Cinnamomum sulphuratum

IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU) Cinnamomum sulphuratum Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 2: 74 1831. ;   Malayalam Kattukaruva Others Kula, Kattu karavu   Trees, to 8 m high, bark smooth, odorless, reddish brown; blaze dull red; branchlets slender, angular, densely, minute sub-appressed, yellow, fulvous, pilose. Apical bud small, densely yellow appressed fulvous pilose. Leaves […]

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Salix lindleyana

Salix lindleyana Wall. ex Andersson, Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl., n.s. 1850: 499 1851. (syn: Salix clavata Wall.; Salix lindleyana var. latifolia Anderss.); Tibet, China (NW-Yunnan), Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan (Deosai, Baltistan), Jammu & Kashmir (Hazara, Kashmir), Sikkim as per Catalogue of life;  Shrubs procumbent, up to 3.5 cm tall; trunk creeping, dull brown. Juvenile branchlets […]

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Salix longiflora

Salix longiflora Wall. ex Andersson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 50 1860.;    China (Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Bhutan, India, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;     Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix longiflora from Eagle Nest, Arunachal Pradesh, SC14 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6). Salix longiflora Andersson This species is frequently found in […]

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List members from North East, pls help!

    List members from North East, pls help! : I am a faculty based in Central University of Punjab and working on phylogeography of trees. My group is currently working on Banyan (Ficus benghalensis) and Peepal (Ficus religiosa). Till date we have some 20 accessions of these trees, but could not cover the following […]

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Salix daltoniana

Salix daltoniana Andersson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 49–50 1860. (syn: Salix chrysophylla Bertol.; Salix chrysophylla Bertol.);   Tibet, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sikkim as per Catalogue of Life;     Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix daltoniana, Jaswant Garh , Arunachal Pradesh, SC11 Salix daltoniana Andersson. :  Salix daltoniana Andersson It is grow densely along the hill slopes […]

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Populus szechuanica var. tibetica (Introduced)

Populus szechuanica var. tibetica C.K. Schneid., Pl. Wilson. 3(1): 33 1916. (Syn: Populus pamirica var. tibetica (C. K. Schneid.) N. Chao & J. Liu; Populus schneideri var. tibetica (Schneid.) N. Chao) as per Catalogue of life; China (Sichuan), Tibet as per Catalogue of life;     Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Populus ciliata from Kashmir-GSFEB-8 : […]

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Psychotria nervosa (Cultivated- Lalbagh, Banglore)

Psychotria nervosa Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 43 1788. (syn: Bertiera ferrugrinea Willd. ex Schult.; Myrstiphyllum undatum (Jacq.) Hitchc.; Psychotria chimarrhoides DC.; Psychotria elongata Benth.; Psychotria fadyenii Urb.; Psychotria granadensis Benth.; Psychotria hirta Schult.; Psychotria hirta Kunth [Illegitimate]; Psychotria horizontalis Spreng. ex DC. [Illegitimate]; Psychotria lanceolata Nutt.; Psychotria nervosa var. hirta Steyerm. …..; Psychotria oligotricha DC.; […]

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Populus balsamifera (USA)

Populus balsamifera L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1034 1034 1753. (Syn: (=) Populus balsamifera subsp. balsamifera ; (=) Populus candicans Aiton; (=) Populus tacamahacca Mill.);   Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Populus balsamifera L.(dried specimens) from Canada and US, SC13 : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. Populus balsamifera L. Populus balsamifera is a deciduous, perennial […]

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Populus species

  Tree for ID – 180711 – RK 2: Request ID of this tree. Has a very attractive look when leafless [March ]. The first 2 pictures are of a different tree – same species -in the neighbourhood – sorry they are not conventional pics for efloraofindia. These are the only ones i had when […]

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Salix psilostigma

Salix psilostigma Andersson, Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 1850: 496 1851. (syn: Salix eriophylla Andersson); China (Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin) as per Catalogue of life;   Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Salix psilostigma, from Shillong, Meghalaya SC09 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors. Khasia hill is the type […]

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Pogostemon pubescens

Pogostemon pubescens Benth., Prodr. 12: 152 1848. ; Shrubs. Leaves to 8 x 4 cm, ovate, apex acute, base cuneate, doubly crenate membranous, sparsely hirsute; petiole to 3.5 cm. Panicles axillary and terminal; bracts 5 x 1 mm, oblong, ciliate; calyx tube 4 mm, tooth 1 mm, pubescent; corolla tube 3 mm, upper lip, 3-lobed, […]

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Acalypha lanceolata

Acalypha lanceolata Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 524 1805. (syn: Acalypha albicans B.Heyne ex Hook.f.; Acalypha boehmerioides Miq.; Acalypha collina Hayne ex Hook.f.; Acalypha corchorifolia Vahl ex Baill.; Acalypha fallax Müll.Arg.; Acalypha flexuosa Wight ex Steud. [Invalid]; Acalypha floribunda B.Heyne ex Hook.f.; Acalypha harmandiana Gagnep.; Acalypha hispida Wall. [Invalid]; Acalypha hispida var. pubescens Hook. & Arn.; […]

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Andrographis lineata

Andrographis lineata Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 116 1832. ;   Images by Anurag N. Sharma, Identified by Gunadayalan Gnanasekaran (Inserted by J.M.Garg)      Andrographis lineata Wall ex Nees : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Andrographis lineata Wall ex Nees, Fam: Acanthaceae; Wild herb in the hill slope, slightly bitter medicinal herb, […]

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Populus gamblei

Populus gamblei Dode, Extr. Monogr. Ined. Populus 63 1905. ;   INDIA (West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland); BHUTAN as per efi thread;     Saliacaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Populus gamblei from Yachuli, Arunachal Pradesh, SC03 :   Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.       This species is not so common. These photographs are taken from Yachuli, […]

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Premna corymbosa

Premna corymbosa Rottler & Willd., Neue Schriften Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 4: 187 1803. (syn: Gumira corymbosa (Rottler & Willd.) Kuntze; Premna alstonii Moldenke [Invalid]; Premna scandens Bojer);   Identification of Premna requested. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Please help in the identification of this Premna species, is it Premna corymbosa  It is […]

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Andrographis alata

Andrographis alata (Vahl) Nees, Prodr. 11: 516 1847. (syn: Justicia alata Vahl (Unresolved)); Images by P. Santhan (Inserted by J.M.Garg)   Malayalam Vallikiriyathu Slender subshrubs to 1 m. Leaves opposite, 7 x 3 cm, elliptic-obovate, gradually acute, puberulous above; petiole to 0.5 cm. Panicles axillary and terminal, to 10 cm; flowers ca. 1 cm apart, subsessile; […]

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36. Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st Dec.’13

Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st Dec.’13- more than 9000 species : 2 posts by 2 author. It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with around 1,80,000 messages so far & membership currently more than 2200 […]

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Balanophora polyandra

Balanophora polyandra Griff., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 94 1851. (syn: Acroblastum polyandrum (Griff.) Setch.; Polyplethia polyandra (Griff.) Tiegh.); Image by Late M.K.Pathak, provided by Tapas Chakrabarty Balanophora polyandra! :  5 posts by 5 authors. 1 image. I am attaching a photo of female of Balanophora polyandra (id needs confirmation) taken by late Mithilesh Kumar Pathak […]

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Callistemon rigidus ?

Callistemon rigidus R.Br., Bot. Reg. 5: t. 393 1819. (syn: Metrosideros aspera Hoffmanns.; Metrosideros glandulosa Desf.; Metrosideros linearis Muhl. ex Willd.; Metrosideros linifolia Dum.Cours. [Invalid]; Metrosideros rigida Dum.Cours.; Metrosideros rigidifolia Hoffmanns.) ?; Callistemon rigidus (Stiff Bottlebrush) is a shrub in the family Myrtaceae. It is endemic to the state of New South Wales in Australia.[1] […]

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Festival of FLORA about the Botanical Gardens of Calcutta

Fwd: Festival of FLORA about the Botanical Gardens of Calcutta that turns : 1 post by 1 author. One my latest Photo Feature on “Festival of FLORA” about the Botanical Gardens of Calcutta that turned 226 years recently. This is regarded as one of the oldest and largest in the world and still thriving… For […]

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