Grindelia squarrosa (USA)

Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 5 50 1819. (Syn: Aurelia amplexicaulis Cass.; Aurelia squarrosa Cass. ex Steud.; Donia squarrosa Pursh; Grindelia aphanactis Rydb.; Grindelia arguta A.Gray; Grindelia nuda Alph.Wood .; Grindelia pinnatifida Wooton & Standl.; Grindelia serrulata Rydb.; Grindelia squarrosa f. angustior Steyerm. ….);  Images by Gurcharan Singh, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh     Asteraceae […]

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Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal (Images by Gurcharan Singh, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)

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Podocarpus neriifolius

Podocarpus neriifolius D.Don, Descr. Pinus 2: 21 1824. (Syn: Margbensonia neriifolia (D.Don) A.V.Bobrov & Melikyan; Nageia discolor (Blume) Kuntze; Nageia endlicheriana (Carrière) Kuntze; Nageia leptostachya (Blume) Kuntze; Nageia neglecta (Blume) Kuntze; Nageia neriifolia (D.Don) Kuntze; Podocarpus annamiensis N.E.Gray; Podocarpus annamiensis var. hainanensis Gaussen; Podocarpus decipiens N.E.Gray; Podocarpus discolor Blume; Podocarpus endlicherianus Carrière; Podocarpus epiphyticus de […]

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Iphiona aucheri (Oman)

Iphiona aucheri (Boiss.) Anderb., “in J. Leonard, Contrib. Fl. Veg. Deserts d’Iran, 4: 37 (1984):.”  (Syn: Grantia aucheri Boiss.; Grantia discoidea Bunge ex Boiss.; Grantia flabellata S.Moore; Grantia kuhkhajensis De Marco & Dinelli; Perralderiopsis aucheri (Boiss.) Rauschert; Perralderiopsis discoidea (Bunge ex Boiss.) Rauschert; Perralderiopsis flabellata (S.Moore) Rauschert); Images by Aarti Khale, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh  […]

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Iphiona aucheri (Boiss.) Anderb. (Oman) (Images by Aarti Khale, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)  Iphiona grantioides (Boiss.) Anderb.   Iphiona scabra DC. (Oman) (Images by Aarti Khale (ID by Dr Shahina Ghazanfar, RBG Kew), Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)

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Gazania linearis (Cultivated- USA)

Gazania linearis (Thunb.) Druce, Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 1916: 624 (1917) 624 1917. (Syn: Gazania longiscapa DC.; Gazania stenophylla Auct.; Gorteria linearis Thunb.;                    Arctotis staticefolia Poir.; Gazania kraussii Sch.Bip.; Gazania multijuga DC.; Gazania pinnata var. multijuga (DC.) Harv.; Gazania subulata R.Br.); Images by Gurcharan Singh    As per efi thread : G. ringens: […]

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Erigeron glaucus (USA)

Erigeron glaucus Ker Gawl., Bot. Reg. 1: t. 10. 1815 (syn: Aster bonariensis Spreng.; Aster californicus Less.; Aster glaucus (Ker Gawl.) Pépin [Illegitimate]; Erigeron hispidus Nutt.; Erigeron maritimus Nutt.; Erigeron squarrosus Lindl.; Stenactis glauca (Ker Gawl.) Nees (Unresolved)); Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)    Erigeron glaucus […]

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Black Spot Leaf Area Calculator

    Black Spot Leaf Area Calculator : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. We would like to bring to your attention the launch of Black Spot, a free software for automated estimation of leaf area from scanned images of leaves. Black Spot operates by classifying image pixels based on their colour characteristics. Our […]

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Euryops arabicus (Oman)

Euryops arabicus Steud. (Syn: Caraea pinifolia Hochst. ex Steud. [Illegitimate]; Euryops hildebrandtii Mattf.; Euryops socotranus Balf.f.; Jacobaeastrum arabicum (Steud.) Kuntze);    Images by Aarti Khale (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)                                                    Asteraceae Fortnight […]

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Rhododendron indicum ?

Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet ?;      Garden Flowers For ID : Bhimtal,Uttarakhand : 270413 : AK-3 : Attachments (1).  8 posts by 5 authors. A small cultivated, garden plant seen at a resort in Bhimtal on 23/3/13, having pink flowers in bloom. Azalea? Yes, it does looks like some Azalea sp. (family: Ericaceae). Rhododendron indicum  […]

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Euryops pinnatipartitus (Cultivated- USA)

Euryops pinnatipartitus (DC.) B.Nord., 335 1968. (Syn: Gamolepis pectinata Less.; Gamolepis pinnatipartita (DC.) Harv.; Osteospermum pinnatipartitum DC.); Images by Gurcharan Singh and Aarti Khale (ID by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)                                                                                                                                                                                             Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Euryops pinnatipartitus from California-GS58 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Euryops […]

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Dimorphotheca sinuata (Cultivated)

Dimorphotheca sinuata DC., 72 1838. (syn: Acanthotheca dentata DC.; Acanthotheca integrifolia DC.; Calendula tragus Curtis [Illegitimate]; Dimorphotheca aurantiaca Hort.; Dimorphotheca calendulacea Harv.; Dimorphotheca dentata (DC.) Harv.; Dimorphotheca integrifolia (DC.) Harv.; Dimorphotheca pseud-aurantiaca Schinz & Thell.); Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)     Dimorphotheca sinuata (Glandular Cape […]

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Cosmos atrosanguineus (California)

Cosmos atrosanguineus (Hook.) Voss, Vilm. Blumengärtn. ed. 3, 1:485. 1894 (Syn: Bidens atrosanguinea (Hook.) Ortgies; Bidens atrosanguineus (Hook.) Ortgies ex Regel; Cosmos atrosanguineus (Ortgies) Hemsl. [Illegitimate];                  (≡) Cosmos diversifolius var. atrosanguineus Hook. (basionym)); Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)   Cosmos atrosanguineus (Chocolate Cosmos) is a […]

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Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea (Cultivated)

Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson, 387 1992. (Syn: Acroclinium roseum Hook.; Argyrocome rosea (Hook.) Kuntze; Helichrysum grayi F.Muell.; Helichrysum roseum (Hook.) Baill.; Helipterum roseum (Hook.) Benth.; Roccardia rosea (Hook.) Voss);    Images by D S Rawat (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)     ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part-I Radiate […]

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   Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson (Images by D S Rawat (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) Rhodanthe page (‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Asteraceae (Compositae)‎) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through ‎Rhodanthe page (Asteraceae (Compositae)‎) with images of species in efloraofindia (done by me). […]

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Thymophylla tenuiloba (DC.) Small (Images by (Gurcharan Singh – Id by Aarti Khale) & Aarti Khale)  Re: completed insertion of images of Thymophylla : 1 post by 1 author ‎Thymophylla page (‎‎‎‎Asteraceae (Compositae)‎) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author Pl. go through ‎Thymophylla page (‎‎‎‎Asteraceae (Compositae)‎) with images of species in efloraofindia (done […]

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Pentanema vestita

Pentanema vestita (Wall. ex DC.) Ling, Acta Phytotax. Sin. x. 180 (1965). 1965. (Syn: Inula vestita Wall. ex DC.; Pentanema rabiatum Boiss.; Vicoa vestita (Wall. ex DC.) Benth.);  Images by Nidhan Singh (Validated by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)   Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Vicoa vestita […]

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Carex fedia

Carex fedia Nees, Contr. Bot. India 129 1834. (Syn: Carex chaetogyne Nelmes; Carex wallichiana Prescott ex Nees [Illegitimate]);      Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Cyperaceae : Carex for identification from Kaithal- NS 38 : Attachments (13). 8 posts by 3 authors. This species was shot from my village in Kaithal in March 2013.. I hope […]

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