Blachia calycina

Blachia calycina Benth., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 17: 226 1880. ;     Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Blachia denudata at Yana (karnataka) :: PKA14: : Attachments (6). 4 posts by 4 authors. Small Tree near Vibhuti Water Fall (Yana- North Karnataka). Tree was around 6 to 7M tall. Leaves alternate, petiole approx 10mm. Bot. name: Blachia […]

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Euphorbia thomsoniana

Euphorbia thomsoniana Boiss., Prodr. 15(2): 113 1862. (Syn: Euphorbia prokhanovii Popov; Euphorbia tianschanica (Prokh.) Proch.; Euphorbia tianshanica (Prokh.) Popov; Tithymalus thomsonianus (Boiss.) Soják; Tithymalus tianshanicus Prokh.);   Images by (Narendra Joshi – Id by Gurcharan Singh, validation by N.P.Balakrishnan), (For more photos & complete details, click on the link, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)    Euphorbiaceae fortnight::Euphorbia […]

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Hoppea dichotoma Willd. Hoppea fastigiata (Griseb.) C.B.Clarke      Hoppea Willd. (Gentianaceae) The genus Hoppea has two species distributed mainly in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Both the species occur in India. Key to the species of Hoppea [1] 1.  Flowers sessile or pedicellate; calyx longer than the corolla lobes; corolla yellow; stamens inserted below the […]

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Authentication of plants (fruits or seeds) at Bangalore, Karnataka

    Need help : 2 posts by 2 authors. I would like to know about the labs or any office or any person who is doing identification and authentication of plants (fruits or seeds) at Bangalore, Karnataka or elsewhere in India. Kindly share your information regarding this Please contact Dr. R Ganesan (ATREE, Bangalore) […]

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Euphorbia jacquemontii

Euphorbia jacquemontii Boiss., Prodr. 15(2): 113 1862. (Syn: Tithymalus jacquemontii (Boiss.) Soják); Images uploaded by Tapas Chakrabarty (photo : A. B. D. Selvam),  Anurag N Sharma & Suresh Rana (all ids by N P Balakrishanan) (Inserted by J.M.Garg & Surajit Koley) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)      Euphorbiaceae fortnight: Euphorbia species from […]

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Melocactus pachyacanthus

Melocactus pachyacanthus Buining & Brederoo, Kakteen And. Sukk. 27: 1 1976 publ. 1975. ;      melocactus species : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 3 authors. melocactus species, possibly bahiensis Looks like Melocactus pachyacanthus. See my photo Albums/sets here.      References: The Plant List  IUCN Red List (VU)  Desert Tropicals

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Euphorbia stracheyi

Euphorbia stracheyi Boiss., Prodr. 15(2): 114 1862. (Syn: Euphorbia bupleuroides Diels [Illegitimate]; Euphorbia himalayensis (Klotzsch) Boiss.; Euphorbia mairei H.Lév.; Euphorbia mairei var. luteociliata W.T.Wang; Euphorbia megistopoda Diels; Euphorbia riae Pax & K.Hoffm.; Euphorbia shetoensis Pax & K.Hoffm.; Euphorbia stracheyi var. radiata Hook.f.; Tithymalus himalayensis Klotzsch; Tithymalus riae (Pax & K.Hoffm.) Soják; Tithymalus shetoensis (Pax & […]

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Oberonia species- en-route Jog falls

      Orchidaceae fortnight :: ID request for Oberonia sp. en-route Jog Falls :: PKA58: : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 5 authors. seen this Oberonia sp. en-route Jog falls (March-2013). Vow. watching first time Oberonia in good bloom. Oberonias are really tricky I will confirm later. May be … can help faster. It’s very […]

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Euphorbia xylophylloides (Cultivated)

Euphorbia xylophylloides Brongn. ex Lem., Ill. Hort. 4(Misc.): 72 1857. (Syn: Tirucalia xylophylloides (Brongn. ex Lem.) P.V.Heath);   Images by Gurcharan Singh – validation by N.P.Balkrishnan, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)    Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia xylophylloides Brongn. ex Lem. from Panchkula-GS-52 : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 4 authors. Euphorbia xylophylloides Brongn. ex Lem. Another species from […]

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Recent Trends in Plant Sciences, Its Future Prospects and Biodiversity Conservation

    National conference 2nd Announcement :  1 post by 1 author. It gives us immense pleasure to cordially invite you to participate in UGC sponsored National Conference on “Recent Trends in Plant Sciences, Its Future Prospects and Biodiversity Conservation” organized by Department of Botany, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad in association with Department of Botany, […]

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A reconsideration of the generic circumscription of Heterostemma

    Request for another article : 3 posts by 2 authors. i also need this article A reconsideration of the generic circumscription of Heterostemma Wight & Arn. (Asclepiadaceae) and a new species from India by K. SWARUPANANDAN, N. SASIDHARAN, JOSE K. MANGALY published in Botanical Journal of The Linnean Society – BOT J LINN […]

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A taxonomic revision of Heterostemma

    Request for article : 3 posts by 2 authors. i wl be highly grateful if some one can send me the soft copy of the paper entitled Forster, Pi, 1992: A taxonomic revision of Heterostemma Wight Arn. Asclepiadaceae: Stapelieae in Australia and the Western Pacific. Australian systematic botany, 5(1): 71-80       […]

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Euphorbia resinifera (Cultivated)

Euphorbia resinifera O.Berg, Offiz. Gew. 4: 34d verso. 1863. (Syn: Euphorbia resinifera var. chlorosoma Croizat; Tithymalus resinifer (O. Berg) H. Karst. (Unresolved); Tithymalus resiniferus (O.Berg) H.Karst.);   Images by Gurcharan Singh, (For more photos & complete details, click on the link, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)    Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia resinifera O. Berg. from Delhi and Panchkula-GS-43 […]

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Euphorbia species- Panchkula Succulent Garden

    EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Euphorbia 7 for id from Panchkula Succulent Garden NS-29 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. This one was also shot from Cacti and Succculent Garden, Panchkula.. only a single shot available with me.. please help to id.. It belongs to Section Tithymalus of Subgenus Esula in Genus Euphorbia.However, the […]

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Clematis udayanii

Clematis udayanii Anilkumar, Volume-3, 2013, Issue-4, Oct-Dec-2013;       A new species of Clematis from Palakkad district :  1 post by 1 author. Please see the attachment mail with a new species of Clematis udayanii Anilkumar published in International Journal of Plant, Animal And Envirionmental Science in November 2013 by Anilkumar from Meenvani, Attapady region of […]

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Tree for ID – California

      Tree for ID – California – 101113 – RK – 3 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. 250613 – morning – Los Altos, California. Request ID.     Tree for ID – California – 101113 – RK – 4 :  Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Massive trunk. No flowers […]

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Campsis species- Sri Lanka

      SL 10 101113 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. Please ID this climber with red flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012. Campsis radicans I think C. grandiflora (if plant bears fruits) or C. tagliabuana (if plant is sterile).         

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Euphorbia stenoclada (Cultivated)

Euphorbia stenoclada Baill., Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 672 1887. (Syn: Tirucalia stenoclada (Baill.) P.V.Heath;                        Euphorbia cirsioides Costantin & Gallaud; Euphorbia insulae-europae Pax); Images by (Gurcharan Singh – validation by N.P.Balkrishnan) & (Nidhan Singh – validation by Gurcharan Singh), (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)    Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia stenoclada Baill. from Panchkula-GS-45 : Attachments (2). 3 posts […]

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Commelina coelestis

Commelina coelestis Willd., Enum. Pl. 69 1809. (Syn: Commelina coelestis f. albipetala Matuda; Commelina dubia Kunth [Invalid]; Commelina hirsuta (Wight) C.B.Clarke [Illegitimate]; Commelina intermedia Schltdl.; Commelina japonica Kunth; Commelina longicaulis Kunth [Illegitimate]; Commelina nilagirica Steud. ex C.B.Clarke [Invalid]; Commelina paniculata Kunth [Illegitimate]; Heterocarpus hirsutus Wight); Images by Balkar Singh – Id by Mayur Nandikar     Flora […]

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