCT-09 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attached are pictures of Epimedium x […]

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Platanus racemosa (USA)

Platanus racemosa Nutt., N. Amer. Sylv. 1: 47 1842. (Syn: Platanus californica Benth.; Platanus occidentalis Hook. & Arn.); USA (California), Mexico (Baja California Norte, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Sonora) as per Catalogue of life;   Platanus racemosa is a species of sycamore tree known by several common names, including California sycamore, Western sycamore, California plane tree, and […]

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Sapria himalayana Griff. (SE-Tibet, China (S-Yunnan), NE-India, Thailand, Vietnam, Assam, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin) as per Catalogue of life)   Species with description & keys in Floraof China (Distribution other than China): Sapria himalayana Griffith [NE India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam].

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Sapria himalayana Griff. (SE-Tibet, China (S-Yunnan), NE-India, Thailand, Vietnam, Assam, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin) as per Catalogue of life)   Rafflesiaceae- comparative images : 1 post by 1 author. Species, genera & family pages of‎‎‎‎ Rafflesiaceae‎ are now with comparative images. On clicking the link of species, one can check the complete details. Genera pages generally give […]

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Nymphaea odorata (USA)

Nymphaea odorata Aiton, Hort. kew. 2:227. 1789 (Syn: (=) Castalia lekophylla Small; (=) Castalia minor (Sims) Nyár.; (≡) Castalia odorata (Aiton) Wood; (=) Castalia odorata var. latifolia R. M. Harper; (=) Castalia pringlei Rose; (=) Castalia pudica Salisb.; (=) Castalia reniformis (Walter) Hitchc.; (=) Castalia spirilis (Raf.) Cockerell; (≡) Leuconymphaea odorata (Aiton) Kuntze; (=) Leuconymphaea […]

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